Pirates of Altair


Duchess of Procrastination
Pirates of Altair - A crew of pirates has docked, in search of others to assist them in retrieving the sacred treasure.


The Legend of "The Island of Altair"

A place where many fear, a place that captures the curiosity of many. A place where none dare to travel to, a place that has never been explored by mankind. An island that is said to be guarded by the beasts of mythology. You may ask; What are they guarding? The Edenrd. A portal that leads to a world where pain and suffering fail to exist. A place that would best be described as Paradise. It is also said that mountains of gold and silver are littered around the Edenrd, enough to make a person the richest in the kingdom.

Of course, as the Island of Altair has never been explored, this could all be just a mere myth. Many crews have ventured to the island, only to never return with any information. Some believe that it is, indeed a lie, though many disagree.


For the ones who truly believe that the legend is true, they're in luck!

The infamous Captain of the Cerulean Gem has docked in the harbours of the kingdom, in search for crew members to join him in his journey for the treasures of Altair.

Well? What are you waiting for?! Hurry up and join the crew before the Captain and his crew set off for the riches and possibility of eternal peace!

Crew Members

Captain: MoxieDov

The Head of the Ship.

Quarter Master: RaraHaruko

Second in Command. In charge of insuring that Captain's orders were carried out, order was maintained upon the ship, and able to order punishments.

Navigator: David Van Aken

In charge of setting route to the destination. Highly valuable if skilled.

Boatswain: Swampishpetrichor

In charge of the ship itself and keeping it in shape for travel and battle. Highly valuable if skilled.

Doctor: Chairman Stein

In charge of healing injuries / illnesses. Highly valuable if skilled.

Master Gunner: RaraHaruko

In charge of all of the cannons, the gunpowder, the shot.

The Cerulean Gem


Ship Layout


The Edenrd


1) Normal RpNation rules apply.

2) Maximum of two characters.

3) No godmodding.

4) Keep the roleplay alive. As in, stay inactive for over two days without an explanation, I will re-open your role.

5) No one-liners.

6) No Gary-Sues or Mary-Sues.

Include the; "Cerulean Gem" in your sign-up post if you read the rules.


Aqua waves crashed harshly against the stone harbour, barely rocking the hefty ship that was firmly anchored to the dock. A few men stood by the side of the rope ladder than he been lowered from the main deck, allowing some to climb onto the boat. A couple of ladies sauntered past the entrance to the ship, shielding their mouths with lace fans as they gossiped about the blonde who stood, leant against the oak wooden guard-rail upon the large ship. The scruffy males stood upon the harbour, suddenly leapt forward from their spots, letting out a brute growl. The women screamed in surprise before rushing away as the sound of loud laughter reached their ears. He turned his head down, shimmering golden eyes gazing down at the ones who were part of his crew. The man didn't seem to mind the others' jokes and pranks, finding them somewhat entertaining as well. He let out a breathy sigh, disliking the heat that he was being exposed to this day. The blonde shifted his his right arm from the guardrail, using the gloved hand to tip back the dark cobalt garment he wore upon his head. The rubies that hung from the side of his coat shimmered in the sunshine, contrasting with his azure coat.

"Captain! We'd be setting out to Altair tonight, if no landlubbers join the crew." A gruff voice exclaimed from behind him, the sound of rapid footsteps advancing his form. The said man remained staring into the town that was suited in-front, his ears picking up on the breathing of the man that now stood by his side. "Aye, I suppose so." Killian responded, having never really caught on with the pirate lingo, despite his teenage years. The presence by his side gradually faded, as the man was retreating back to his shared quarters. He straightened out his posture, bringing both arms to the back of his neck, tightening the dark strip of cloth that bound his considerably long yet clean hair into a short ponytail.

The male cocked the side of his hip, crossing his arms over his chest as he scanned his surroundings for any sort of amusement, except the couple members of his crew that remained to taunt passer-bys. Due to his slight movement, his leg pushed up one of his swords that was strapped to the crimson cloth which wrapped tightly around his waist.
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Rumor had spread throughout the vast lands of a captain, foolish enough to go after the treasure of old folk-tails. Since he was a young lad, Wren White had been fed stories of a paradise beyond the seas where gold grew from the ground and peace was kept. As he aged, he found the myth had a terrible price. Many of the poor souls who had sought after this said island, never returned. These small details are what intrigued the well-aged man to search for the Cerulean Gem, his skills most likely going to help him fill a position. He strolled through the crowd of merchants and buyers along the docks, the smell of fish lingering in the air. Waves crashed against the large ships, the planks creaking under his feet with every footfall. Salt water misted against his face as he shuffled along, avoiding a collision with the two women that ran screaming. His blood-red hues fell on the infamous torn sails of Captain Killian Harris's vessel. He let his vision linger along the dark clean wood, seemingly spotless under the sunlight. His eyes darted to the young-looking pirate who stood in a loosely defencive posture, his hip cocked while his arms crossed over a ruby embroided collar. He tilted his head to the side, the figure standing out among the other burly slops among the crew.

Something collided with his shoulder hard, causing him to lose his balance. He fell on his back, eyes on angry fire. His chin lifted to a large pirate, his black beard hanging in two separat tails held together with red cloth. His teeth were black, gums showing anger as he sneered his crooked face at Wren. The white-haired man stood to his feet, his face showing no sign of emotion, but his eyes yelled for murder. "You've got nerve runnin' into me boy. Didn't your ma ever tells ya to watch out for pirates?" The dealing breath of the large lad fell over a pale face.

"Didn't your mother ever show you how to wash?" He asked plugging his nose and waving his hand over his face. Rage flung across the black-haired man, his fist flying back to strike.

Swiftly, the ex-executioner dropped his large bag full of clothing, his hand shooting to the hilt of his thin sword. He pulled it from the holster, the metal ringing as he slammed the blade into the side of the man's arm, disconnecting the man's palm from his wrist. A scream rippled through the pirate's maw, spittle citing from his mouth. He gripped his limb, staring at the missing part of his body with fear. The red-eyed monster plucked a white hankercheif from his breast pocket, wiping the scarlet liquid from his silver edge. He slammed the heal of his black boot into the man's stomach, watching him keel over. His knee jutted straight into the pig's face, a loud crunch followed by a rush of red liquid from his nostrils. Wren flung the stained cloth on top of the other's head. "Clean yourself up." His voice was soft. Graspimg his duffle-bag the executioner's son brushed past a heard of people who had formed to see what all the commotion was about, pinning his gaze back up to the ship's captain.
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Lorena sauntered across the boardwalk, her red skirts billowing behind her, long in the back and shorter in the front, just above the knee. Her black boots clacked against the worn, damp, and sturdy wood. In her slim arms was a wooden crate full of heavy tools. The Spanish flower wasn't like other girls. She wasn't one to gossip, or try to court others and stay home, all sheltered. She was hard working, and nothing was handed to her easily. Right now, actually, she was headed to tinker some things. Her boss had sent her to fix up some vessel called the Cerulean Gem. Her hands were gloved in white cloth that had wrapped around her slim hands. At the seams of the white gloves, there was embroidery in golden thread. Lorena almost tripped over a bloody man, her dark brows knitted together, green eyes darkening. She yelled an obscenity in Spanish which made those who knew the language gasp, and laugh. The thought of slamming her heel into his nose flashed through her mind, but she thought against it as she walked on.

From a corner, some burly men were coming towards her full speed. In her peripheral vision, she saw them, and she stomped the heel of her boot into the man's toes behind her, and her other leg kicked forward to the man in front of her, slamming her foot where the sun doesn't shine. She spun around, and kicked the sailor in the shins, making him fall, doubled over. The other in front of her went for her neck, and she ducked, and spun around kicking his tailbone. He whooshed forward into the other sailor. "I'd love to stay and chat, niños, but I have work to do." Lorena said with a smirk, and it receded. She looked up, and saw a big ship, with words scrawled against the side. She was here. Her eyes flickered around, and saw a blonde man who looked like a captain. Heading over, she refrained from sighing so she wouldn't seem rude.

"This your ship?" Lorena asked, cocking her chin to the vessel. "If it is, I was sent up here to fix it up before it had set sail." The Spaniard added, shifting her weight to another leg. The box was heavy, and her arms almost shook as she moved her body weight. Her hands moved around on the box, holding it in a different position so it wouldn't fall.


The harbor had a thick smell of fish. A multitude of merchants from across the Isles had come to sell different types of pretty wares, however, fish was the most noticeable out of the rest. Jackmier noted the 'types' of people who strolled along the harbor; burly sailors, an albino with a interesting rapier, and a multitude of poorer classed individuals peddling wares and working in their own careers. While all of the hustle and bustle continued, Jackmier simply sat outside 'The Aqua Inn' sipping at his cup of tea. He had heard through faint whispers of a Captain who was foolish enough to be traveling for distant lands in search of treasure. These tales were common, and most of these foolish captains would not return. However, this one was said to be a handsome young man by the harbor women and to be a infamous naval commander by the sailors at the Inn. To say the least, Jackmier was interested in getting a look at this boy-captain. He removed a few coins from his cloak and left them on the patio-table he had been sitting at, took hold of his bags, and left down the board-walk. As he strolled, he caught sight of the blue vessel, said color being what made the ship gain its 'gem' title. As he walked, he noticed a man lacking a hand, his face teary and two other brutish sailors in a equally painful looking state upon the ground. Obviously this ship gained some interesting specimens. Jackmier gave a smirk looking at the bloody scene, if this was common-place with the ship, he would surely be in for fun. Before he dared come into contact with anyone working aboard the vessel, he put down his smallest leather bag and opened it with a click. He put on his beaked white mask. A-top his black haired head he placed his large brimmed hat. Closing the bag, he took up all of his things once more and strolled towards the vessel. His black cloak flowing in the wind and his wooden cane clanking against the wood of the board-walk.
It would take another scan of the harbour for the male to spot anything of interest. He stepped forward, gloved hands grasping onto the top of the wooden railing to prevent himself from leaning over the edge. The male didn't bother to exclaim and interrupt the heated conversation of one of his crew members and a man who caught his attention. His gaze caught every movement of the two, almost as if he was studying the fight. Killian ignored the footsteps that wandered around upon the area behind him, knowing that parts of his crew finally departed from the safety of their quarters. He promptly reached back up and re-adjusted his hat, the moment he felt the item begin to slip off his head. He regained his straight posture in seconds, realising that a couple of his fellow pirates had also been watching the short fight. Killian strolled towards the gap between the guardrails, only for his attention to shoot over to a feminine voice.

He basically stared at the girl for a second, before a faint smile rose to his lips. "Yes, it is." The male answered, one hand placed on his hip, fingers tracing over the handle of his weapon. He seemed to listen to what the female had said, as he nodded before spinning around and lowering himself onto the dangling ladder. Killian managed to descend down the material halfway before he simply leapt off, landing a small distance from the emerald green eyed human. "It seems like you're struggling a bit, with that box. Allow me to assist you." The male stated, having unusual manners for a scavenger of the seas. He reached forward, arms hooking around the hefty object, taking it from the other's grip. Killian turned his head back towards the vessel, a smirk tugging up the edges of his lips. "Caleb! Adam!" He called out, only for two men to look down from the gap a dozen seconds or so later. Before the males had a chance to ask why the captain required their assistance, they were interrupted. "Catch!" Killian exclaimed, a wide smirk upon his features as he stepped back before chucking the crate up. The two men, one with a cleanly shaven face, frantically outstretched their arms, gripping onto the object as it landed into their arms. An audible crack could have been heard, one of the two letting out a growl at the pain.

Killian turned back round to face the female, a grin outstretched upon his face, showing his teeth were in surprisingly good condition. "Go ahead. Just ask either of them if you require any help." He stated, as the two said pirates stepped back from the entrance to the ship. The sign of happiness upon his face vanished in a heartbeat, before he made his way over to the albino. "Quite a show you put on back then." The male started, glancing at his crew member out the corner of his eyes. The man had risen to his feet, glaring at the white-haired male before he realised the captain had arrived. "It was entertaining." Killian added, a light smile rising to his features once more. He took a glance at the bag slung over the man's shoulder, blinking several times. "Heading somewhere?" He questioned, beginning to feel a slight rustle in his side.

The man unsheathed his right blade, spinning his body round to face the source of the movement. A small boy stood by his side, about half his size, with his dirt-ridden hand in the blonde's pocket. The boy seemed shocked at the man's ability to detect even the slightest of actions, about to bolt off. Killian lowered his arm, inserting the full length of his sword into the child's face, blood spurting out from the wound. A large smile had crept it's way onto his face, as he raised the item in his hand and the body that was attached to it. A soft chuckle emitted from his lips, watching the movements of the child's hands halt to a stop. Killian strolled towards the edge of the stone ground, the men and women who had been watching, stepping out his way as he advanced. The male angled his blade down, dropping the corpse into the aqua liquid. "Bye bye~" He stated, almost in a sing-song voice, before spinning back round and returning to the crimson eyed male.
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Her eyes watched his every move at he descent. It was a habit, not staring. She looked at everything, as if analyzing situations like they could be fixed. Plus, her eyes were always greedy and green. Also a habit, she was a thief in her younger age, and in the present if needed. Her hands tightened on the box as he offered to hold it for her. "No, I assure you that I'm f--" Lorena was interrupted, and the box was wrenched from her small hands, and thrown up to two sailors named Caleb and Adam. This time, she let out a sigh. She had thought that she was fine. Lorena just nodded at him. "Sí, señor." The Spaniard agreed, as she brushed past him, and scaled up the ladder. She didn't seem to care if anyone looked up her red skirts. Once she was up, she swung a leg over the rim of the blue vessel, and then swung the other in, hopping inside with a clack of her heavy-heeled boots. Her forearm rose up in the air, and she raised two fingers as she walked, motioning for the two sailors to follow her. Once she knew that they were definitely following her, her arm swung back to her side. She turned on her heel, facing them.

"Eyes up here." She stated gruffly, pointing to her face when she caught some wandering hues. "Put the box down and get the sails, and if there's anything else that needs repair, tell me and I'll fix it." They headed to get the sails, and the box was left with her. She pulled out some needle and thick, sturdy thread that had matched the sails. She waited for the two perverted sailors come back. While she waited, she scanned the area. Lorena had noted that there was some broken floor boards, a rusty crank to guide up the sails, and some spaced areas which could cause some leaks. She sighed, the condition of the ship was good, but not recommended for sailing far distances without a tinker like her.
Blood-like hues fell along the face of a Spaniard woman carrying a large crate full of tools, his gaze trailed up her long legs, taking in her features as she passed. His composure held fast as she bound past him. He could tell, by her stance, that she was an intelligent and strong woman. Proving his theory, by beating the shit out of two perverts. She wandered towards the crystal-blue ship, her voice too far away for him to make out their conversation. The young captain took the heavy-looking tool-box from her hands, placing it in one of his goon's arms, before sauntering over towards the executioner's son. He blinked once at the male's compliment, gazing into his golden eyes. Eye contact, for him, was a sign of dedication. "It seems your crew member was in dire need of discipline, he should know better than to strike a stranger." He said, his dismal gaze falling back to the hand-less man. "You should probably get a doctor, lad." he spoke to the grotesque-looking pirate before the captain's words fell across his ears. "I'm glad you enjoyed seeing one of your men almost die." his eyes shot to the child that lifted his hand to Killian's pocket. Wren opened his mouth to speak before a spray of blood slashed across his face, copper falling on his tongue. He closed his eyes slowly, lifting his palm to his face, wiping the liquid from his pale skin. Streaks of red staining his cheeks, a lingering reminder of the young man's compulsive behavior. His red eyes followed the limp body as it crashed into the sea, sinking to the dark depths, a meal to Calypso now. The man's previous question still hung in the air, awaiting an answer. When the ship's owner returned his attention to Wren he shouldered his bag, making sure it was secure and out of reach of thieves. "Rumor has it that you're conducting an expedition to the Island of Altair." He said firmly, answering the male's question as soon as his honey-colored hues pinned themselves upon the albino. "I'm also aware you're short of a Quart Master, correct?" asking this as he faced the ship, it's occupiers rummaging around making repairs and loading the cargo bay.
Jackmier had for some time patiently been pretending to look at wares of the merchants near the ship. Eavesdropping you could say, upon the boy-captain and the albino. This was easier said than done, with all the commotion and the death of the boy-thief who had come into their midst. The boardwalk was slowly clearing out of the innocent, merchants packing up and others quickly dispersing to 'safer' areas; this left Jackmier with all the pirates. He stood out among the poorly-dressed sailors and even the more colorful clothed merchants that remained at their counters selling fish and the like. His black attire lead to him being a dot in a very quickly dying crowd. However, he grinned behind his mask at the word of 'Doctor' being spoken by the albino.

"Did someone say Doctor?" He said aloud, his voice muffled by his beaked plague-mask. In a flamboyant fashion, he stepped out from the dying crowd and into view of the boy-captain. To further gain his needed attention, he slammed his cane down against the wooden board-walk and bowed dramatically to the two men.

"If you require a doctor, look no further!" He announced, a spark in his eyes and a ambitious grin on his face. He silently congratulated himself on his brilliance; without the mask he would look more insane than he already was...
Lemon shaded hues set their gaze back on the albino, his free hand shooting into his trouser pocket to retrieve an certain item. He stared at the man as he spoke, lifting out a cloth as he nodded at the other's statement. Killian angled his blade to the side, moving his other hand to wipe the blood off of the finely crafted steel. Once the weapon had been thoroughly cleaned, he shoved the fabric away, slotting his sword into the small gap created by the crimson silk that wrapped firmly around his hip. "Yeah, and I'm supposing you're after the job, eh?" Killian responded, tipping his hat back with the side of his palm before folding his arms over his chest. "Firstly, before I even consider offering you the role, what's your name? Also, your age would be interesting as well." The man asked, a somewhat serious tone in his voice as he addressed his questioned to the crimson-eyed male.

His gaze shot from the man in-front of him, to the figure that revealed them-self from the rest. Curiosity grasped his mind as he laid eyes upon the unique mask that the stranger bore, cocking his head to the right. Blonde strands of glossy hair fell over his left eye, lips parted for a mere moment. "Actually, my crew is lacking a doctor..." Killian murmured, straightening his head to it's original angle before another smile rose to his lips once more. He stared intensely at the black-coated figure, bright eyes locking upon the peculiar mask, not having seen one like that before. "I like the mask." He commented briefly, as the man who now lacked a hand, turned to stare at the three men who stood close by.
Pale lips parted in a soft smile, admiring the young lad's experience as a captain. He'd ventured on many raids, looting several ocean-shore villages. His skill precise planning and quick-thinking had brought about many successful voyages beyond the sea. Wren bowed slightly, an amused smirk laying across his cheeks. "I apologize." He breathed, eyes never falling from Killian's face as he spoke. "Wren Karma White, ex-executioner, at your service. I'm surprised to say my age is above your own, I'm twenty-five years young." He then glanced at the doctor, who'd shown himself from the diminishing crowd. He guessed the flock of humans had grown weary of the Pirate's presence, hiding away in their small homes, crosses in hands; begging god that their homes be kept standing before the night's end. He nodded his head towards the masked man, noting his strange presence. He grew intrigued, wondering who else could be wandering upon the ship before the night fell.
The tinker started to fix the floorboards. She pulled out about five pieces of wood, and she sawed down some pieces of wood so it would fit perfectly. The sailors came back, and told her the cannons needed to be checked, and that the Poop Deck had a clog. She waved them off with a glare, and they headed back down to the land. She muttered curses under her breath as she hammered in some nails to the flooring. Once she had finished, she inspected the whole boards, walking up and down the ship, and she found some gaps. She sawed small cubes of wood, and nailed them in, filling the small spaces. The flooring was now fixed. She pulled off her gloves, holding them in her teeth as she picked up a small container of oil. The crank was calling her name.

She set the oil down, and pulled back on her gloves. "Hey, perverts!" Lorena yelled, and the two sailors that were on the ship earlier looked up at her, standing near the rim of the ship. "Exactly proving my point, burros. Get you arses up here. I have something to do." They muttered an 'aye', and scaled back up the blue vessel. She pulled off her gloves again, holding them in between her white teeth. Lorena picked up the oil, and waved them over to the cranks. She instructed them to crank it until it felt easy enough for them to do it. After about fifteen minutes, each of the cranks were fixed. The Spaniard headed down to the Poop Deck, and handed them a each a hook and a cup. "Get down and dirty, sailors. You seem to be good at it." She laughed, and they started to work as she went down to the cannons.

Lorena almost spat at the ground and walked off. The cannons were clogged, and the wicks were way to long. The gunpowder needed to be sifted, and she saw that there was some cracks in them. She headed back up, and there was a black powder, some water, a cloth, and a flat thing she had brought down to the cannon area. She rolled the heavy cannons out of their spots, and cleaned each one of them so they were shining from the inside and out. Lorena made up a black paste, and filled in the cracks, and scraped off any excess with the flat object she had brought down. Lorena was not done yet, though she was already sweating from how much heavy weight she had pulled. She pushed the canons back in their spots, and clipped the frayed, long cannon wicks so they were fast, and easier to burn. Muttering curses as she did the dirty job of sifting the lumpy, chunked up gunpowder, she had finally finished. Once she checked the Poop Deck, she saw that they both had done a good job of cleaning and unclogging the area.

The lady headed out of the ship, packing all of her items back in the crate. She pulled back on her gloves and scaled down the ladder, and she had took the crate. Lorena walked back over to the Captain of the Cerulean Gem. "
Niño, I finished. The boss said you've already paid earlier. I'll be taking my leave." Lorena stated, shifting the crate in her gloved hands. She blinked her green eyes and looked over the person next to the captain. "Hola." She greeted with a nod of her head. She nodded again to the captain, and turned on her heel, going to walk off.
He had proceeded to stare at the masked figure for a couple more seconds, before turning his head back to face the silver haired man that stood in-front of him. He had made a mental note of what the male had answered, replaying the words in his mind to allow him to come up with an answer. "Wren? Wren..." Killian repeated the other's words a couple of times, as if testing the way it would roll of his tongue. "I haven't heard that name before and most of my crew are older than me..." He half-whined, yet returned to his professional state moments later. "Well, then. How many voyages have you been upon? How about the amount of years you've been a pirate? Why do you think I should pick you for the job?" Killian questioned, as if he was hosting an interview of some sort.

At the sound of a feminine voice, he turned his head to face the source of it. A light smile rose to his lips at the fact that his beloved vessel had been repaired. The blonde was almost somewhat impressed at the female's ability to fix up a ship of a large size in such a short period of time. As the woman spun around to leave, he parted his lips once more. "Excuse me, Señorita?" Killian called, having picked up on the fact that the lady was indeed a Spaniard. He was also glad of the little knowledge he had of the language, remembering the lessons that he endured during his childhood. "I am fairly impressed that you managed to fix up my ship in such little time. To do that, I would think that one had to be truly skilled." Killian started, the mini smile upon his face having remained as he spoke. "My crew would benefit greatly from someone like that. As you probably could have told, I am lacking a Boatswain. So, would you be interested in that role instead?"
Pate, looking quite comfortable, continues to lean against the wall outside of the pub and stares at his feet, "Wow, I lost ten gold on an arm wrestling match. He was literally twice my size, what was I thinking." He says to himself at full volume, hand gestures and all. Then he sticks his palm onto the side of his face and groans, " Damn,... I'm broke." He slumps down onto the side of the building.
Red eyes watched the Captain's lips as he repeated his name, confusion sinking into his skull for a moment. The sudden whine in the tone of the blond's voice almost made Wren snicker, but wasn't enough to gain a hearty laugh. He watched intently, his ears opened and willing to repeat anything need be. He was concentrated on the job, having little money, and losing his old captain after a 'misunderstanding'. In other words, the captain didn't agree with Wren's sick forms of punishment, even though the results before and after the albino had started on the Jolly Carrol had been night and day. He may be harsh with his punishments, but his disciplined ways always brought results. "I've been on too many to count, sir." He said, truthfully, answering the first question with pride staring into the Captain's eyes for good measure. "I don't believe in the word 'pirate', gives us all a bad wrap. Disciplinary Quarter Master, now that rolls off the tongue. Which is exactly what I have been doing for seven years." He paused, watching the Spaniard woman walk towards them, momentarily tearing his gaze away from the younger man. He let his eyes wander for a very brief moment, taking in the girl's figure with the blink of an eye before returning his attention to the Captain. "Why should you choose me? Because I guarantee results." He cast his vision over the blue vessel, staring at the many gritty faces of the blonde's crew. "I'll whip these slobs into shape." He murmured, brain reclining to the many different ways he'd press his morals into the brainless crew's heads. He was the kind of person who wouldn't stop until you learned your lesson. He paused for a moment, hearing the ring of the Spaniard woman's voice as she came upon them. He glanced at her from under thick white lashes, red eyes gleaming under the sun. I could get use to a pretty thing like that.
But the Spaniard walked off, but she paused once she heard that she was offered a job. She turned on her heel, her red skirts following her, still long in the back and shorter and the front. She listened to the rest of his statement, and she slowly walked over, like his offers were drawing him in. The girl tilted her head slightly at him. "I don't work for free, señor." Lorena reminded. Her voice was confident and naturally loud, her r's trilling. "You're offers mean nothing if there's nothing in it for me." She added, her head straightening as her lips curled into a smile.

She felt a presence behind her, and her eyes glared indirectly. She paused for a moment, and she quickly bent down low, and spun on her heel, a leg outstretched firmly. The burly body of a sailor fell forward, and fell on his back. The sailor was in between the captain, and red-eyed man who she didn't catch the name of. Her emerald eyes glared down at the man and her smile was still on her face. "I don't like being snuck up on,
señor." Lorena stated. There was a brief, awkward pause before she had done anything.

Her cocky smile morphed into a scowl, and she slammed the heel of her boot in between his legs. "It boggles my mind how stupid you are. Trying to mess with me in front of your captain. She stomped the heel of her boot onto the same place again and he screamed. "Beyond me comprehension. Really, señor." Lorena added, twisting her heel and putting on more pressure. His screams were loud and his white face flushed red and his eyes snapped open widely, whole perspiration formed upon his bald head. She removed her foot.

Batirlo, marinero." She said, and there was a pause before she realized she said her words in a Spanish since he stayed. "Beat it, sailor." Lorena repeated and spat at him like he was filth as he scurried to his feet and ran off. She looked up, straightening her position. "I apologize for the scene, but I don't tolerate burros." She said, a soft smile grazing her features. She shifted the box in her gloves hands for probably the millionth time.
Before the Spaniard had turned back round to speak, the blonde's attention returned to the albino that stood close by. He had somewhat paid close attention to the male's words, as he also had been staring at a man, against the wall of a building, who seemed to express his thoughts by vivid hand gestures. "Seven years, eh?" Killian questioned, returning his gaze back to the man he had been speaking to. He raised an eyebrow at the man's word choices, seeming somewhat amused. "Well, I'll consider it, but first, I have a lady to deal with." Killian stated, before turning his body so he would be facing the female who had walked back towards him.

He remained silent as the other spoke, the smile remaining upon his face until he caught the sight of one of his crew falling close to his boots. The blonde turned his head down, sending a emotionless stare at the man, who proceeded to keep his eyes upon the female. His lips parted for a brief moment, ready to shoot some sort of threat towards the sailor before a foot collided with the male's groin. A smirk crept it's way upon his pale lips, the expression hidden from all but the unfortunate man. The man remained silent as part of his crew suffered, watching every movement with his striking golden eyes. Once the female had stopped her action, Killian tilted his head back up, the light smile he bore before, upon his features once again.

"Hm, I don't mind. It was certainly interesting." He responded, pulling up his satin gloves as he spoke. "To add to my statements from earlier, you will receive a great deal of gold and silver, if the ship reaches it's destination."
Wren watched the Spaniard woman fly into action at the mere feeling of the slob's presence. It amused him how quickly she acted upon the scum, sending him into fits of agonizing pain. A large grin splitting his pale face in two, red eyes gleaming at the sight of the pirate being stomped out. A laugh rumbled in his chest. "That was very amusing, well done love." He said as soon as she'd twisted her heal, he slid his Rapier from it's sheath sliding the razor-like blade along the burly man's exposed calves, a chuckle dripping from his tongue. Blood spewed from the fresh wounds, making the man leave a trail of blood behind him as he ran with his legs between his knees. He flipped the knife to his face, gazing at the drops that fell along the hand guard, glistening over the gold. "I'd say this crew needs a little more discipline then I thought." He mumbled to the blood along his hilt. He glanced back up at the sapphire-colored ship. "A beauty like this, she better keep good company." He spoke to the captain, referring to the gorgeous vessel that stood before them.


Stumbling out of the Bar, a black haired man held a bottle of whiskey in his hand, a broad grin plastered on his pale face. Green eyes drooped as he lifted a hand swiping away the ruby-red headscarf. He glanced to his side, seeing a down in the mouth sailor without a penny to his name. "Did'ya get swindled out of your money, Lad?" he asked, his phrases slightly slurred. His eyes wandered as a tight-dressed woman walked across his vision. He whistled loudly, watching her sway as she walked. A scoff emitted from her lips, making him scrunch his nose up and bite at the air. "Well I'm going to swipe a spot on the Cerulean Gem, if you want to sulk here then you can. He's promising gold, and lot's of it. But that ain't for me. I want to ride the canon's on that beauty." He said excitedly, already feeling the tingle of the explosion on his fingers.
Pate began poshly,"Why, yes sir.. I mean no sir. I didn't get swindled. I practically gave away my money, I suppose you can say I was swindled by my own stupidity."

Pate slowly turned to the man who was speaking to him. It would be lovely if this man had a job for me, he looks decently well off. Hell, I trim his shrubery if he would pay for my next meal.

Pate grinned slightly and said,"Mate, your lot wouldn't have a job for me, would ye'? That job on the ship sounds promising, and if you don't already have one, I could navigate for you all."

((Sorry that took so long, I forgot to follow the thread))
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