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  1. K

    New ST -- Some basic questions

    Hrm. A fairly minor thing, but one that's puzzling me and I noticed again when I was looking at the rather wonderful Black Claw Style. I keep seeing, when looking at MA-stuff, references to needing tutors/Sifus/etc., however most Exalt types can usually learn them without one from what I can...
  2. K

    New ST -- Some basic questions

    Hrm. Alright, if this is actually detailed in a book then just pointing me at the right one would be fine, but: What is life like in a Shadowland? What actually goes on? Is it just 'we don't go to Ravenholm' or is it the usual Creation method of things where everything is ever-so-civilized? Is...
  3. K

    New ST -- Some basic questions

    Fair enough, that makes sense. Unfortunately, another question ... although if it helps, this is from one of my players! Followers, Henchmen, and other hanger-on NPCs you can gain via backgrounds: How do they gain XP, if at all? Is general consensus that they should be static or should they...
  4. K

    New ST -- Some basic questions

    Hrm. A minor question that came up when I was looking at flurrybreakers the splats have; I notice that Leaping Dodge is a Counterattack in Step 9? Just to check, although i'm aware this is probably a stupid question, does this stop you using Leaping Dodge or any other equivalent unless you're...
  5. K

    New ST -- Some basic questions

    Hrm, these seem pretty cool! I think they should work just fine. One question, though: How do Improvised Weapons work? I can see that the corebook mentions thrown improvised weapons having damage based on their strength+athletics needed to throw them, and Solar Hero style mentions that 'A weapon...
  6. K

    New ST -- Some basic questions

    Oh dear, seems i'm full of even more questions, but i've looked around and I cannot seem to find anything official on this (although have seen a few unofficial ideas), so: What happens if you are wielding artifact weapons or wearing artifact armour and it suddenly deattunes? The issue right...
  7. K

    New ST -- Some basic questions

    Don't suppose anyone has any further ideas for what would trigger a conviction roll? Also, on a slightly related note, are Compassion and Conviction flaws of invincibility really as flawless as they seem? Not having something you care about nearby is very unlikely (so very easy to have an...
  8. K

    New ST -- Some basic questions

    Aha! That includes some things I hadn't considered (especially the idea of Monks herding people to safety), thank you very much! That said, for some reason it reminded me of something i've been thinking about for a little while now, namely Virtues. Whilst most of the virtues are fairly...
  9. K

    New ST -- Some basic questions

    Hello, gentlepeoples! I return once again. Everyone in this thread has been a great help, and my game seems to be going well. Just want to make a quick check of something related to the Immaculate Order: In a decently sized city (not a metropolis or anything) that has a temple of the...
  10. K

    New ST -- Some basic questions

    Hello! Uh, yet again! The advice in the thread has certainly helped quite a lot so far! The Shadowbreaker Orb advice below has come in handy, buuuut when looking at some of my players' (and some NPCs') charms i've noticed something slightly puzzling. Two things. First, and probably easiest...
  11. K

    New ST -- Some basic questions

    Wait ... can't essence users just reflexively spend a mote to stay Creation-side when they walk out at night? I was sure I read it as being the case. Additionally, my understanding (as poor as it may be) was that Shadowlands were places where the Underworld and Creation could overlap and co-exist.
  12. K

    New ST -- Some basic questions

    So, since my players like fun solutions to worrying problems ... Can any confirm how a Shadowland at night affects a Soulbreaker Orb? Or, for that matter, how it affects anything else? In particular, what i'm looking for is if you set of a Soulbreaker inside a Shadowland at night, and it's...
  13. K

    New ST -- Some basic questions

    Hello! I return once again with questions! Things have been going reasonably well in my campaign, with the PCs about to deal with a <SecretsSecretsSecrets because I don't know if they know about this thread>! Good stuff. However, a thought has arisen that I don't think i've asked yet and...
  14. K

    New ST -- Some basic questions

    Actually, on that note, a question related to my last one that i'm rather hoping the answer is not going to be 'that's pretty much it': The players are taking control of large swathes of Creation (or at least the plan is that, conquest and the like) by force, by diplomacy, by culture, etc...
  15. K

    New ST -- Some basic questions

    Hello! Back again with some questions, having went through a few more sessions with my players. A little issue has come up: They recently acquired their first manse, and the question came up of 'can you break a person's attunement to a manse'? (Unsurprisingly, it's because they're on a voyage...
  16. K

    New ST -- Some basic questions

    Another silly question but my players did bring this up: Shields just say they increase your DV by <x>. My assumption is this just means parry DV instead of both parry and dodge (I think it even says 'shields parry' in the flavour text before the individual shields) but i'd just like to check...
  17. K

    New ST -- Some basic questions

    Hrm, I think i've gotten different answers to first and third questions? My walnut-sized brain is immediately confused. :<
  18. K

    New ST -- Some basic questions

    Hello! All the advice i've been given so far has helped a lot. However, some new questions i'd like to ask for clarification on have cropped up in our last session. First: Coordinated attacks, does the penalty for them apply all at once or is this something applied after each person attacks...
  19. K

    New ST -- Some basic questions

    Okay, morestuffs, this time? Social combat (oh boy oh boy oh boy)! Main question is just about UMI. Namely, the fact that characters apparently know UMI is being used on them. How ... how does this work? 'oh man, that guy made an incredible speech! On the other hand i could also feel him...