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  1. Koleinblue

    We Are No Longer Alone (RP)

    Alex was sitting on a plain white bench along the wall of the cabin and breathing deeply. She knew what to do, though her mind was still fuzzy and she didn't know what was happening or why. But she knew that she needed to remain calm and focus on her breathing, the rising and falling of her...
  2. Koleinblue

    We are no longer alone

    Name:Alexandra Scott Age:24 Gender:Female Appearance: Special skills: Alex is a physicist. She studies space and the Universe and the like. Though she has little physical strength and endurance, she is very intelligent. Position in mission: Research Member Personality: Sarcastic...
  3. Koleinblue

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    Levia sat along a busy side street in the Slums. It wasn't so busy that she had to worry about being seen by someone that would recognize her, but was just busy enough that she could expect some business. A dark purple scarf was carefully wrapped around her head, shielding most of her face from...
  4. Koleinblue

    A world Bathed in Red

    Name:Levia Trasten Age:23 Place: Slumian, but not a part of the Hikari Abilities:She is a seer. She can look into the future. Bio:Levia was born in the slums. Her family was poor and as soon as her abilities began to manifest themselves, they sold her to the highest bidder. Her parents...
  5. Koleinblue

    Looking to do some fandoms

    Hey, i would be interested in doing a Supernatural rp. Or if you are interested in Doctor Who I have always wanted to rp that.
  6. Koleinblue

    1x1 anyone?

    Shall I PM you? We can begin discussing an idea for this.
  7. Koleinblue

    Enter Terryal: Young Zephyr (Temporary RP)

    Shino Kayeisa 37 cycles, but appears 20 Diuris Female Southern Mainland 5'7 125lbs Shino spent most of her life among her tribe. Five cycles back she had a miscarriage. Afterwards, she left her tribe and her then husband. She is still very weakened and hopes to find help to heal in Zephyr...
  8. Koleinblue

    TV & Film What stupid horror movie character are you?

    I would probably be the stoner kid that got dragged along by friends and gets killed fairly early. Or the nerd that, again, is killed really quickly. OR I would become the killer. I can image me as the one that goes crazy and joins the killer or starts murdering people on my own.
  9. Koleinblue

    1x1 anyone?

    Hi. I would love to do a 1x1 fantasy type rp with you. I don't have any specific idea at the moment but if you like we can figure out a story.
  10. Koleinblue

    Craving some 1 x 1 rp

    Hey, the ghost one sounds really interesting. I would prefer to be the ghost and I don't care about the gender, though i would kind of prefer to make the ghost a man. =] PM me if you are interested.