The Wasteland

The day was hot already, so instead of her black colored t-shirts she wore a lightweight gray tank top. Still she wore her signature cargoes. Strapping on her thigh sheath for her pistol was second nature, as was clipping her knife on her belt.The difference today was she'd decided to grab one of the bows, a dark colored recurve. "Yeah I think we're good." Ellie was still fiddling with her quiver, trying to make it sit right. "We taking both vehicles today?"
He shakes his head. "Taking the Chevy up and park it in that big wrecked park we usually do. They hop into the truck, driving out to the town. They parked in the thick grass and trees of the park. James hops out, leading her quietly through the dark backs of the buildings. The different stores were empty, from their raids. They now neared the farthe part of town. Once this occurred, James gets low, "Stay quiet, might run into biters."
Ellie shook her head at James machoness. She'd been on her own out in the wastes for quite a while, she could handle herself. Still... It was a nice gesture. When she starts paying attention again a large stone building, still in fairly good shape, catches her eye. She nudges James on the shoulder. "What do you think?" Its more mouthed than actually said
He nods, leading the way to the building. James held his hatchet and .357 in hand, slipping in through a crumbling corner of the building. He looks around, then freezes. It was a massive Rottweiler, with strange spikes protruding from its back. He points at it, and does a finger gun motion, to notify her to take it out with the bow.
Ever so slowly she slips into position. With steady hands she draws back the readied arrow, taking her time to aim. A slight twang and the arrow leaps forward, knocking the Rot off its feet. It tries unsuccessfully to get up but the shot was good, right where the heart should be.
James grins. "Nice shot." He continues, looking around. They come across a locked room, which James breaks open. Inside were some canned goods, and James stored them away in his pack. As they scavenge along, a gunshot goes off. "Shh. Those are either bandits or scavengers." He jogs to a window and peek outside, there were three masked people, who had just killed a man.
Ellie had noticed something stuck in a corner with some tools, a car stereo head with a CD player. Score! She inconspicuously smuggled it into her bag. The gunshot broke the silence, ruining the fun of a quiet scavenger run. Before he tells her what it is. "I got 20 bucks says it's bandits." Cause you know, money meant much anymore. In case something happens, she hurriedly checks her pistol.
James nods, "You win." He looks closer. "They've got AKs. I want 'em." He unslings his rifle. "Don't suppose I could get a kiss for good luck?" He chuckles, raising the rifle to his shoulder.
She comes up behind him, bending down. She plants a kiss on his cheek. "That's all you get cowboy." Ellie takes off, moving fast and low for the stairs. No way he's getting all three of them. Plus she deserves a bit of the fun doesn't she? Outside she starts switching from cover to cover closing in and waiting for James' shot.
James fired, the bullet tore through one man's head. Within a moment, a second shot ran out, piercing the second man's chest. The bandit screamed in agony, as the third man shot his AK in James's direction. Return fire was issued out, and so began the firefight. The second bandit took out his pistol, shooting wildly at James.
The twang of the bowstring snapping was silent of the thunder of gunfire, dropping the second man. A spray of gunfire made her take cover behind the car she was standing near. She starts crawling quickly around hopping to get a better angle with her pistol. A bullet punches through the door of the car, skimming her leg.
A yelp goes out, and the third man is down. But groaning comes from the building, and it sounds like James. Once discovered, she would see him leaned up against a wall, a bullet wound on the left side of his chest. Nothing fatal, but it might be if left untreated. He breathes in short rasps.
Ellie runs up to him with the slightest limp. "What were we thinking again?" She uses the small pack of bandages she brought to wrap the wound, first smearing it with anti bacterial ooze. She holds a hand out. "You good to move?"
He nods, groaning as he stood. He slowly moves to the bodies of the bandits, picking up their AKs. "Let's get the hell out of here..." His voice was strained, and blood seeped through the bandages. They made it to the truck, "Can you drive?" He asked, coughing heavily.
She glares at him. "Like hell I would let you drive in your condition." After checking to make sure he is settled in she starts the truck. It almost stalls going into first gear, but its under way back to the house soon enough. A mile down the road though, a cloud of dust behind them catches her eye. "Shit. James, we got company." Guess those bandits had friends...
He nods. "Go to the old ruins a few miles west. We have a .50 cal up there." When they arrived, James hobbles up to the mounted gun, leaning heavily on it. His breathing was getting ragged. The bandits pulled in, two cars, six men. At least, that's how many it was before he unloaded the gun. The massive gun tore apart the cars, ripping through the bandits.
The cars and the people that were in them were shredded, almost no opposition to a .50 caliber. "Let's get you back to the house." Huh, maybe she doesn't everything he has cached around the area. Back at the house she has him lay on his bed and gets to works cleaning the wounds and stitching them back up. She couldn't help admiring his muscled chest. What a girl can't look?
His eyes were closed in pain. James's chest was muscled indeed, and bore a few scars. A long one ran along his abdomen. His upper right bicep and shoulder had a black symbol, somewhat akin to the look of flame. "Gentle." He mumbled as she worked on him. He cracked open his eyes to look at her face, and he smiled.
One small shard of bullet was all that was still in the wound and it was easy to remove thankfully. Just as she finishes there is a small scratch at the door and a whine. "Sounds like someone was worried about you." She says with a smile. Ellie knew how much he loved that dog, how much the dog loved him. Her jaw tightens when she thinks about what happened earlier. That was a well armed group, and there was bound to be more. You don't travel in small groups anymore. It's just to dangerous, so for cowardly bandits to be out here you know it's a large pack. "I'm going to take the Jeep and check the perimeter. You two stay here."
He greets the wolf happily, before looking at Ellie. He moves to take her hand, "Please be careful. Be back fast, okay?" He squeezed her hand gently, then leaned back on the bed.

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