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  1. RyukoMatoi95

    Fantasy Power Academy (Reboot)

    Willow hardly only payed slight attention to the Headmaster as he was speaking to the students. She was too distracted by all the people around her. She was practically bouncing up and down in her seat in excitement at the sight of all the new faces. All the students sitting close to her began...
  2. RyukoMatoi95

    Fantasy Power Academy (Reboot)

    Willow was about to sneak outside when she overheard the Headmaster tell other students to head back to their dorms. She hangs her head and sighs as she wanders back to her room. She wanted to check out the school grounds, but that would just have to wait.
  3. RyukoMatoi95

    Fantasy Power Academy (Reboot)

    Sorry I was gone for a few days too! I was visiting family for a few days and they had no wifi -.-
  4. RyukoMatoi95

    Fantasy Ultra Quest

    Name: Beatrix Age: 17 Gender: Female Race: Meta human Appearance: Personality: She always speaks her mind, to a fault at times. She thrives off the company of people, and has a really difficult time coping with loneliness. Weapon(s): A scythe twice her height with a retractable...
  5. RyukoMatoi95

    Fantasy Power Academy (Reboot)

    Willow finishes decorating her room to her liking and, using her telekinesis to grab her lipstick and eyeliner, fixes her makeup. "Time to scope out the students. Hope there's some cute ones," she thinks to herself as she once again adjusts her dress. Willow wanted to make sure she made a good...
  6. RyukoMatoi95

    Fantasy Power Academy (Reboot)

    Willow sat passenger seat in her friend's hearse. "I just HAD to sleep in, didn't I?" Willow said to herself angrily. "I'm gonna miss out on getting a good look at all my fellow students!" She sighs to herself. "I'll probably be the last one there." Her best friend Claire puts her hand on...
  7. RyukoMatoi95

    Fantasy School of the Fantasy

    Name: Serafina Age: 17 Height: 5' 4" Race: Witch Role (Student, Teacher, Staff): Student Appearance: She is small and pixie-like build-wise. She has long pink hair and wide, purple colored eyes. She's almost always wearing dresses with stockings, and of course her witch hat...
  8. RyukoMatoi95

    Fantasy The Blood Farm (vampire/human rp)

    Yay ^_^ Thanks!
  9. RyukoMatoi95

    Fantasy The Blood Farm (vampire/human rp)

    Name: Ayame Sunketsu Age: 20 Apearance: History: Ayame was turned into a vampire against her will at a very young age. Because of this, she finds it hard to trust other vampires, especially with the way they treat humans. Personality: She loves to push peoples buttons, and when she...
  10. RyukoMatoi95

    Fantasy Power Academy (Reboot)

    She does :) Although I didn't have the intention of making her one. I'm not a flirtatious person in real life, so I thought it would be fun to play the role of someone who is ^_^
  11. RyukoMatoi95

    Fantasy Power Academy (Reboot)

    No offense taken hha ^_^ I totally get what you mean.
  12. RyukoMatoi95

    Fantasy Power Academy (Reboot)

    Sweet! Just wanted to be sure ^_^ Thanks!
  13. RyukoMatoi95

    Fantasy Power Academy (Reboot)

    Just was wondering if my character was approved :)
  14. RyukoMatoi95

    Fantasy Power Academy (Reboot)

    Thanks! I'm pretty new to all this stuff, so I look forward to it ^_^
  15. RyukoMatoi95

    Fantasy Power Academy (Reboot)

    Makes sense!! Good point :) I will edit that
  16. RyukoMatoi95

    Fantasy Power Academy (Reboot)

    Name: Willow Age: 17 Habits: Smoking cigarettes (she will have to do this in hiding seeing as she's in school), flirting, spending time by herself reading. Powers: Telekinesis, danger intuition, and affecting the emotions of those around her. Strengths: Besides her strength in power...
  17. RyukoMatoi95

    Hey everybody!

    My name is Celina, and I'm pretty new to this stuff. I've always been huge into anime (well.. cartoons in general) and video games :) I needed a new way to get out some creativity and imagination, and this seems like the best way to go about it!