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  1. Chairman Stein

    The Iron Curtain (Nation RP) [Inactive]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  2. Chairman Stein

    The Iron Curtain (Nation RP)

    Everyone thus far is accepted, seeing as how they are all from the previous thread.
  3. Chairman Stein

    The Iron Curtain (Nation RP)

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  4. Chairman Stein

    The Iron Curtain (Nation RP)

    Just fill out this here and you will be clear to go! I'll be watching carefully so you can expect to see a reply on denial/acceptance pretty quick! Nation's full name: Population: (1950 estimation) Current leader's name: (You may choose another prominent politician in your country for...
  5. Chairman Stein

    The Iron Curtain (Nation RP) [Inactive]

    Chairman Stein submitted a new role play: The Iron Curtain (Nation RP) - After the Second World War, there remain two armed camps... Read more about this role play...
  6. Chairman Stein

    The Iron Curtain (Nation Roleplay) [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  7. Chairman Stein

    The Iron Curtain (Nation Roleplay)

    If you all would like I can gladly deactivate this thread and post it on realistic.I shall be shutting down this thread as inactive and reposting everything in Slice of Life. Please simply repost your apps, etc there. From Beijing with love, Stein! Edit: New thread here...
  8. Chairman Stein

    The Iron Curtain (Nation Roleplay)

    Shameless bump. Also, I fear that this RP is dead. We haven't had any posts since May 2nd, making it 10+ days since anyone has even looked at this thread. Unless we get a few apps I doubt this is going to happen.
  9. Chairman Stein

    The Ward

    Name "My name is Jackmier Karkaff, but please; call me Doctor Karkaff." Age "I have seen stars be born and die in the sky." (46) Gender "Why must you ask such a question? We all end up the same way!" (Male) Personality "I'm here to help our patients. If I don't, who will?!"...
  10. Chairman Stein

    Pirates of Altair

    I've just been super busy. We are finishing up the school year and I have a bunch of medical stuff going on. When I get home I just sleep most of the time ;-;.
  11. Chairman Stein

    Pirates of Altair

    I'm going to try and get a post up tonight or tomorrow. REALLY busy with end of the year school stuff and some medical things. Was at the clinic all day yesterday getting bloodwork and crap.
  12. Chairman Stein

    Pirates of Altair

    Crap I'll get a post up. I didn't notice all the new posts until just now! ;-;
  13. Chairman Stein

    Pirates of Altair

    Rara confirmed for being a peasant and not part of the glorious PC master race
  14. Chairman Stein

    Pirates of Altair

    This is accurate. I have no clue what is even going on in this game, I just know I need to kill more Russians with baseball bats. 10/10 GOTY
  15. Chairman Stein

    Pirates of Altair

    Sweet Jesus. Totally unrelated to the RP but I just got Hotline Miami and this game is drugs. I cannot stop. Someone help me...
  16. Chairman Stein

    Pirates of Altair

    Jackmier had for some time patiently been pretending to look at wares of the merchants near the ship. Eavesdropping you could say, upon the boy-captain and the albino. This was easier said than done, with all the commotion and the death of the boy-thief who had come into their midst. The...
  17. Chairman Stein

    Pirates of Altair

    The harbor had a thick smell of fish. A multitude of merchants from across the Isles had come to sell different types of pretty wares, however, fish was the most noticeable out of the rest. Jackmier noted the 'types' of people who strolled along the harbor; burly sailors, an albino with a...
  18. Chairman Stein

    Pirates of Altair

    That's what they want you to think Rara! Don't buy into the GMs scheme! :P
  19. Chairman Stein

    The Iron Curtain (Nation Roleplay)

    Just a quick update. Everyone so far is accepted. We still need both Vietnams and Koreas, as well as a USA and USSR. Having both Germanies would be nice as well.
  20. Chairman Stein

    Pirates of Altair

    So, is there any scheduled start or are we just waiting until we get enough pretty anime people?