Enter Terryal: Young Zephyr (Temporary RP)

  • Zevran Lokir (The Trickster)

  • Kivarria Rorkir (Silver Seeker in English)
[QUOTE="Sylvan Warrior]
  • Zevran Lokir (The Trickster)

  • Kivarria Rorkir (Silver Seeker in English)

Accepted. During the main RP you can only as one character, btw 
Being as Tyrant has left RPn, myself or someone i deem worth enough will kill off his character, unless i just forget about his character completely
Kuya Lion!! I'm joining~ ^^ spot holder.

  • Your character's name
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  • Aesriel Fletcher, commonly goes by Aesri (pronounced Ehz-ree)
9/26 - Small edit: changed her age to 32 to match the timeline of her history. (Correcting my original error.)
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Erica said:
  • Aesriel Fletcher, commonly goes by Aesri (pronounced Ehz-ree)
Amazing app! Accepted
  • Tomb-Walker.
  • DtvFw4F.png
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TheEntireSovietUnion said:
  • Tomb-Walker.
  • DtvFw4F.png

Please try to put more into your posts, the limit is a paragraph remember.
x.x I dunno if this'll come out right.

I'm such a horrible person to my characters. T^T

  • Vaya



  • elemental_by_echoes1-d60brvg.jpg
    425.8 KB · Views: 60
Evangeline said:
x.x I dunno if this'll come out right.
I'm such a horrible person to my characters. T^T

  • Vaya
Awesome! Great character, you're coming back strong! Accepted
  • Tor Drasal
Aeradom said:
  • Tor Drasal
Accepted! if you plan on joining the Hunt, post soon! 
And the Hunt begins! I'm allowing people to RP out the fights with control over their enemies. One thing, allow me to introduce the troll! 
Sorry for being a bit slow to reply, myself. School as been a bit more demanding as of late! I'll reply soon! 
It was requested that I wait for another character to post before I do, so I will give a few more days before I move things a bit further. 
I shall wait one more day before i post 
I wish to move the RP along and transition soooon, so please try to speed things up just a little. At least before the end of the month i'd like to move to the new thread c:

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