Guys, that was amazing. You did all that in 15 minutes. *applause*

Remember to go check out the new rule in the rules Tab and then confirm you read the rule here in OOC, and check out the Events Calender, found in Updates Tab.
Man, this is amazing. True Organization. I think making me Co-GM was a good call, Amanda.

Hey, Awesome, my man, do us a favor and make it so the green dot will appear if your on? It'll just make things alot easier.

Thanks. @Leela can you do the same?
I'm going to have Thomas stay out of the liquor place. I want to see what happens between Drew and Ella after Dallas dies
Online simply means he is logged in. He could be AFK or have his phone asleep. Until he says he's ready, we'll start. If we start without him saying ready, then we risk having him not respond.

You know...since this next scene doesn't really require him, we can get going. Lemme make first post.

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