Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)


What else was I to do? You made your character look like a fool; making a weird introduction, challenging the biggest and scariest guy in the program, then going all bad-ass like it was nothing. Not only that, but you didn't even attempt to work with the other members of your makeshift team and put them in danger by hitting MACH 5 right beside them. My character just thought Pinatubo is ridiculous and rogue, but being you showed no mercy, Alaska praised you for something you did that he couldn't. I thank you should be happy of the character interaction, being as Alaska will trust you in battle scenarios, but not social ones. The only reason I see any bad blood of throwing Pinatubo under the bus, was really just the introduction that bugged me.

He was at least a good three feet from Maine when the man was prone. The sonic boom would have been a danger only to those behind him. Even then, he himself was not moving at Mach 5, only his fist. Not only that, but those that would have been in danger were in front of him, meaning they were not in danger due to Pinatubo's being blasted back by the force of his own punch, causing his return to subsonic speeds to occur well away from them.

The "team" came in of their own volition, and he was simply focusing on the task at hand.

Your character can think whatever he lies. That's fine. I just don't want my character thrown under the bus without any sort of warning. Whether the introduction bugs you or not, you ruined any pretense of friendliness I intended to establish. You ruined what I had planned for Pinatubo. Not just that, but you didn't give him a chance to react, just assuming that he could do nothing. Don't do something like this again, at least not without getting permission from the associated parties.
You're character just walked into the ring that would put him up against one of the strongest and scariest Agents in the Project. He didn't even seem to realise how much trouble he was in. Our characters figured that they should help a rookie that wouldn't really know Maine's strength.

And, come on. I'm sorry to say it, but that intro that you made for your character made it seem like he would get the crap beat out of him in two seconds. Like he didn't know what he was doing, at all. Our characters didn't want to watch him die, no matter how he was acting, so they stepped in to help him. They were helping him more than anything.

That's all I'm putting into this argument.

Only your fist was moving at mach 5? Are you kidding. You propelled your entire body, not just your fist. I see it unrealistic that you would do it in this in such an enclosed space and with (since you don't want to use teammates) other freelancers in the arena. What I did to Maine as far as injury is completely reasonable; he had to have some sort of device that fixed his breathing and voice in neck, so an electric blast and someone hitting him at mach 5 would damage him badly. Your character isn't being thrown under a bus besides anyone but yourself, Oregon and Illinois have already shown that they were at least impressed, but shocked, as was Alaska. The Director is going to be pleased and you won't get crap by the other freelancers. The only problem I see now is that you're getting mad that you didn't get to fight Maine one on one, which wasn't my idea in the first place. All three freelancers expressed that they wanted to help. So I'm sorry you had something planned, you had all the time in the world to contact me through pm, but you didn't. Now he is known as a dumb Rookie who hit mach 5 and won a battle, I think your character has plenty of directions to go, so don't be upset about the first couple pages.

@1stLt HChurch

Thank you for that.


I hope my response clarified Alaska's anger during the fight and praise afterwords.

His body was indeed moving at supersonic speeds, but his fist is the only part of him that moved at Mach 5. Also, unless I am mistaken, the arena is where the cast of RvB fought Tex (and Grif got his genitals obliterated). That isn't very enclosed, as far as I know

I quite frankly don't care that the other freelancers helped. In fact, I welcomed it. However, he 'coincidentally' hit just after Maine surrendered, without a chance to change course or anything. So, no, I did not have all the time in the world to PM you. I was asleep when the post was made, and by the time I made it to my computer, several responses were made to it. I'm not particularly upset as of this moment, but I ask that you don't do such a thing again, or at the very least don't god-mod while doing it.

Now sir the arena I was talking about was the arena in which the Freelancers trained in their own seasons (I think it's nine, been awhile since I've seen them, but I can find the episode if you want to see it). My mistake for the arena, but I corrected that by using the shipping crates and such. Even so, it's still an enclosed area to hit mach 5 in.

And now you're going to claim I god mod, this is where I think you step over the line. You posted the mach 5 after Maine had been hit by both the girls attacks, so I reacted to those first. I don't know what device Maine has in his throat from the wound that nearly killed him, but I assume it was something electrical so the malfunction would've mad him let go. From that attack there is no denying that he would've let go and even if he wasn't surrendering, it was apparent that he was hurt badly to everyone else to stumble like that. Then you posted, Mach 5, completely demolishing Maine. So I had plenty of allotted time to allow Maine to surrender and to say I'm god modding is ludicrous. Now bunnying, I did a little bit. I had to post, and being as you weren't on and the others were. But there was no redirecting that attack, and if you tell me other wise then you are ridiculous. You were going at least 770 miles per hour (to break the sound barrier), so there was no time to react, no fixing, nothing like that. If anyone was god modding sir it was you, by breaking limitations and hitting the impossible. I know that Carolina did it once, but to say your character had enough strength to stop the shipping crate, dodge the charge, and then break the sound barrier, you sir need to decide just who is god modding.

As I said, only his fist hit Mach 5. His body was traveling at, at most, Mach 3.

By bracing properly, and considering he was mid-combat, meaning adrenaline was running through him, yes, he could stop a thrown shipping crate.

I don't see how dodging a charge from someone while they are far away and wearing heavy armor is impossible.

He broke the sound barrier due to his A.I. removing the brain's limitations on one's muscles (We only use 10% of our possible muscle power), as well as flooding his system with a copious amount of adrenaline. Cogitatio adjusted Pinatubo's movements to minimize energy loss. Even then, it ripped apart his body and pretty much pulverized the bones involved.

I think you're thinking of a different term than I am. God-Modding is doing something and assuming it'll happen, without allowing for a response. E.g. "I punch X in the face" rather than "I throw a punch at x, aiming for his/her face".

As for there being no time/way to react: No. Cogitatio is an A.I. that specializes in calculations, so much to that he is better at that than Fortuna. Not just that, but he has control over Pinatubo's bodily functions if Pinatubo allows it, and he had. At the very least, the blow could have been made a glancing one, rather than a solid hit.

Listen, I was referring to the other two attacks not to say they were impossible to dodge, but the fact you we're making the fight one-sided. I don't care who your character was before this, who he defeated, how skilled he is, because how he acted initially showed that he was an inexperienced amateur. By walking in and acting like an idiot you made your character out like a cocky rookie. That being said, the fight isn't one-sided, Maine would've inflicted some damage on you and the fact you threw out all these maneuvers and such shows that you were making your character out to be a "bad ass" which shows the novice in you. You could've handled the situation better instead of complaining about how all of us responded to it.

Please explain how one part of your body was going 2000 mph and the other was going 3806 mph? Mach 5 and mach 3 are two things that I count as God modding.

We don't use 10% of our muscle, we use 10% of our brains functions. We use 100% our muscles, but in situations with adrenaline allow more effective use of it. Adrenaline increase our response time, how much oxygen we take in, and our heart rate. This means we have more oxygen to our muscles, making them "stronger". Again, no amount of strength would get you to mach 3 or 5. And no amount of reflexs would get you to change course going 3806 miles per hour.

That attack was going to happen, end of discussion. There is no way, besides an outside source, that the attack could've done anything else. No changing course, no slowing down. In your own words hit "mach 5" with your fist, you have nothing more to say here. Cogitatio can calculate, and he could probably tell you the probability of the attack missing, which is 0.

I'm sorry that it's come to this banter, but you're wrong. I've discussed it with Church and she agrees, and If need be I'll get Foxtrot's opinion too. I wasn't god modding, I wasn't Bunnying, I was using the knowledge I have to know what the outcome was. I hold no heart feelings for the confusion, and I hope you'll continue to use Pinatubo in a non-god mode like way from now on. I enjoyed him when he turned serious, and I like his interactions with the calculations and such.
One sided? There weren't more than a couple of posts between Maine and Pinatubo, certainly not enough for a full-length battle. I had intended it to be more drawn-out, with Pinatubo losing.

As I said, I don't really care about the reactions of the other OCs. I'm still trying to figure out how you took that to mean the opposite.

No, we use about 10% of or muscles, and the amount of brain power we use fluctuates. I'd advise you keep up to date on such things.

It's a freelancer in power armor using 100% of his muscle's capacity with almost nonexistent energy loss. That's more than enough to break the sound barrier.

Cogitatio is an outside source. The entire reason for the fist's speed it because of him punching like a professional, using the whole of his muscles in conjunction to maximize output. That, plus his momentum and speed, coupled with Cogitatio maximizing efficiency, allowed the punch to just barely breach Mach 5..

You can never "know" what an outcome is. I hold no hard feelings about you assuming an outcome and not discussing it beforehand, but I hope and advise that you do not do so again.
The battle was ridiculous in the first place and I saw no reason that Maine would want to draw it out.

I don't believe I took your intro as opposite to what is was meant to be, it was obliviously idiotic and I won't be insulted by viewing it as such.

Please do not correct yourself and then come at me with advice.

The sound barrier is something I believe you can break, I have no problem believing that, but mach 3 and 5 are different. Again mach 3 is 2,238 miles per hour and mach 5 is 3,806 miles per hour, completely out of range of you.

Again hitting mach 5 is absurd and I won't be lenient on it.

I assumed the outcome yes, and I apologize that you think I'm wrong about it, but nothing comes to my mind that the attack could have been redirected or changed. Your AI couldn't do it, the girls couldn't, Alaska wasn't even in the condition too, so again the attack was going to happen. Even if you did change it then I would've called god modding on that.

I'm done with the petty argument and your ignorance to the problem. Anytime we have character interaction I'll assume you'll contact me so things go your way. I hold no hard feelings about you making OP attacks and reactions and not discussing it beforehand, but I hope and advise that you do not do so again.
Correct myself? God, you must be having an off day. I corrected you.

If there is a way to care less about whether or not you believe it is within his capabilities, I have yet to find it.

More assumptions, I see. Have fun being ignorant, friend.

My ignorance? You must be projecting. I haven't been talking about character interaction at all. You're the one who brought it up.

You can go ahead and assume it's OP, and if you want to complain go ahead, but that's a separate issue.

I'm simply asking that you do not presume to know the possible actions of others. Just post for the actions that those under your control are taking. I wouldn't have minded if you had 'called godmodding', and would have been more than happy to discuss changes.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do than continue this line of dialogue.

@Agentfoxtrot @Huntrey @1stLt HChurch @Yonsisac

This goes for all in this RP: If you feel I've been godmodding, or something of the sort, talk to me about it. I won't necessarily agree, but I welcome constructive criticism. I will not, however, respond well to rudeness, and will happily return an equal or greater amount of disdain.
I respect all of your opinions very well but, I would have preferred this conflict to go about more maturely.

I don't want any 'he said' 'she said', I know who said what.

Now if you broke a law of physics, okay, just apologize and correct yourself and try not to do it again. If you're accidentally god-modding (Which Huntrey wasn't doing) then just correct yourself and move on.

If you have a problem with anyone talk to me about it. And please try to settle all conflict in a mature and polite manner.

That'd be all.

I really hope this rp doesn't die. I like it, a lot. And I want to see how the story develops and grows. Please don't let it die.
((Sorry I'm gonna be gone for a few days because of thanksgiving. If you guys can find a way to switch it up. Injure my character if you have to. Time skip. Just if you find a way to keep it going please do while I'm gone.))
Hey Church, I'll be on break too.... But don't worry, because I like this rp enough to continue performing it on my phone! My post won't be as lengthy or detailed, but I will stick with it.
Thank you. Seriously. You know how I am with rping in a good thread. Lol.

But, don't either of you take time away from your vacations if you can't do it easily. And don't feel like you have to respond to what I say immediately. I can wait. I just don't want this to die. I've seen too many good rps do that, and I hate seeing it.
Don't worry bout it. I know how you are now, and I'll be damned if our friendship will be spoiled with this rp dying. I got you on this one, and I'm sure Naru and the other two will hop in as well.

So Pinatubo is going to be hurt and such, how are you going to use him? For the first mission I was going to say he could work from the ship or as a pilot giving overwatch, anything better tickle your fancy?
Well, he'll take about 1-2 weeks to recover, considering the setting is 500 years ahead and Cogitatio is able to figure out the fastest route to recovery in under a second... So I'm thinking he'll be in the medical area, just recovering. I'll probably introduce Hawaii soon.
Ok, I'll take Pinatubo to the infirmary in this post then. As for Hawaii, there should be plenty opportunities before or during combat to introduce him.

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