Pirates of Altair

I'm think we're waiting until everyone posts their characters/finishes them. There is one spot that's reserved, but the rest are all filled. I take it's safe to assume we'll be starting soon :)
Sweet Jesus. Totally unrelated to the RP but I just got Hotline Miami and this game is drugs. I cannot stop. Someone help me...
Hotline Miami is amazing! :D Stein, I'm afraid once the game has captured you, there is no help that will...help?

Hotline Miami is a awesomely fast-paced, shooter, where you play the game from an aerial veiw.
This is accurate. I have no clue what is even going on in this game, I just know I need to kill more Russians with baseball bats. 10/10 GOTY
I'm going to try and get a post up tonight or tomorrow. REALLY busy with end of the year school stuff and some medical things. Was at the clinic all day yesterday getting bloodwork and crap.
Firstly, I'll give the people who were in this roleplay another day to see if they are going to do anything. ^^
I've just been super busy. We are finishing up the school year and I have a bunch of medical stuff going on. When I get home I just sleep most of the time ;-;.

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