Sci-Fi/Fantasy mashup?


Wicked Awesome Guitarist
Not gonna bother with the whole, must be literate thing. Most people here know how they like to RP and I don't care unless you are really weird in your style.


The Idea I have in mind is this: A ship traveling on the fringes of space runs into an asteroid storm and loses all communication. The ship's systems start malfunctioning, leading into an emergency landing on the nearest planet. Being in an uncharted territory no one knows what to expect. Two choices here. Either the whole crew - excepting the characters - dies in the crash, or not. Regardless, our brave characters go out to explore the new planet. They quickly meet up with some locals of the planet, who happen to be a similar race of humans, only their civilization is far behind ours. Or not, seeing as they have magic, dragons, the whole fantasy novel shebang.

I am completely open to suggestions.

My only request is that I think this would be a good group RP, say five people? Give or take.

This thread is only to see if anyone is interested. If it gets some attention but not enough people we'll move it to recruitment. As soon as we have enough people We'll get rolling.

Feel free to respond to here, or PM me.
Interesting idea. I'll be observing with interest,to see if I'd be comfortable joining,depending on the other players.
I think we have enough to get started now. If need be we can bring in another person. I'll get a OOC up a soon as I get the time.

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