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Fandom Lost

As She Looked As Everyone Start To Panic She Stayed Calm, She Heard Someone Say To Everyone Are You Okay, She Turned To Him And Said "Yeah I'm Ok"
Drake watched as the dad started to panic. "Calm down, I'm sure she's fine, I saw the one girl that was sitting next her get her out." He said in a calm voice, he swam over to him, the dog followed. "I'll look though." He said as he dove down, he looked around under the water and couldn't see if they where there. He swam back up and gasped for air and dove back down. Holding that they where above the water.
Megan swam with Suzy to the surface. Megan was trying to catch her breath and was having a hard time. Suzy was okay and made it out fine. Megan began to look for other survivors.
She Looked Around And Saw A Island "Hey Guys There's A Island" She Swam To It But Her Arm was Started To Hurt, She Looked Down At Her Arm And Saw Her Arm Bleeding Badly.
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Drake swam back up to the surfaces, his lungs burning. He looked around and saw a female come up, with a little girl in her arms. He pointed in the direction of the island for the dog, he nodded to the one girl that spotted it. The dog swam his way to the island and he turned and started to swim towards the lady and little girl, it took him a minute or two to get there but he made it. "You guys ok?" He asked, he could see she was having trouble swimming with the girl. "Here." He said as he took the girl, she wrapped her arms around his neck and he held on to her. "Do you think you can still swim?" He asked the lady as started to struggle to swim him self but managed to to hold up fine.
Ashley Ignored The Wound And Kept Swimming To The Island While She Was Swimming She Saw A Dog Coming, She Got On Land Looked Around "What Now" She Mumbled To Herself.
Oswald got to the island and stood on the sand looks out and the jungle "this place is nice, but other then that there's not much here in terms of survival"
Drake swam towards the island, his struggle to keep the girls head above water was sorta of slowing him down. He used his right arm in long slow strokes, and kicked powerfully with his legs. He soon reached the shallows, the girl in his arms seemed to get heaver and heaver. As soon as he could stand, he walked slowly until he got to the sandy shore. He set the little girl down, and as soon as he did the dog he saved ran over to him and tackled him. He sort of laughed and pet the dog, after awhile he grabbed the doted in his arms and stood up.
Oswald notices the wound on Ashleys arm "That's not gonna turn out good" is it alright if I examine it?" Oswald asked looking in the young woman's eyes
Megan covered her mouth with her hand. A tear slipped out of her eye. She quickly took off down the beach checking people to see if there were alive or dead or if they needed medical help.
Drake looked around, the dog in his arms started to wiggle and bark. He set the dog down and he sat, he walked over to where the water begain. Some suit cases started to wash ashore, he started to pull them on to the shore. More and more started to float to the surface and come there way, he decided to open on and in side laid medical stuff, bandages, gauze, pills, ext. "Hey, there's some medical stuff here." He said as he picked up the suit case and took it over to the doctor.
Megan nooded her head and looked at her arm. "Nothing seems to be broken." Megan twists her arm around. "It's a pretty deep gash she may need stitches."
Ashley Looked Down At Her Arm, She Remembered How She Got It Was From A Huge Piece Of Glass From The Window She Climbed Out "Will It Be Ok"
She Looked Down At Her Arm And Thought Its Not Going To Get Better Unless He Does It "Ok I..Im Ready"

Ashley Felt The Pain Rush All Over Her Body As Oswald Was Half Way Done Sewing She Said "Is There Anything In That Box To Stop The Pain?"
Egan looked through the box for something to ease the pain but found nothing. "No I'm sorry I can't find anything. This is all we have so far." Megan gave a sad look to the girl.
"thanks" She Did He Said. She Felt The Arm Numb "Thats Better." Ashley Really Didn't Feel The Pain Anymore, She Looked At Him "Is It Done Yet"

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