The Ward

Character Sign-Up







Reason For Hospitalization:


Other: (if needed/wanted)





Appearance: (Preferably creepy)




History: (at the hospital, may contain a bit of before but not more than a few sentences)

Other: (if needed/wanted)

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"My name is Jackmier Karkaff, but please; call me Doctor Karkaff."


"I have seen stars be born and die in the sky."



"Why must you ask such a question? We all end up the same way!"



"I'm here to help our patients. If I don't, who will?!"

Don't buy Mr. Karkaff's lies. Born a sociopath and raised by uncaring West German junkies, Jackmier is far from normal. If it wasn't for his ability to lie so well and his success in his work, he would have been put with the patients of the hospital long ago. He has undiagnosed schizophrenia, sociopathic/psychopathic tendencies, and has a strong love for unnecessary and often in-humane medical procedures. He is not to be trusted by either staff or patient.


"I don't think you'll like what you'll hear fraulein..."

No one remembers exactly when Jackmier started working in the Ward. In fact, a urban legend/rumor states he has always been here. Regardless, he is renown for his undertaking in his field. He works with a multitude of patients, most of which are the more volatile and threatening of the patients. When he is not stalking about the Ward, checking upon his patients and his staff-members, he is locked up in his office. No-one has ever been in the Doctor's office, and often simply slide folders and the like under the door, for he often demands to not be disturbed; because of this, many staff and patients are weary of the Doctor, viewing him as anti-social and just a tad bit strange. The only reason anyone stands for his rude and often strange behavior is purely because he can do his job well and, between you and I, leaves no marks on his patients when he is done with them...

[QUOTE="Chairman Stein]



"My name is Jackmier Karkaff, but please; call me Doctor Karkaff."


"I have seen stars be born and die in the sky."



"Why must you ask such a question? We all end up the same way!"



"I'm here to help our patients. If I don't, who will?!"

Don't buy Mr. Karkaff's lies. Born a sociopath and raised by uncaring West German junkies, Jackmier is far from normal. If it wasn't for his ability to lie so well and his success in his work, he would have been put with the patients of the hospital long ago. He has undiagnosed schizophrenia, sociopathic/psychopathic tendencies, and has a strong love for unnecessary and often in-humane medical procedures. He is not to be trusted by either staff or patient.


"I don't think you'll like what you'll hear fraulein..."

No one remembers exactly when Jackmier started working in the Ward. In fact, a urban legend/rumor states he has always been here. Regardless, he is renown for his undertaking in his field. He works with a multitude of patients, most of which are the more volatile and threatening of the patients. When he is not stalking about the Ward, checking upon his patients and his staff-members, he is locked up in his office. No-one has ever been in the Doctor's office, and often simply slide folders and the like under the door, for he often demands to not be disturbed; because of this, many staff and patients are weary of the Doctor, viewing him as anti-social and just a tad bit strange. The only reason anyone stands for his rude and often strange behavior is purely because he can do his job well and, between you and I, leaves no marks on his patients when he is done with them...

Character Sign-Up


Name: Madison Stewart

Age: 18


Appearance: Blonde wavey hair with blue sparkling eyes. Lips look like kierra rieves and the body of a it girl.

Personality:She definetly is the typical "go towards the creapy stuff" girl. She believes in ghosts and is schiziphrenic. She freaks out over the smallest things but also is looking to please everyone around her.

Reason For Hospitalization: self harm and schizophrenia; freaking out over a simple wave from a stranger

History: Madison wasn't always insane. She grew up as a ballerina where she trained day in and day out for 10 years (from age 7-17). After being put through the stresses of ballet for too long, she needed an escape and started to do self-harm. As she started to self-harm, she started to hear voices around her and in her head telling her that everyone was out to get her. She started to hide from people, wearing hoodies with her hood up to "hide" and became more and more quiet. With this happening, she dropped out of her ballet classes and locked herself in her room. Screaming every 4 hours before sobbing was her daily routine for a while.Finally, someone must have seen the signs and gotten her committed to get the help she needs.

Other: (if needed/wanted)scars from self harm on her arms, addicted to hoodies

Name: 'Actually, it's Dr.'

Xavier M. Jacrezz

Age: 'Legal.'


Gender: 'It's obvious, isn't it?'




Personality: 'Unless I can get out of here, I'm not talking to you.'

Xavier is extremely intelligent, and dislikes being told what to do. Is very bold with the doctors and other orderlies. So much that it makes him seem like an idiot, which is fine by him. He doesn't talk to the doctors during his sessions, and refuses to take any of the medication.

Reason For Hospitalization: 'A highly functioning paranoid schizophrenic, thank you very much.'

Paranoid schizophrenic

History: 'Don't ask. Just don't.'

Xavier lived a semi normal life with his mom and grandma as a kid. His mom was schizophrenic, and his grandma worked to support them. Xavier was very good in school, advancing to the ninth grade when he was only ten. Overall, he was happy until just after his eleventh birthday when his grandma passed away. With no one to stay at home and remind his mom to take her medication, she started having worse and worse episodes. Only a few months after his grandma died, Xavier's mom committed suicide while he was in the house. The stress from taking care of her and then the trauma of finding her body caused him to have a schizophrenic break. He was put in a children's psych ward for a year, where he learned to manage his illness without medicine very well. After graduating high school at twelve, Xavier got a doctorate in teaching and neuroscience through an accelerated course and taught for a few months until he had an episode in front of his college class that he was teaching. The next thing he new he was waking up in the hospital.


He listens to a lot of Imagine Dragons and Fall Out Boy to help him keep calm. Is very sure that he doesn't need to be institutionalized and argues with doctors about it.​

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