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  1. awesome


    I read it as well
  2. awesome


    What do you mean?
  3. awesome


    So... almost everybody is on. Do we wait for the others or do we start roleplaying after the time skip? @Amanda Cromwell @KurtH6355
  4. awesome


    I'm on
  5. awesome

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    Watching them take his corpse away from them was enough for Mark. He had seen his best friend get shot, killed and cried over his lifeless body while squeezing his cold hand. He just wanted to go home and sleep for years. Mark slowly walked to his car and drove home wiping the tears from his...
  6. awesome

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    "He died protecting his friends" Mark said with a sad smile and grabbed his friend's cold hand and squeezed it as hard as possible. He knew the cops were probably going to take the body away from them soon so he treasured the last moments with him as much as possible.
  7. awesome

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    "You motherfuckers..." Was all Mark could say as he watched one of his best friends get shot multiple times and die right in front of him. This was not supposed to happen, they should be celebrating Drew's victory with cold beer but instead they got the shitty ending. The "game over" for Dallas...
  8. awesome


    I'm ready
  9. awesome

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    (Finally!) "Shit!" Mark whispered as he gave the other ones with guns a small glance too see their reactions and then looked at Dallas. "What the hell do we do if they become violent?"
  10. awesome

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    "I wouldn't call it fighting. That kid will probably surrender and start crying after the first punch but you do have a point" Mark said and smiled when he heard Russel and waited for the fight to start. "This is going to be awesome!"
  11. awesome

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    "I have the worst knife in the universe but I think we'll be fine, I doubt the cops will come here anyways and if they come then I'm sure they won't do anything stupid that would lead us to do something stupid." Mark said with a small grin on his face and checked his phone and noticed a tweet...
  12. awesome

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    "You've got the guns?" Mark asked Dallas as he took out his knife for a few seconds and then hid it before anyone could see it. He used to have a gun in his house but it was nowhere to be seen and the only thing Mark had managed to bring was the first knife he found in the kitchen. "That little...
  13. awesome


    I read the rule
  14. awesome


  15. awesome


    There has to be Avery big funeral
  16. awesome

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    Mark grinned when Drew chose the nerd and the emo for his group, knowing Drew was on to something. "It better be good man because you're making us spend more time that required with these losers and I can't stand nerds like them."
  17. awesome

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    "The Silverlakes! What kind of shitty name is that? We're going to show 'em who's boss" Mark said with a chuckle and some of the others laughed. The class finally came to an end and Mark yawned loudly. "I hate the subject but I love the class, the teacher couldn't care less if we talked or not!"
  18. awesome

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    "I don't give a shit about what Al Capone said I just care about not going to jail or getting in trouble. Let's change the subject, we're so going to beat those losers from the other school! Well... I don't know if you are... the basketball match is in a few days but I don't know when your team...
  19. awesome

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    (Sorry for short replies, I'm finishing an essay while doing this so It's a bit hard for me right now. Also, I'm keeping Hayley as a secondary character for now) Mark's grin disappeared when Drew mentioned guns and crossed his arms. "Guns? Are you sure about that Drew? If you kill him then...
  20. awesome

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    Mark laughed when he heard this and shook his head. "Dude, why wait until tomorrow? You can beat him up today before the match begins and then watch how he goes home running to his little emo girlfriend. Maybe she'll finish killing herself before he gets there." He said and a few of the other...