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  1. Edanra Tilna

    Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

    [signing out for a bit. Be back in.... an hour or so?]
  2. Edanra Tilna

    Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

    Nikrael slowly pushed back her chair so she could leave it more easily in case trouble arose. She didn't know about this order, but nearly any group of people could be dangerous in the right circumstances.
  3. Edanra Tilna

    Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

    Nikrael fell silent, contemplating. "What reason do I have to trust you? Any more than to trust Brutus? I've known you for half a meal, and a conference in which you gave in far too quickly for someone interested in economic gain only. You want a say in things here, and you want it badly. Why?"
  4. Edanra Tilna

    Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

    "Which is why Brutus is so eager to have an alliance with you," Nikrael said. "But you are a foreigner to these people. They may not accept you."
  5. Edanra Tilna

    Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

    Nikrael studied John for a few seconds, then replied in a low voice. "I am loyal to anyone who brings peace to the late Emperor's lands. Brutus is currently our only option."
  6. Edanra Tilna

    Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

    Nikrael started. How did he know what I was thinking? She continued to pick at her food, feeling uncomfortable but not showing it. It must have been his haggling and merchant skills, she finally decided. He knows how to read people, understand their thought process. Knowing this didn't...
  7. Edanra Tilna

    Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

    Nikrael laughed again. "Of course. Well, if you ever want him to be trained by a professional, my colleagues and I would be more than happy." Nikrael couldn't help but wonder if their once golden reputations were stained by the Emperor's murder. Had anyone been there, they would know that no...
  8. Edanra Tilna

    Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

    Nikrael laughed politely, intrigued that he would talk so openly about someone he clearly cared about dearly. "And do you approve of him becoming a soldier?" She asked, wondering if the boy's father planned for him to follow his footsteps.
  9. Edanra Tilna

    Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

    Nikrael pursed her lips, then turned to John. "I hear that you have a son, my lord," she said carefully.
  10. Edanra Tilna

    Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

    Nikrael chuckled. "Yes, but war differs slightly from haggling over silks and fruits. The consequences.... are varied."
  11. Edanra Tilna

    Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

    "Haggle for 750," Nikrael suggested. "You can always hint at a threat of a tariff imposed halfway through the year. He'll know that by then, any men he provides will be pointless to you. But do be subtle."
  12. Edanra Tilna

    Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

    "Complete free trade," Nikrael murmured. "Good for an economic system. Not so good for a man who wins popularity with socialism." She raised her eyebrows at Brutus.
  13. Edanra Tilna

    Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

    Very to the point, Nikrael thought. She sat down, seizing up the man before them.
  14. Edanra Tilna

    Futuristic Imprisoned

    (2050 or so. I'm going to say that Nuclear Fission is a thing, since there's no way on earth that there's enough oil to keep these "facilities" running. Unknown to anyone inside of the facility (which is actually a massive submarine; everyone on earth is inside one, and there's.... oh, a couple...
  15. Edanra Tilna

    Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

    [Well crap. That took forever. Anyways, back!] Edanra followed Brutus, then bowed before the man that would make or break the future of their land.
  16. Edanra Tilna

    Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

    [shoot. Gotta go for a few moments.... I'll be back shortly.]
  17. Edanra Tilna

    Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

    Nikrael kept her face passive. Inside was a whirlwind. Could Marcus be to blame for her brother in arms' death? If so, why would they consort with him? Or was it to throw her off a real trail?
  18. Edanra Tilna

    Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

    Nikrael nodded smartly, grinning on the inside. Down to the nitty gritty, she thought. She followed Brutus towards the meeting, hoping Draco would catch up; the Royal guards had often relied on him during such meetings before.
  19. Edanra Tilna

    Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

    "Good to know," Nikrael murmured. This had always been her favorite part of guarding the emperor; foreign relations. Not being certain if you could trust the visitor, learning their customs. It was all fun and games to the curious young girl. Now that she was older, the negative possibilities...
  20. Edanra Tilna

    Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

    "Draco isn't here," Nikrael pointed out. She got to her feet regardless, breastplate and weapons clapping lightly against the leather armor.