How about an Urban Exploration theme?


Wicked Awesome Guitarist
I was thinking the other day that Urban Exploration sounds like fun. While I have nowhere nearby, I thought a good RP could fill in the void in my existence.

A twist of supernatural could help spice it up and let's face it, supernatural stuff is just cool.

Those are the only requirements I have. If anyone is interested let me know either by replying here or PMing my. 1x1 or group, doesn't matter.
Do you two want to do a group with the three of us? And/or possibly anyone else who expresses interest.
I'm alright with that.

Did anyone have any ideas for some sort of plot or setting?

'Cause I was thinking what if we did something sort of sci-fi? Like an apocalypse or another world war ruined all the cities and so people don't live in them anymore and our characters are off exploring one for some reason?
I could handle either one of those. And I'm not really too picky. I have a couple other RPs post apoc, but one more can't hurt.

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