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Maritime Confederacy of the Oesti Principalities and Holdings OR Rausfar Empire/1/Embluss


The Kingdom of Laon/1/Rynnki


D'vermium Drawr Grontak OR Vermum/1/Oskar DiLondra

Bio Sheet

Official Name:

Common Name:



Important Nongovernment Entities:

Notable Citizens:

Current Economy:

Historical Overview:



Capital City:

Other Notable Settlements:


Population Distribution (rural, urban, etc.):

Primary Race (name and description):

Secondary Race(s) (name and description:

Magic (anything special about your people’s magic):


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(Maritime Confederacy of the Oesti Principalities and Holdings OR Rausfar Empire/1/Embluss)

Official Name: Maritime Confederacy of the Oesti Principalities and Holdings

Common Name: Rausfar Empire

Government: The Oest people are, in theory, organized into a confederacy of various principalities, each with a sovereign monarch and most of the powers of an independent nation. This system is tied together by a military integration agreement, open economic zone, shared culture and language, and various other factors. It has a written constitution and a governing body, the High Council of the Confederacy, which coordinates external trade, war, and other issues. At times, a Full Council, with all Principalities represented directly is called to address serious issues or pursue significant reforms. However, this ideal of a horizontal agreement among equals has been warped, with the house of Rausfar growing far beyond the strengths of its peers, coming to dominate the Confederacy, through the High Council and various other means. When the Confederacy emerged, its territory covered only the large island chain and a small swathe of mainland to the south. Nearly all growth in the century and a half since has been driven by the Rausfar and their familial allies, who rule these new territories as all-powerful emperors. Their significant advantage in strength has led to many other principalities voluntarily submitting to them, turning over land, power, and armies for the courtly prestige and wealth offered by the Rausfar. The recent generations of Rausfar monarchs have been fiercely pro-human speciesists, expelling elves from most of their directly-ruled territories and seeking to build up an alliance of human states circling the inner sea. In one of the more visible cases of their power being non-absolute in the homeland, several principalities still openly host elven populations.

Ruler(s): Ilejandr II, Prince of Holsarn, Emperor of Mausol, King of High Bay, Prince of the Ezalls, Prince of Nahelt, Guardian of the Confederacy, Defender of the Faith. He is a tall man, with the medium build and somewhat light complexion of most Oesti princes. Both his eyes and his hair are a shade of brown bordering on black, a color that complements the spartan conditions of his court well. He is, like most of the recent Rausfar rulers, driven, capable, devoted, and well loved by his people.

Datri Rausfar, Governor of Mausol. Second son of Ilejandr II, sharing most of his father’s looks and qualities. His build is somewhat denser, with an appearance of greater strength. Being assigned the government of Mausol, the far-flung territory beyond the torrid zone, due south from the islands, is seen as a mixed signal. It is far separated from the court, removing the governor from the conventional avenues of power. However, the territory itself has a booming economy and increasing importance in the empire. It is truly unclear if Datri Rausfar’s exile is a forced removal for some courtly squabble, a reward for some service, or to groom him for future rule of the entire state (not unlikely, considering his elder brother is out of favor at the moment).

Tirolt Rausfar, Chief High Councilor. Brother of Illejandr II, he is the Rausfars's man in the high council of the confederacy. He has a controlling majority in the body, with seven of the eleven Councilors usually following his lead. Generally takes his cues from his brother.

Aven Osdap, Admiral of the Navy. Male, mid-30s. Common complexion (Olive skin, dark hair and eyes)

Jeime Hallano, Prince of Piosa, First General. Male, princely complexion. Childhood friend of Ilejandr II

Isus Jiurol, General stationed in Mausol. Female, mixed common and princely blood. Unbeknownst to most, 1/16th elvish through her mother's line. Born to a local mother, a princely father’s second wife.

Patriarch Maceol XVI, Peerless One and Bridge Maker. An aging man, with a craggy face framed by gray locks. Chief priest of Tonger (See: Religion)

Important Nongovernment Entities: Temple of Tonger, a monotheistic religion popular throughout the empire. It is centralized, with its leadership believed to have close ties to the Rausfar princes.

South Sea Export Co., the largest private merchant fleet in the nation. It holds several government contracts for carrying freight between the territories and the homeland. It has two primary bases, one within the capital province, Holsarn, and another within a far-flung island chain, the Azells. Besides its merchant activities, it has its fingers in most industries in the territories, from agriculture to mining, but does not have a controlling position in any market. It is known to have many mercenary vessels on the payroll.

Havrai College is one of the two most important magical centers in the confederacy (The other is a cluster of magic-related bureaus, gathered from various government departments into one district of the city for the purpose of cooperation, around which grew private studies and organizations. It is generally called the West Holsarn Campus). It is notable in that the Principality of Havrai has yet to expel or otherwise persecute elves, leading to a significant cross-cultural exchange at the college. Havrai is often more academic in its studies than the West Holsarn Campus, which focus of practical and martial pursuits first and foremost. Havrai College is perhaps the only major organization in the country that is openly antagonistic with the Rausfar.

Notable Citizens: Donste Jiurol, half-brother of Isus Jiurol. Entirely of princely blood. Co-head of South Sea Export Co, alongside Omahl Cresi

Alnaveriane Osaricil, grandmistress of Havrai college and perhaps the only prominent elf in the Confederacy.

Christa Rausfar, eldest daughter of Ilejandr II, three years older than Datri.

Calen Rausfar, eldest son of Ilejandr II, three years older than Datri. Fraternal twin of Christa. Presently disgraced, location and occupation unknown. Potentially unstable.

Current Economy: The central territories comprising the confederacy are largely buoyed economically by the outer territories of the empire. Despite a decently high birthrate, population is actually holding steady in the islands as men and women settle further afield in droves. The outer territories are economic boomtowns, held back only by the need for more labor to staff mines, orchards, plantations, vessels, and so on. The nation as a whole is high-growth, increasingly diversifying, and very active in long-range trade. It comprises the link between east and west as well as north and south, a valuable position in the international system

Historical Overview: The first ancestors of the Oesti emerged from the inland steppes of the northern portion of the Major continent (so called by the Oesti as it is the larger of the two known) approximately 10,000 years ago. They are known to have sojourned for a time in an Elvish kingdom along the sea, whom they served as expert horsemen and capable archers. When called against an early human territory, they refused to betray their race, but would not strike against those they had served, and so departed westward. After a long journey, spanning many generations, they arrived in the southern portion their present homeland, roughly 4,000 years ago. Organized society, cities, and crafts became common in the region around 2,000 years ago. At the same time, the faith of the nomads was finding a more organized character under the Temple of Tonger. Not long thereafter a group of human princely houses, including the Rausfar, drove a race of elves from the northern portion of the island chain, claiming it for humanity and their gods. The confederacy can be considered to have emerged from this band of crusaders, over a millennium later (just 600 years ago). The Rausfar conquered Mausol 250 years ago, and largely built their dominance from this singular event, taking High Bay, the Azells, and Nahelt and bringing many other princes into their court in the following years.

Religion(s): The Faith of Tonger is a monotheistic religion in direct evolution from the traditions of the migratory ancestors of the Oesti. These earlier forms of the religion were polytheistic and may have been syncretic with the beliefs of the elves that lived alongside the early Oesti (SHHH!). Tongr, originally a god of war and storms, slowly expanded in his role, subsuming the more brazenly Elven members of the pantheon, acquiring patronage over the sea and husbandry, taking on a patriarchal role, and being assigned the title “king of the gods”. In time it came to be believed that only Tonger could satisfactorily answer requests, the other gods being impotent or unconcerned with human affairs. He is presently considered the sole divine being, with former gods continuing on as servants, patrons of specific areas of society, that derive all their authority from Tonger. The Temple has significant cultic practices, with regular sacrifices, auguries, and numerous levels of initiation. Tonger is not seen as controlling the afterlife, however. There are several distinct traditions of the afterlife, but the most common holds that souls wander the heavens and earth. They do not believe in systematic reincarnation, but hold that a second life is altogether possible. Therefore, acquiring and keeping the favor of Tonger is more important in this life than in the next. Cultic practice overshadows morality in this religion.

Region: Islands. More Islands. Some land based territories… Uh, look at the map? The homeland is mostly temperate forests. Territories with the torrid zone are, of course, the worst of deserts. Those ringing it are comparable to savanna, and are very responsive to cultivation. Parts of southern Mausol are rainforest, a particularly difficult terrain that, for the moment, is holding back southward expansion.

Capital City: High Holsarn, a sprawling city of approximately 650,000 people. It covers most of the oldest Rausfar holding, but now comprises only a small portion of Holsarn province. It is positioned on the northwestern coast of the main southern island in the homeland chain.

Other Notable Settlements: Havrai, with a population hovering around 300,000. It is one of the few successful principalities outside direct Rausfar rule, and is a notable haven for Elvish citizens.

Holenkan, the administrative and economic center of Mausol. It is the fastest growing city in the empire, with 350,000 people already. It is a natural fortress, built on a rocky scrap of land connected to the mainland only by a small land bridge. Artificial and natural breakers enclose two harbors, each nestled against the isthmus on one side.

Aepri, the administrative center of the Azell islands, home of the southern fleet, South Sea Export Co.’s southern operating base, and much of the trade in the southern portion of the empire. 250,000

Caswe, administrative center of Nahelt. 100,000

Avorgara, a relatively young city, founded by Ilejandr’s grandfather to serve as the center of his newly acquired territory, High Bay. 150,000

Population: 30 million

Population Distribution (rural, urban, etc.): Population distribution varies immensely throughout the nation. Within the homeland, there is very little unused land, with most under habitation or cultivation. Mausol, however, is a wide-open, untamed land. Nahelt is similarly sparsely settled. Both do have some urban sections, but they are relatively minor compared to the scope of the provinces. High Bay and the Azells were fairly well settled prior to their annexation, and are now home to growing urban centers as well. As a whole, approximately 20% urban (5.2 million in cities. Classical definition of city is a population greater than 50,000, social stratification, and presence of economic specialization (artisans, merchants, etc)). ~60% of the population lives in the homeland.

Primary Race: The Confederacy and the various holdings of its members are nearly entirely human-populated. The Rausfar Empire, home to approximately 65% of the population, is 99.8% human, with the only exceptions being a small corner of Elven villages in western Nahelt and semi-nomadic tribesmen along the frontier of Mausol. The remaining principalities, home to about 35% of the population, are 96.5% human, with the most substantial Elven communities in Havrai and on outlying islands. Most of the humans are, to be specific, Oesti, with dark hair, eyes, and skin ranging from dark olive to paler shades, only lightly touched by the sun. Azell Islanders have somewhat darker skin and notably different facial structures. The peoples native to Mausol have substantial variety. Some groups are closely related to the Oesti, while others are believed to have recently interbred with Elves or are unrelated human groups. Most have muddled genealogies. High Bay’s original possessors are related to other humans of the Minor continent.

Secondary Race(s): The small number of elves in the Confederacy/Empire are split into three distinct groups. The “Wild Elves” originally inhabited Nahelt, and have since been pushed westward and northward. Small communities exist in isolated regions of the territory, but most have fled its borders. Various elven tribes are counted among the people of Mausol. They are scattered and insignificant, mostly clutching to warrens in the torrid zone or frontier pasturelands. These two groups are mostly “under the radar” of even the most ardent Rausfar speciesist. The more commonly known and important group of Elves is the Northern Elves, a breed that inhabited the northern portions of the homeland island chain before the Oesti arrived and displaced them. Independent Northern Elf settlements to the north present a small, but trumped-up, security risk to the confederacy. They have a significant community in Havrai.

Magic: Oesti mages, particularly those trained in the southern school (the methodology taught at the West Holsarn Campus and throughout the empire), are unusually capable with the use of wards. They are able to erect them more tightly towards their charges, release thermal radiation rather than more visible forms of light as they degrade, and other advantages. The Confederacy has the additional advantage of two distinct schools, the aforementioned southern school of the empire, and the northern school, best taught at Havrai. The northern school shows clear Northern Elf influence, with a wide variety of focus classes used (Including the written and spoken forms used by the southern school, with the additions of signs, thoughts, and constructs of various sizes), a propensity for rapid attacks (replacing solid defense with deadly first strikes), and utilizing old elvish rather than old human for its spoken and written forms.

Other: I say it again: The Rausfar are human Speciesists, and believe in a manifest destiny for the human race to eventually take possession of the entire earth. They are accustomed to acting unilaterally without support of other confederacy members, and will pursue similar unilateralism in world affairs. This is not to say they are isolationists, or even opposed to alliances of convenience; they simply will not hold any foreign power as an eternal friend. They are more realistic or fickle, depending on your perspective. They hold all human nations “enemies in war, in peace friends”.
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Official Name: Zhamiffiefia (zaam- if- fife- fia)Common Name: Broad Fief

Government: Tripartite Heirarchy Government. This is a basic version of how it works!!There is one king or queen at a time, in charge of the whole Kingdom. His word is law, and everyone must cater to his every demand. He lives in constant opulence and has owns everything in the Realms, so has the right to go up to someone and take anything.

One step below him in the hierarchy is the High Lords of Fief. There are always three of these controlling Realms 1, 2 and 3. The king can still control anything in their respective Realms, but they are there to make the decisions for their Realms that are not important enough to bother the king.

The hierarchy splits into three again in each sector to give a total of nine Sectors, each ruled by a duke or a duchess. Again, they make the decisions for their Sector that aren’t important enough for the High Lords or the king. If it affects the whole Realm, the decision will be made by the High Lord instead.

Each sector splits into three again, giving twenty seven Counties, each ruled by one Lord or Lady. These are named after the letters of the alphabet, and the 27th county is called Star, because there are only 26 letters in the alphabet! Note: Zhamiffifiefian uses an alphabet that closely resembles English, but a different language.

Each county splits into three, giving 81 villages ruled by a Leader. These leaders only decide very menial things however, things that only affect their village and the Lord of their County is too important for. Each villagehas 10,000 or so people in it, and the whole country has a population of only 810,000, but steadily rising. The vilages are very close-knit, so you would be acquaintenced with most people you come across, but there is little contact between villages and almost none between counties. The villages all have individual names, such as Jimka and Ikwet, unlike the other areas, which all have very practical albeit cold namees such as numbers or letters of the alphabet.

These rulers can be chosen one of two ways. In the beginning of Broad Fief, there was a battle between two kings, and the one who won chose all the High Lords, Dukes, Lords and Leaders. But things have changed since then. Now if a ruler (the general name for any King, High Lord of Fief, Duke, Duchess, Lord, Lady or Leader) reaches retirement age (60 ish) without being overthrown, he can choose his successor from anyone in the area he controls. But, for example, a retiring Leader cannot choose the new Leader from another village. However, if the villagers are unhappy with their leader, their can host their own ‘election’ type thing, where if over half the village (over 5000 people) all get together and agree on one new Leader from their village, the current Leader must step down and the new elected Leader becomes the ruler. It works the same way higher up the Heirarchy. If the villagers from the county that one Lord/ Lady rules, the same process happens, with the new leader being selected from any of the villagers or Leaders in those three villages. Still, over half of the villagers must agree (over 15,000 people all agreeing on one person). For a Duke or Duchess to be overthrown from their sector, 6 or more of the 12 Leaders and Lords/ Ladies must agree on one of them to become the new Duke or Duchess. It cannot be a villager, because then they would be jumping three stages in the Heirarchy. You must work your way up, jumping only two stages at one, e.g Villager to Lord, or Duke to King. This way there will always be twelve contenders for any position above Lord/ Lady. It continues like this all the way up the Heirarchy.

Sorry, that was very long and really hard to explain…

Ruler(s): (explained above...) Current Queen called Fatalia, and the current High Lords of Fief are Quinalie, Haff and Kollche

Important Nongovernment Entities: (also explained above, I think)

Notable Citizens: None excluding those above, yet, but I may edit.

Current Economy: There are two currencies, The Fiefette, which is the usual currency for any normal transaction with items or services. There is also the Magiette, which is used for anything related to magic. IT is illegal to trade Fiefettes for Magiette or vice versa. However, as a normal person, either type of currency is very difficult to get hold of and keep unless you are in a position of power, so currency has a low importance in Broad Fief. Instead items and services, both magical on non-magical are generally traded for anything and everything, or gifted to loved ones instead of bought. For this reason it is difficult to judge economy, but this system is working fairly well, even though villagers have little money, poverty is rare, so 9/10 ish.

Historical Overview: Broad Fief is very much the same as it was after it was first civilised. There has been very few wars within the country or external ones and the governmental system is exactly the same as it was when it began. It is basically a forever medieval Kingdom, except the structures are much more advanced de to their brand of magic. Little to say really...

Religion(s): THe most common religion in Broad Fief is similar to Buddism, with no God but a strong believe in souls and rebirth. Meditation to reach inner peace and understanding with your soul is a large part of this religion. They also believe that everything repeats itself in circles, some big like the cycle of the universe, or as small as the life cycle of crops etc. They also believe in soul mates, and being drawn to another soul, with aura -reading being very popular. This religion has a huge belief against murder and lying, hence Murderers Island. They are almost all terrified of war, due to an ancient religious story of a terrible war many years ago.....

Region: The smallish landmass under the purple region that sticks out from the mainland. And the little island of the coast of it (for Murderers Island)

Capital City: The capital city is constantly changing, as it is wherever the king chooses to reside. She has a fondness to Eifnse, a large area in the centre of the kingdom, with Realm 1 to the North, Realm 2 to the South-East and Realm 3 to the West. This offers easy access to all of his land, and has been beautifully to her desires. Magic is being worked on to transport this whole city to wherever the Queen wishes, but they are further away than they would like to let her know so far... (I know this would be impossible, its just something the elves say that they are working on to please the queen)

Other Notable Settlements: Star, the County without a letter, the main residence for all Elves residing in Broad Fief. Also a small island off the coast of Broad Fief, called Murderers Island, which is just as terrifying as it sounds, because that is where all the murders and repeat liers are sent. They don't ever last long there, a fact which the rulers pretend not to acknowledge, saying it's 'for their own good' even though they know very well that they have no chance of a pleasant survival there.

Population: Mentioned above, very small, only 4000 people.

Population Distribution (rural, urban, etc.): Apart from the current capital city, very few areas are ever built up on, so most of the land is rural. However, the capital city is always the most densely populated, with about 10% of the population living in a small area, whereas everywhere else is very spread out.

Primary Race (name and description): Human. I dont think I need to describe! Almost all of the Elves live in the Star county, but there are a couple of rogues.

Secondary Race(s) (name and description: Elves. Also the creatures are Orti and Manticores. Notes; There was a question raised about the intellegence of these creatures. I would like the Manticore's intellengence to be similar to a dolphin, maybe slightly less, and the Ortus to be much, much less. It is a bird after all. And most birds are incredibly idiotic. (I know , we keep chickens and they often mistake my feet for food D: )

Magic (anything special about your people’s magic): Everyone has the sense to tell whether someone is lying, as they are trained to tell from a very young age. However they have to be looking out for it, it is not just automatic. Humans are often also trained a special memory wipe spell. It works time-wise, wiping off the last 5 minutes with a weak spell, or months with a very powerful one. IT is not selectives, so it will wipe anything and everything from yor memory in that time-period. Apart from the that, the humans have little or no magic abilities themselves, except they can use enchanted objects for a particular purpose, made by the Elves. The Elves often gift teleportation devices, or things such as Magic Paintbrushes, to decorate anything you wish beautifully. It is often small gifts like this with no large magical power that the Elves give out, because although they are usually very generous, they enjoy having the majority of the magical power in the Kingdom. Sometimes, the Elves teach humans more spells, but it becomes more difficult for them to learn as they get older, becoming nearly impossible by full maturity and adulthood. Humans can only be taught spells directly by elves.

Other: Laws: There are six laws in the Kingdom, and then a complaint system beyond that. 1) No killing humans or elves! 2) You must never lie. 3) N0 romantic relationships between Elves and Humans, or people from other kingdoms. 4) No exchanging between different currencies. 5)If a leader is overthrown, he must step down immediately without a fight. 6)You must obey every word of the Queen.

If you kill, you are immediately deported to Murderers Island, and if you break any of the other laws and are caught, you are branded on your forehead so everyone will know what you've done. Any other misbehaviour is treated as a complaint sent to the area's Leader, or if its more serious the Lord/ Lady or Duke/ Duchess, depending on the severity. However, this is a rare case as they are very forgiving or simply given Memory Wipe potions in the case of an incident. The punishment is decided between the Perpetrator, the victim and the Ruler suitable for the crime.




Queen Fatalia


A Typical Zhamiffiefian Elf


Quinalie, High Lord of Fief, Realm Nordis


Haff, High Lord of Fief, Realm Westen


Kolche, High Lord of Fief, Realm Osten
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Official Name: The Kingdom of Laon (Pronounced Lah-own)

Common Name: Laon

Government: Monarchy, advised by a council made up by people overseeing different parts of everyday life (Ex: War, Economy, Foreign relations, etc)

Ruler(s): The king and queen, Selven and Ataya Lii'Arte. (Lee' AR-tee)

Important Nongovernment Entities: Civilia (Eventually Civilia Enterprises)- A trading company that has nearly monopolized all trading in and out of Laon, and highly pushing and financing technological and magical pursuits anywhere that would allow them to work easier and make a bigger profit.

Notable Citizens: Amalia Silveen- A full 50/50 half elf, she is the owner and head of Civilia.

Current Economy: (I'll do a 1-10 scale for easyness, 10 being best, 5 average, 1 collapsing) 7, and slowly growing. A mix of free-market and Central economy.

Historical Overview: The country known as Laon began as a city state known as Laonaroa, a city populated with its own human-elven mix. Led by the Lii'Arte royalty, Laonaroa quickly grew through trade and immigration, until it finally sent settlers to expand its kingdom. With the settling of Solanova, Laon was born. In the present day, Laon is a trading nation, from supplies from the sea to manufactured goods, and strongly connected to the sea.

Religion(s): There is not set religion, and the people are allowed to worship freely.

Region: Southern peninsula and islands of the western continent.

Capital City: Laonaroa (Lah-own-ah-row-ah)- 1.2 million live inside this inland city in the smack dab middle of Laon, which is built around the King and Queen's palace and the large courtyard in front, where they appear for public events. The streets extend out in steadily larger rectangles, with smaller streets connecting them.

Other Notable Settlements: Solanova- A massive coastal city that rivals Laonaroa in size, it is the main hub for trade in Laon, and the home city of Civilia Enterprises.

Population: 18 million

Population Distribution (rural, urban, etc.): About 40% of the population live in sprawling village-like cities, basically giant agrian towns without city infrastructure that sit in the middle of vast fields, forests, and mining areas. They are basically the center of farming, mining, and foraging zones, and export raw materials to manufacturing centers in the cities. 20% live in proper metropoli, whose towers reach high into the heavens. The remaining 40% live in rural areas. 3% of the population belong in Laon's small army of 340,000, with 200,000 serving in the navy. (Pretty much armed with normal classical armaments, although the army is geared more towards infantry.)

Primary Race (name and description): Laonians- Basically a 80% human 20% elf mix. They still have human builds, and have a little longer lifespans than normal humans thanks to their elven blood, averaging around 110-120 years, and received a little magic inheritance from their elven ancestors. Besides that, they're just like the average human.

Secondary Race(s): None.

Magic (anything special about your people’s magic): Magic is found in relatively low levels in Laon, although the country is interested in its mechanical potential to overlook their lack of strong magic users everywhere.

Researching: (I just put this in for ease of knowing what I'm researching. I personally plan on doing it sort of like strategy games like Civilization and Galactic Civ, in case anyone's familiar with those games) Mechanical Conduit Theory.

Main Resources: Mostly just food resources from the sea and farming, some iron and gold ore from mining, although not enough yet for export. Main exports consist of manufactured goods.

Other: This country may turn into a Magitechnocracy later when they become advanced enough.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9a699f9_AmaliaSilveen.jpg.247ae7e2df7b038ec6219fd8d33f42e9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11725" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9a699f9_AmaliaSilveen.jpg.247ae7e2df7b038ec6219fd8d33f42e9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9a852eb_SelvenandAtayaLiiArte.jpg.8eae514a34d049312be532e7cc074415.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11726" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9a852eb_SelvenandAtayaLiiArte.jpg.8eae514a34d049312be532e7cc074415.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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    Selven and Ataya Lii'Arte.jpg
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Official Name: Ellisium (pronounced el-lee-zee-um)

Common Name: Ellis (pronounced El-iz)

The government is part monarchy/aristocracy. There will be a single king and elvish queen, however there will be a group of elvish advisors called "The Yefim", who have power also. They are very structured, however, they do take the interests of the people to heart, and do not wish to dominate the lives of their elvish people. The government also consists of the small branch of elvish warriors, The Archi, (commonly known as the Arcs) who control The Matvei. The King and Queen are pure blooded elves, as well as The Archi and The Yefim.

I'll give you a breakdown of the GOVERNMENT hierarchy:

1.) King Tadeusz and Queen Iulia Euphemia

(They are joint rulers, sexual origin does not increase or decrease your strength/power. Therefore they are equally involved in all matters concerning the countries well-being. They do not have absolute rule, there is The Yefim, and The Archi. However, when it comes down to it, their votes have more weight. )

(This is where the hierarchy breaks into two branches)

2.) The Archi 2.) The Yefim

(They are two totally separate portions of the government, each presiding over their own branch, neither having power over each other. This is the reason for them being beside each other in the hierarchy. They each consult the king and queen in dealing with each of their respective branches. Just a small sidenote~ there is tension in between the groups. The Yefim see The Archi as brutes and a force that need to be controlled. However, they do understand that they are at a disadvantage (in some cases, not all), considering the strength of The Archi in the physical and magical aspects. )

(Now I will delve deeper into what each group controls and go from there. However, do remember that they are on equal footing in the hierarchy.)

2.) The Archi

(Consists of five elves, Constantine and Konstantin Svetlana (twin siblings), Xenia Abramovich, Felix Belevich, and Nicolei Lobachyov. Within The Archi, there is also a separate hierarchy. I will show this separate one in blue. They do not make any decisions about the general public, but they have absolute control over The Matvei.)

1.) Constantine and Konstantin Svetlana

(The twins are the strongest and highest in rank out of The Arcs. They are responsible for reporting to the King and Queen, and are considered ambassadors of the country; they delegate warriors to other countries when the time arises. Sidenote~ When dealing with other countries, they must work with the Yefim if the trading concerns the economy in the trading of natural resources and the like. They basically control the whole Matvei army, and make joint decisions with the other three Arcs over their specific branches. But in turn, just like the king and queen, their vote holds more weight than the other arcs concerning the military.)

2.) Xenia Abramovich

(Xenia controls most of the physical training of the warriors. She is the most muscular and well built out of all the elves, making her the strongest in physical combat. Xenia and Felix work with The Klements in order to decide the design of armor and weaponry that best suits each of The Matvei.)

3.) Felix Belevich

(Felix controls all magical training for The Matvei. Like Xenia, but in the magical respect, he is the strongest of the group. He also deals with the Klement Forgers the most, with the development of all weaponry, and armor.)

4.) Nicolei Lobachyov

(Nicolei is the brains of the group, and works closely with the twins and the majesty to devise all battle plans. He is also involved in any land dealings, weather acquiring or relinquishing.)

Beneath the Archi are the stronger Matvei who also help in training and such. Sidenote- there will be other notable Matvei, but I won't develop them until later in the rp.

5.)Lidiya Aslakhanov

(Lidiya is the strongest warrior, and fiercest. Her weapon of choice is a flail, depicted in one of the pictures.)

6.) Najeda and Sabellius Rybakov

(They are brother and sister, and two of the strongest warriors. They both specialize in the sword, therefore they each have a sword conduit.)

2.) The Yefim

(Consists of five elves; Afanasiy Obraztsov, Dorothea Tretyakov, Aikaterine Chernomyrdin, Kazimer Shvedov, Miloslav Rasskazov. They too, have their separate hierarchy which I will show below in purple. The Yefim each possess great magical powers, being able to focus on only developing their magical strength has greatly increased this trait. They only control the general populace of elves, they have no power over the The Matvei.)

1.) Afanasiy Obraztov and Dorothea Tretyakov

(These two elves preside over the economy. They control all tradings inside and outside the country, and they work with The Twins of The Arcs when any outside deal arrives concerning trading of the warriors for something in economical worth. They have close ties with the Klement Forgers, not only in the economical aspect, but also social. These two are the most powerful, magic wise, besides the King and Queen)

2.) Aikaterine Chernomyrdin and Kazimer Shvedov

(These two elves control the writing of new laws and delegations. All appeals to the King and Queen from the general public go through them. They work closely with the King and Queen, who must give the "okay" for any major laws and decrees.)

3. Miloslav Rasskazov

(Miloslav controls anything to do with the infrastructure of the country. He controls the building of large capital buildings, and down to even the small farms on the outskirts. He also helps The Arcs in the building of the training camps and barracks when needed. )

3.) The Aristocrats

(The Aristocrats are the high-class elves and humans who are very wealthy. They may use their wealth to influence government officials. There is not exactly a ranking within the Aristocrats beside the separation of Klement Forgers and the general populace. I will give a general description of the difference between Klement and The Aristocrats.)

1.) Klement Forgers

(Klement is owned by Sevastian and Valeri Klement. They are experts in the forging of armor and weaponry. A majority of the populace work for them, and they are very close to each branch of the government; including the King and Queen, The Archi and The Yefim. They have no actual power over the other aristocrats, just a high social standing.)

2.) The Aristocrats

(The aristocrats are just the richer group of elves and humans. They have a high social standing resulting from their divine offspring. Many are employed by the Klement Forgers, and usually used in the creation of powerful weaponry and armour. Ill include the names of a few families who have high social standing from their Matvei offspring.)

1.)Olegushka and Marusya Aslakhanov

(Parents of the most powerful warrior; Lidiya.)

2.) Nikifor and Maksima Rybakov

(Parents of the powerful Najeda and Sabellius warriors.)

4.) General Populace

The general populace are made up of the other elves with normal magical abilities and average social standing. The general populace also include humans who have not had relationships with the elves. Their social standing cannot increase without divine offspring.

The King and Queen, Tadeusz and Iulia Euphemia. The other source of power comes from The Archi and The Yefim.

Important Nongovernment Entities:
Klement Forgers, a group of powerful elves who create all weapons and magical extensions for the whole country of Ellisium. They create all of the armour and weaponry for the army. As well as any certain conduit for any citizen.

Notable Citizens:
Constantine and Konstatin; twins who are two of the most high ranking elves in the army. Xenia, Felix, and and Nicolei make up the rest of the group of elves that control the Matvei army. Some of the notable Matvei are Lidiya, Nadejda, and Sabellius. Two other important citizens would be the two owners of Klement; husband and wife, Sevastian and Valeri. Other notable citizens would be of course, The Yefim.

Current Economy:
The economy is a command economy controlled by government. As detailed before, within The Yefim, Afanasiy and Dorothea preside over the economic decisions within the country. The King and Queen have their input, of course. However, they must work with The Arcs on all out-of-country trades that concern the Matvei as trade. Within the army, The Yefim have no control over how The Arcs spend their money, and vice versa with The Arcs. The King and Queen delegate the amount of funds that go to each branch, and each branch consults within itself in that aspect.

Historical Overview:
Elves occupied the land in the beginning, before their nation and the surrounding nations started to develop. As time went on, the Elves realized they were at a disadvantage in combat with some of the surrounding civilizations. Whenever a disturbance arose, the Elves could only do so much with just their magic. There was a small group of elves with large frames that could support the physical combat, but it was not enough to protect the whole country. When a group of traveling nomads (humans) traveled through Ellisium, the elves realized how much strength the humans had in their frames. They made a deal with the tribe that if they would agree to protect and fight for the elves, they would give them a permanent home with benefits; food, shelter, ect. The nomads agreed. After time passed, the nomads began to assimilate themselves into the population of Ellisium. As different human citizens began to develop relationships with the elves, a new breed of offspring came along. Once these offspring grew up, it was brought to attention the strength of these offspring; their magical abilities and physical strength. It was then made a decree that the offspring were to be the divine warriors of Ellisium, and they were given the title "The Matvei" meaning "Gift of God." The warriors were held above the rest, on a social pedestal. Because of this, it became the "divine" thing to do, to marry someone of the opposite race in order to produce the half and half offspring. This was the very thing the influenced the social standing, the aristocrats came from the human and elf couples. How well your offspring did in the army influenced your social standing. At this point in time, The Matvei and The Archi are the only ones allowed to be involved in battle. (Reasons for this are described in the religion section.) However, Elves are the only ones allowed to serve in The Yefim and as King and Queen. (This is subject to change during the rp).

Religion(s): They believe that their magical powers were given from a divine entity called "The Vitali" (sometimes shortened to just The Vital). They also believe that this entity allowed the nomads to become their warriors, and believe that they were blessed with "The Matvei" because of this reason also. They consider The Matvei and The Archi as the only ones worthy to be defenders of the country. They have also come to believe that The Matvei must remain pure, in the sense that they may only have relationships within The Matvei.

Social Standards: This is a category I have added, but I think it is important in understanding my civilization. Socially, the elves are the only ones able to serve in government positions. The only ones able to serve in the army are The Matvei and The Archi. Resulting from religious beliefs, The Matvei must be kept pure, half elf, half human. Traditionally the parents always choose their child's husband or wife. This practice was kept, and socially The Matvei are paired within their race.

I would prefer the land mass that is called Russia in our times. Most of my characters are from Russian descent.I would like the North Eastern part of the continent located in the North East portion of the map. The capital city Euphemia will be located along the coast.

Capital City:
Euphemia, named after the King and Queen.

Other Notable Settlements: The Forest of Warriors; the settlement in the wilderness where The Matveiand The Archi live and train.

Around 16 million.

Population Distribution (rural, urban, etc.):
30% of the population live within the city walls; this includes The King and Queen, The Yefim and the Aristocrats. 60%; the general population live outside the capital walls in small fishing villages along the coast. The last 10% are The Archi and The Matvei, and they live in the forest in their own village. I'll include a picture below.



(As you can see the city of Ellisium is enclosed by tall walls. It is located on the coast, and tiny villages are speckled around whether they be fishing or farming villages.)

Once we start the actual RP, Ill include more pictures and what not.

Primary Race (name and description):
The primary controlling race are the elves. However, The Matvei are held very high in society, almost to the point of being divine. So they are considered part of the primary race.

Secondary Race(s) (name and description) : There is not so much a secondary race as certain individuals higher in society.

Magic (anything special about your people’s magic): In terms of magical powers, the pure blooded elves have the most power. The amount of magic ranges in each elf, and this can influence their social standing. Each elf can focus their magical energy to further their skills in different areas of their life. For example, The Matvei have been trained to focus their magical energy into their armor and weapon conduits. This armor and weaponry are designed by Klement Forgers to pulse with color when magical energy is flowing through it. Another example would be an average elf villager who could, for example focus their magical energy into a conduit net, for fishing. Most elves, except for the most powerful, must have a conduit to use their magic. Some may be able to do small things like move leaves, make slight breeze, ect. Each elf may apply for a conduit through Klement Forgers. However the amount of conduits you may commission depends on your social standing or branch of the government. For the general population they may apply for only one conduit, and they may only apply for it when they finish their schooling. Their conduit must apply to their area of specialty, whether it be a net for fishing, or a special tool for work. The Aristocrats are able to apply for one conduit also, but it is of their choice, it does not necessarily have to be for their job. However, most pick one that would further their strengths in creating conduits at Klement Forgers (A majority are employed there). The Yefim are able to choose two conduits, but one must be a piece of apparel; whether it be a glove or a staff or a wand of sorts to fuel their magic. The other conduit may be one of their choice. The Archi and The Matvei are allowed to commission two conduits, but they are restricted to armor, and a weapon. This armor and weaponry is based solely off their skills. The King and Queen may commision whatever they like, but Tadeusz and Iulia have each only ever commissioned their armor, shown in their pictures. They are not the type to take advantage of their position.

Alright, so I think I have covered a majority of the important things. I love to nitpick, so if you have any questions or comments, I'll edit even more.

Now for pictures!

King Tadeusz Euphemia (Male)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9acad1e_KingTadeuszEuphemia.jpg.6ab92dd7b51c2d4ca49e4af1273c26c2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11744" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9acad1e_KingTadeuszEuphemia.jpg.6ab92dd7b51c2d4ca49e4af1273c26c2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Queen Iulia Euphemia (Female)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9acfde7_QueenIuliaEuphemia.jpg.a6859b471f8461f3c8fdd28f9a728dfd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11745" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9acfde7_QueenIuliaEuphemia.jpg.a6859b471f8461f3c8fdd28f9a728dfd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Archi and Half-Breeds:

Constantine Svetlana (Female)


Konstantin Svetlana (Male)


Xenia Abramovich (Female)


Najeda Rybakov (Female)


Sabellius Rybakov (Male)


Afanasiy Obraztov (Male)


Dorothea Tretyakov (Female)


Aikaterine Chernomyrdin (Female)


Kazimer Shvedov (Male)


Miloslav Rasskazov (Male)


Sevastian Klement

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9ad3d20_SevastianKlement.jpg.c3f9a30d8da15d8d9b2909c21d9fdf07.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11746" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9ad3d20_SevastianKlement.jpg.c3f9a30d8da15d8d9b2909c21d9fdf07.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Valeri Klement

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9adcf5e_ValeriKlement.jpg.7daee5a86c10fa7186dadbfa258e1d64.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11747" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9adcf5e_ValeriKlement.jpg.7daee5a86c10fa7186dadbfa258e1d64.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Aritocrats (This is just a general depiction)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9ae1e71_AristocratDepiction2.jpg.f07ebfc3526b552472b39922a88c5abe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11748" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9ae1e71_AristocratDepiction2.jpg.f07ebfc3526b552472b39922a88c5abe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9ae6e63_AristocratDepiction.jpg.b85fc2003fbc966e91ce7a21252be26d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11749" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9ae6e63_AristocratDepiction.jpg.b85fc2003fbc966e91ce7a21252be26d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Felix Belevich (Male)


Nicolei Lobachyov (Male)


The Half-Breeds (Just a general depiction of both sexes)






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D'vermium Drawr Grontak OR Vermum/1/Oskar DiLondra

Official Name:
D'vermium Drawr Grontak [Div-erm-ium . Dra-oor . Gron-tak]

Common Name: Vermum

Government: Oligarchy - Rule is determined by who owns the majority of the land, and makes the most profit.

Ruler: Wealthiest and largest land owner - Fortan Drivoor - Also head of weapons forger 'Dr'voor Arms' largest weapon manufacturer within the region. (Male)

Important Nongovernment Entities: Trailnor Traders - Leading Tradesmen in and out of Vermum, used by the majority of the manufacturers within Vermum.

Laven Foods - The competitor for the lead within Vermum, has the second most land, as is the second wealthiest company, yet the profit is decreasing due to a drop in the quality of goods, probably due to pollution caused by forges (if that happens).

Whitemare Meads - Third most land owned, yet likely soon to become second, as the purchase of mead is higher than ever.

Notable Citizens: Drale Vandona - Head of Trailnor Traders, full Elf, surprising occupation for an elf, and a surprising place to be, respected friend of pretty much every wealthy person in Vermum, and many outside the borders. (Male)

Vinduna Patrix - Owner of Laven Foods, elderly human, in her 80s, starting to go into depression due to eventual collapse of the company. Heirs are Savgar and Flora, son and daughter. Her daughter is eldest, and therefore will be bequeathed the company.

Maven Blakebriar - Human owner of Whitemare meads, she has contacts with many underground agents within Vermum, hoping to soon take control, after the death of Vinduna Patrix, as she is planning to buy the land off of her daughter.

Current Economy: Market Economy, good, wealthy state, but the reliability on certain natural products does cause a lot of fluctuations within the economy.

Historical Overview: Vermum begun as an incredibly large Trading company settling all of their produce and workers in one specific place, at which point people would come from miles around to buy products from them. Due to their popularity, they began to attract many other companies, such as blacksmiths, and food companies to come and set up a work area around the traders. About four years after this had started, a large gem and mineral mining company set down, and seeing as it was almost 10 times as wealthy as the rest, it threatened to buy out all of the companies if they did not agree to allow them to claim this as their kingdom, and so, they agreed. The company was called Drawr Grontak, displaying the origins of the name.

Religion(s): There is not set religion, and the people are allowed to worship freely.

Region: -

Capital City: No real capital city, but it could be said to be Drivoor Palace, as that is where the leader resides, as do quite a bit of the population. Around 1 million reside there. The majority of this lives within the palace itself, but outside of the walls, there are small houses with cobbled streets, no defined layout.

Other Notable Settlements: (Will be added when I discover what location I'll be getting)

Population: 20 million

Population Distribution (rural, urban, etc.): 5% live in and around the palace, 10% occupy the borders (if there are any) in fairly urban conditions, 5% live on the coastal region (if there is one), 40% live in underground caves within the red zone, where the majority of the mines are (If that is allowed, if not, they live on farms/worksites), 5% live in stately homes, surveying their land, 35% live in poverty, in small clutches together. 42% of the people work on the mines, 37% work on the farms, 6% live off the profits of their company, and 15% work in various other companies.

Primary Race (name and description): Humans - Just an average human, possibly with a small amount of elven blood here and there, but nothing noticeable.

Secondary Race(s): Everything else, there are many other races, elves, half-breeds that have moved here as there is almost a guarantee of work.

Magic (anything special about your people’s magic): None really, except through the continuous mining, it is likely that something will be revealed. Also, through the immigration of various races, magic is slowly seeping its way into society.

Other: This country is almost 100% focused on industry, agriculture and trading, there is little luxury here, but pretty much everyone is guaranteed a job, for now.

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