Search results for query: *

  1. NightAngel

    I'm back in black and I'm glad to be back.

    I'm back in black and I'm glad to be back.
  2. NightAngel

    First time on here in a while...

    First time on here in a while...
  3. NightAngel

    Sci-Fi/Fantasy mashup?

    I think we have enough to get started now. If need be we can bring in another person. I'll get a OOC up a soon as I get the time.
  4. NightAngel

    Sci-Fi/Fantasy mashup?

    Well, if we can get some more people, I will be happy to start.
  5. NightAngel

    Sci-Fi/Fantasy mashup?

    Wow. That was fast.
  6. NightAngel

    Sci-Fi/Fantasy mashup?

    Not gonna bother with the whole, must be literate thing. Most people here know how they like to RP and I don't care unless you are really weird in your style. Anyway. The Idea I have in mind is this: A ship traveling on the fringes of space runs into an asteroid storm and loses all...
  7. NightAngel

    Hey, thought I would welcome you to the site!

    Hey, thought I would welcome you to the site!
  8. NightAngel

    How about an Urban Exploration theme?

    I could handle either one of those. And I'm not really too picky. I have a couple other RPs post apoc, but one more can't hurt.
  9. NightAngel

    How about an Urban Exploration theme?

    Do you two want to do a group with the three of us? And/or possibly anyone else who expresses interest.
  10. NightAngel

    How about an Urban Exploration theme?

    I was thinking the other day that Urban Exploration sounds like fun. While I have nowhere nearby, I thought a good RP could fill in the void in my existence. A twist of supernatural could help spice it up and let's face it, supernatural stuff is just cool. Those are the only requirements I...
  11. NightAngel

    Am C G Em

    Am C G Em
  12. NightAngel

    Street racing RP interest check. Really long title just for good measure.

    Yessir. Message me or whatever. I should be on unless something crazy happens.
  13. NightAngel

    Street racing RP interest check. Really long title just for good measure.

    I am cool either way. Recruiting more people could be cool, but 1x1 is good too. So really I have no idea what I want.
  14. NightAngel

    Street racing RP interest check. Really long title just for good measure.

    I absolutely love cars and racing and things, so I was interested. If you want to do this, I can guarantee I'll be there.
  15. NightAngel

    Street racing RP interest check. Really long title just for good measure.

    Hey man, I got that need for speed as well. Just to be sure this is like actual street racing, not drag racing? 'Cause street drags are lame.
  16. NightAngel

    Fandom Pandemonium

    No clue if this is still valid, but I think this sounds amazing. If anything is to happen I would definitely be willing to join.
  17. NightAngel

    Aren't we all friends? :'(

    Aren't we all friends? :'(
  18. NightAngel

    Pirate RP!!!!

    I'd be really interested in this if it gets going. If I can reserve the position of Quartermaster, I would like to. Let me know where this is going!
  19. NightAngel

    'The Last Of Us' Roleplay [Always accepting]

    I have been hooked on the Last of Us since I heard of it for the first time, so I think this would work great for me and you. I'm online often and I'll try to message back as often as I can. Long story short; if you want another one going I'm up for it.
  20. NightAngel

    The Wasteland

    One small shard of bullet was all that was still in the wound and it was easy to remove thankfully. Just as she finishes there is a small scratch at the door and a whine. "Sounds like someone was worried about you." She says with a smile. Ellie knew how much he loved that dog, how much the dog...