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  1. Oswald J Tremlore

    Fantasy Dragon's Watch: A Message For A King

    @Oswald J Tremlore, please edit this post to include the RP overview information.
  2. Oswald J Tremlore

    Fantasy Dragon's Watch: A Message For A King

    @Oswald J Tremlore, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  3. Oswald J Tremlore

    Fantasy Dragon's Watch: A Message For A King

    A Young Messenger for the town of Dragon's Watch goes on an amazing adventure to the center of the Kingdom. As soon as he gathers enough people to help him on the way. As he goes on he may meet a few more interesting people too.
  4. Oswald J Tremlore

    Fandom Lost

    "I'll stay and watch Suzy"
  5. Oswald J Tremlore

    Fandom Lost

    Oswald smiles noticing what Ashley did but doesn't say anything, instead he just sat on the beach and rocked Suzy gently
  6. Oswald J Tremlore

    Fandom Lost

    Oswald nods and picks up Suzy who has now fallen asleep
  7. Oswald J Tremlore

    Fandom Lost

    "Almost" Oswald whispered. As he cut the tread he smiled at his handy work "All done"
  8. Oswald J Tremlore

    Fandom Lost

    Oswald pulled out a small bottle of whiskey out of he pocket, "try this it may numb you for awhile"
  9. Oswald J Tremlore

    Fandom Lost

    Oswald puts the tread though the needle and begins to Sew Ashleys arm shut
  10. Oswald J Tremlore

    Fandom Lost

    "Of course, but this may hurt so be prepared for that."
  11. Oswald J Tremlore

    Fandom Lost

    "Check the supplies, I'll get started on cleaning it up"
  12. Oswald J Tremlore

    Fandom Lost

    Oswald looked at the cut "Hey Megan I could use some held, you said you were in medical and I'm a doctor myself so let's get to work.
  13. Oswald J Tremlore

    Fandom Lost

    Oswald notices the wound on Ashleys arm "That's not gonna turn out good" is it alright if I examine it?" Oswald asked looking in the young woman's eyes
  14. Oswald J Tremlore

    Fandom Lost

    Oswald got to the island and stood on the sand looks out and the jungle "this place is nice, but other then that there's not much here in terms of survival"
  15. Oswald J Tremlore

    Fandom Lost

    Oswald dives underwater then comes back up "Where's my daughter? SHE CAN'T SWIM!"
  16. Oswald J Tremlore

    Fandom Lost

    "WHERE'S SUZY" Oswald yells out frantically
  17. Oswald J Tremlore

    Fandom Lost

    Oswald broke the surface of the water and coughed "SUZY!" He yelled out
  18. Oswald J Tremlore

    Fandom Lost

    Oswald sits next to Drake "look, your good in panic situations so listen to me. Where ever we end up I'll be with you though think and thin" Oswald jumps up and puts the oxygen mask on Suzy then puts on his own
  19. Oswald J Tremlore

    Fandom Lost

    Suzy wrapped her hands around Megan's body and closed her eyes. Oswald ran out and grabbed his seat "God dammit, I hate it when I'm right" the plane jerks and rocks as it falls
  20. Oswald J Tremlore

    Fandom Lost
