Enter Terryal: Young Zephyr (Temporary RP)

Original Hylion

RPn's Original Jello Lion Pirate

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Zephyr.jpg.13ac94b102ce2356d572f05f1dec4edd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4689" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Zephyr.jpg.13ac94b102ce2356d572f05f1dec4edd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

>> Storyline and Info <<

>> IC thread <<

I am opening this RP as to wait for a certain that needs a certain update to begin. That RP has garnered enough interest to believe starting it will not be a tedious effort. aAlthough the long wait for the update may cause many who have shown interest to wander away from the RP, thus I begin to create a temporary RP that will use the same lore and storyline thread but will not majorly be involved in story. This RP will be used to keep those interested here as well as let the RPers have a slight understanding of who they will be RPing with. Hopefully this even garners more attention for the main RP. This RP won't be very story based or action oriented as it is waiting for the main RP that will be. So if you're interested in a little casual RPing while you wait, feel free to join.

Zephyr, the independent city state that resides on the south-western coast. At this time, all the nations were city states, but many of them relied on each other, or partnered with nations that shared the same god. Zephyr was one of the only states that stood on its own feet, as well they lacked a god that they solely worshiped. Religious practice was free in Zephyr, as long as confined to privacy. Zephyr's fame did not come its political stand, but rather the infamous cavalry brigade that served under it, the Djinn Wolves. While the rest of the world is often at war or in shambling states, Zephyr has been able to keep a steady economy and strong army to defend its walls. During these times, Zephyr was the safest place to live on the continent.

While Zephyr is considered quite powerful it is far from most largest, population wise or territorially. They are quite lucky and thankful for their size and their independence. Economically, they are sound as friendships with neighboring city states are quite solid and sound, though there are some states that detest Zephyr for not garnering a main religion or condoning the smaller unwanted religions. Religiously, Zephyr allows any religion to be worshiped, as long as kept in private areas, although Zephyr has a church devout to the graceful goddess Sultra, and a cathedral under Cosmos the goddess of Order. While the civilians of Zephyr have varied religious belief, a majority serve under Cosmos or Sultra.

Zephyr is quite close to the coast, and have prominently sized dock that leads out to the ocean. While it is rare to have contact with the other main continent or isles, on occasion there is a foreign ship at their docks. Due to that, Zephyr is not unknown to have residents with extremely foreign accents. Along with the people, the foreign goods give Zephyr a large amount of wealth being as they are one of the closest docks to the West. While Zephyr's currency is focused mainly on talons, it also expands onto the coin to meet with standards of trade. Thanks to their diverse trade, many of the residents of Zephyr reside in the middle or higher class while there are near to no people left in the lower classes.

Zephyr is not overly advanced, but they stay to date with the times and usually keep the main parts of he city up to date. They have basic plumbing, strong houses, dependable walls, and gorgeous structures. Zephyr consists of a main city which is kept up to date and well defensible which also holds the church and cathedral, while the rolling plains to the East are scattered with smaller towns that mainly consist of middle class artisans and lower class farmers. Both the city and the plain towns have a strong guard force, mainly manned by the Djinn Wolves, while the law/Djinn Wolves are the most respected men and women of Zephyr, they are relatively kind, commonly gruff and boastful but kind. Zephyr is run as a monarchy, the Duke who is a very benevolent ruler, but is known for a slight greed. Taxes fluctuate, but are kept low.

The Rules of Zephyr (The actual Rules)

  1. Respect each other in here, your characters can be mean as you please
  2. No godmodding, autoing, yada yada, you know this stuff
  3. Follow the RPn rules
  4. Please keep in the lore, you may choose whatever race you can work into the lore, although the main two races would be hume and diuris, any other races that would be playable have to work within the lore (Golems, possessed, etc.). Gods are off limits to everyone except a select few of mine.
  5. Must be approved by me or Silver Lion Coalition before entering the actual Role play
  6. Keep combat on the low, as this will not be combat oriented. having brawls with people are fine, as long as you aren't slitting throats. By the way, OC killing is not allowed unless authorized.
  7. Try to keep post's minimums at one paragraph, any smaller and you will be contacted.
  8. This is the OOC, any out of character conversations should be done here(not a strict rule)
  9. Please keep your character within Zephyr
  10. This doesn't have to be your final character, this is only a temporary RP, so feel free to make a expendable character.
  11. I am god, my word is final, unless a staff member appears of course.

Character Skeleton/Application/whatever you want to call these

  • Your character's name

Copy this

[tabs][tab=Name]Your character's name[/tab]
[tab=Age]This can be what your character appears to be or you can say how many cycles(years) old your character is[/tab]
[tab=Race]The two main playable races are hume and diuris, you may create a race as long as it works within the lore given(ex. golem)[/tab]
[tab=Gender]Male or female, in between[/tab]
[tab=Area of Origin]Northern Deadlands, Southern Mainland, Western isles(must have a welsh/irish accent), Zephyr, etc. [/tab]
[tab=Weight/Height]ex. 11ft 3lbs[/tab]
[tab=Appearance]Picture or description, or both[/tab]
[tab=Known History]This is what other characters will know about your character, this should be the place for you to write about your character without any spoilers of any possibly plot points you have planned.[/tab]
[tab=Full Bio]This should be your complete and full bio, with spoilers[/tab]
[tab=Extra]Whatever you want[/tab][/tabs]

Accepted OCs

Hylion - Rige Airs

Noah - Noah Caster

Silver Lion - Soren Rallen

WanderingTyrant - Tooth-In-The-Sea

Cressy - Troy Walker

Little sister - Ayesha Muir

Sol of Hastag - Yurt, The Silent Trader

EliCarter - Mhara Sarcina

Humor - Leo blatz

May - Kayetta Valteri

Haley - Faelyn

Sylvan - Zevran and Silver

Erica - Aesriel

Evangeline - Vaya

Aradom - Tor Drasal



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Under construction

  • Rige Airs



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  • Noah Caster
Noah said:
  • Noah Caster
That works just fine, accepted. I feel like i recognize your character from somewhere haha 

NebulaSkies said:
may i join, please? I'm making a skeleton in a bit. I'm on my iPad and I'd like to use my laptop. 

  • Emma Stone
Yesh, this is fine, thanks for joining! Accepted. You're app does scare me slightly, just remember that this is based in medievalish era 

DTM20 said:
  • Audrey Saddler

I hope filling my skeleton with "see linked character sheet" is acceptable, I spent an entire day on this basic info already. :tongue:

As we discussed, the section about magic can be tweaked accordingly as mechanics behind the setting's magic is posted.
haha, while it would be nice to do things that way, I'll have to ask that you at least copy paste your character's required areas on to the application, sorry. I'd just like it that way as to make it easier on everyone.
DTM20 said:
But don't the signups only pertain to you? That seems like a lot of wasted effort, but okay, I'll copy and paste the information I've already provided if that's what you want.
  • Audrey Saddler
That's perfect, thank you for complying! Accepted
  • Soren Rallen
  • 18 cycles old

Just make sure you can keep a post minimum of a paragraph ^.^ 

  • 18 cycles old

Also, you forgot to put her name in there too
  • Nala Night

Okies dokes ^.^
@Original Hylion

I is Saurian. :3

  • Tooth-In-The-Sea (Ahtunowhiho:Aditsan in his language, this can be directly translated into 'The One Who Lives Below Listens')
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WanderingTyrant said:
I is Saurian. :3
  • Tooth-In-The-Sea (Ahtunowhiho:Aditsan in his language, this can be directly translated into 'The One Who Lives Below Listens')
Accepted, but a note on the Extra. The technology level during this time would be set around High Middle Ages/11th century. Paper, ink and quill would be used often. Gunpowder would be called black powder as it isn't used for guns as there are none around at the time, but it would be used for bombs, very primitive prototype canons, and fire arrow launchers, also black powder only becomes useful to those who lack skill in magic, which would mean the Tlaloc are not very knowledgeable in such areas. Also alcoholic beverages have always been around, usually used as ritual or medical purposes in ancient civilization, but now used for everything. Mainly since alcoholic beverages would actually be safer to drink than water. One really useful thing that the Tlaloc would have and the Realm of Gods wouldn't is matches, friction matches. Super useful, as flint and steel is tedious and time consuming.

Nothing wrong with the app, just thought I'd inform you :P
I'm going to reserve this spot for application 
Since my last one didn't happen ;-; gah screw it ill just post it when I can 
I'm still editing things but here

  • Troy Walker



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Cressy said:
I'm going to reserve this spot for application 
Since my last one didn't happen ;-; gah screw it ill just post it when I can 
I'm still editing things but here
  • Troy Walker
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  • Ayesha Muir



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  • Yurt
[QUOTE="Little Sister]
  • Ayesha Muir

Wonderful! accepted! If you feel like changing your character or anything let me know! ^o^ 

[QUOTE="Sol The Hastag]
  • Yurt

Beautiful Profile!

Accepted! As i said to everyone else, if you feel like changing anything, just let me know! 
On a side note to both of you, in case you're not sure what's happened in the IC, everyone is hanging out at a tavern called Drunken Breeze.
  • Leophaz "Leo, Blatz" Ubelblatz



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  • Mhara Sarcina



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EliCarter said:
  • Mhara Sarcina

Humor said:
  • Leophaz "Leo, Blatz" Ubelblatz
  • Kayetta Valteri



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  • Brinkmann
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Blitzy said:
  • Brinkmann
I don't feel comfortable with your character, there's nothing interesting about it and is unneeded as far as i can read. Look over the other accepted characters and change your character then make changes. 

MegaMightyMay said:
  • Kayetta Valteri
Accepted. Be sure that you can post more than a paragraph ^.^ 
I'll be closing the RP now. If anyone wishes to join then the requirements will be higher.
  • Shino Kayeisa
  • Faelyn
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Haley said:
  • Faelyn

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