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  1. Oskar DiLondra

    Among the Nations

    Kl. Thx!
  2. Oskar DiLondra

    Among the Nations

    I have no excuse, just forgot... And fell asleep...Would it be alright with people if I just added significant locations to my nation as I, or someone else, sees/is in them? Or should I add all that I can make now?Also (Triple post) Embluss is purple, right?
  3. Oskar DiLondra

    Among the Nations

    It's kl! I know that I've taken ages, it's just, I'm struggling to think of what to write, and I have to complete some work as well...
  4. Oskar DiLondra

    Among the Nations

    Sorry, I've been really busy at the moment, I am slowly putting together a post.
  5. Oskar DiLondra

    The Last Ones

    Was Denahi carrying Rowan agreed by Angel? I'm just not sure if I am to respond too it, cause Angel doesn't mention it in her post. I'm probably just being an idiot...
  6. Oskar DiLondra

    Among the Nations

  7. Oskar DiLondra

    Among the Nations

    xD . I'm definitely not starting, I wanna see how at least one other person does it. it's my first time doing this type of RolePlay.
  8. Oskar DiLondra

    Among the Nations

    xD . I'm sure you'll find a way! You could do a really cheesy. "In the age of mankind and elves, there were [insert number here] kingdoms... Yada yada yada..."
  9. Oskar DiLondra

    Among the Nations

    Of course! I thought they looked a bit like concept art Of course! I thought they looked a bit like concept art.
  10. Oskar DiLondra

    Among the Nations

    I think they got them from Pinterest... I remember that being mentioned somewhere...
  11. Oskar DiLondra

    Among the Nations

    D'vermium Drawr Grontak OR Vermum/1/Oskar DiLondra Official Name: D'vermium Drawr Grontak [Div-erm-ium . Dra-oor . Gron-tak] Common Name: Vermum Government: Oligarchy - Rule is determined by who owns the majority of the land, and makes the most profit. Ruler: Wealthiest and largest land...
  12. Oskar DiLondra

    The Last Ones [Inactive]

    "Hi Rowan. Nice to meet you!" Drake flashed a smile, trying to remove her suspicion that he would harm her, or anyone. He couldn't account for the rest of the group though. He looked around, most could be trusted, but there were some that he had to be careful of. At Alfredo's offer of aid, Drake...
  13. Oskar DiLondra

    The Last Ones [Inactive]

    "Thank you, virtues." He looked at the man holding the bow towards him. He lowered his hands, and then went to pick up his staff, rebalancing it in his hands. He looked around, these people could be very good allies, I wonder if any of them are like me? He pondered to ask them, but then decided...
  14. Oskar DiLondra

    Mythic Civilization Roleplay- interest check/feedback

    xD . I don't mind it, it actually doesn't faze me much, just makes me hungry... 0.0
  15. Oskar DiLondra

    Mythic Civilization Roleplay- interest check/feedback

    true, probably don't be too vivid either... I may have just eaten when I read it...
  16. Oskar DiLondra

    Mythic Civilization Roleplay- interest check/feedback

    Read through the conversation, pretty much the only thing I got/understood of it. Rynnki's definition of magic: pointing at someone and saying "You go kablooie," Also, I'm fine with gore. Just thought I'd scrape in here... :/
  17. Oskar DiLondra

    Mythic Civilization Roleplay- interest check/feedback

    Dat image. 0.0 Also, why does this song contain parts of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" By Nirvana?
  18. Oskar DiLondra

    Mythic Civilization Roleplay- interest check/feedback

    I feel like I recognise the artist's name, no clue why though, never heard this song...
  19. Oskar DiLondra

    The Last Ones [Inactive]

    As the girl fell Drake scrambled towards her, hearing her quietly mumble something under her breath. Drake thought he heard a male voice behind him, but was too preoccupied with the girl to take notice. The rumbling seemed to have died down, it was much calmer now. "Who are you?" The girl...
  20. Oskar DiLondra

    Mythic Civilization Roleplay- interest check/feedback

    Oh... xD . Sure, I'll improve the history, that was my worst area, I struggled to find a good way of avoiding too many 'corporations'... Meant I put less focus on the actual history.