We are no longer alone


The year is 2260 and humans have just begun their expansion into the universe. A lunar base has been on the moon for 180 years now, and colonies began to sprout on Mars 130 years ago. For the last 120 years Mars has been undergoing a terraforming project. There have been strange rumors and conspiracies about Mars ever sense the first failed colonization attempt. These rumors consist of...well I'll let you ask around to find out for yourself.

You are engaging in the next monumental step of mankind. For the first time in our 4500 thousand years of civilization we have confirmed that humanity is not alone in the universe. In a solar system much like own, on a planet similar to earth sentient life has been found. The Destination is the system Tau Ceti, planet Ketos, the forth planet of five from the sun. Although earth has attempted to contact Ketos no response has been received. You are part of the 200 person crew that has been sent to make first contact.

When you join this rp I will pm you a set of mission instructions, and perhaps some secret information that suits your characters back ground. Use this information how you wish. But be careful it may be the key to your survival. Join and find out more.

A History of Earth:

Tension in the middle east during the 21st century culminated in a third world war. The war began in 2065 and ended 2068. This war was the shortest of all the world wars but far more devastating. Much of the Middle East and east coast United States became a nuclear wasteland. Governments crumbled, millions of people died, and the earth suffered from radiation. The will to fight was lost and everything that was fought for destroyed.

With the start of WWIII the Christians, Judaists, and Islamics all believed that the day of final judgement was soon to come. Due to this, each nations religion was active in supporting the military. The three Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) believed that it was their holy duty to purge the earth of sinners and nonbelievers. However, the destruction of Jerusalem and very prominent threat of nuclear holocaust made nonbelievers out of everybody. The people of Christianity, Judaism and Islam saw that WWIII could not lead to naught but destruction.

From the ashes of the final years of the war a new religion was conceived: the Sons of Abraham (SoA). The goal of this religion was to unify the Abrahamic religions so that peace could be achieved. It took all the shared beliefs of each religion and selected scriptures from the Old Testament that all could believe in. Because the SoA consisted of members from all sides of the war and due to their predecessor's military influence the SoA was able to bring an end to the war rather quickly.

63% of earths population are of the Sons of Abraham, about 13% are Eastern Religion (i.e. Hindu, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucian ect.), 4% other, and 20% nonreligious.

To prevent another calamity, such as a world war, from every happening again the SoA worked with the United Nations to create the Planetary Police and Military. This power was comprised of members from all nations, but in order to remain unbiased was controlled evenly by the SoA and the United Nations. Because the post war governments were weak and the SoA held the hearts of the people and controlled much of the Planetary Police it was an easy task for the SoA to shape the U.N. into the United Global Government.

The United Global Government was in charge of all legislative and executive maters. The Planetary Police and Military saw to the judicial maters and enforced the peace. The Sons of Abraham acted as the connection between the people and the government, making sure that the people were happy with the laws of the government. The SoA was also the main religious affiliation for more then half of the earths population.

These three super powers (commonly called the Big 3) began joint rule of the world around 2072. By 2079 each claimed to be autonomous in their internal govorning, but there is much speculation over whether or not one super power controls the rest.

The Big 3 has ruled peacefully for 188 years.

A history or humanities endeavors in space:

The first colony attempted on Mars was funded and pursued by private companies in 2060. The project was going well until it was abruptly terminated for undisclosed reasons. All colonies were shut down and abandoned in 2063. For a while strange rumors were going around on why the development was abandoned.

Along with the restoration of a disheveled humanity the big 3 reopened the space program 2075. Funds were easily collected now and with high radiation levels on earth the necessity progress drove the project quickly. Strangely though, instead of reopening the perfectly habitable domes on mars a lunar base was first constructed in 2080. The Planetary Police and Military set up military basses and reopened the citizen colonies on mars fifty years later.

In the year 2090 two extraordinary events happened. A method was found to terraform Mars and sentient life was discovered on the planet Ketos of the Tau Ceti system. There was speculation over how this fact was confirmed. The Big 3 asserted that a satellite sent by the United States over 300 years ago had just sent back images and data. Unfortunately there are not enough surviving NASA records to confirm this (due to the WWIII).

Tau Ceti is 12 light years away from earth, a distance was considered unreachable. However, it took research facilities on Mars and Earth only 150 years to develop and construct a ship that could travel at the speed of light. The expedition for first contact is under way in the year 2260.

Note: I have put a great deal of research and thought into this rp. If certain do not seem reasonable (to an extent) remember that things may not be how they seem on the surface. While you play this rp you will be able to find out more information from the characters I will control. Ask the right question or the right people at the right time and you may be rewarded.


1. No god moding

2. Don't kill other players

3. Characters may not be high up in the command ranks on the ship. By high up i mean in a position that would require you to know certain secrets that I, of course, havent told anyone yet. An exampke is the leader pf the research team or commander of military. Don't worry though, this will all become obsolete soon.

4. Positions that you may choose are:

  • SoA correspondent and religious missionary
  • military grunt
  • research member
  • mercenary of a powerful earth corporation
  • medic
  • A combination of 2 of the above options
  • If there is a position you feel like I have forgotten use it and I'll let you know what I think.

5. There are no starting weapons, but don't worry you will get them soon.

6. If at any point in the rp you feel the need to have a completely private word with another player you must do a post that puts your character in the position to talk to or leave some sort of message for them too find. You will not put the actual message in your post, but rather you will pm me the message and I will relay it via pm to the player. Be creative with your intel passing. If you do it sloppily someone else will probably find out.

Character skeleton:





Special skills:

Position in mission:


Name: Takio Habe

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tall Japanese man with shoulder length black hair often in a top knot, dark blue (almost black) eyes. He is tall for a Japanese man at 6 foot.

Special skills: Masters degree in biology, 4th Dan in Karate.

Position in mission: Researcher specifying in biology. Medic capable of basic field treatment.

Personality: Takio is a kind person in general but believes that strength comes from taking the necessary course of action even if it may not be the moral choice. This is highly contradictory to his religion of Buddhism and Shinto. People often call him a hypocrite or even a bad person due to the brutal practicality of his choices. In most cases, though, he has good intentions, believing that what he does is for the greater good.
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Name: Erryic (Eric) Czechov (Check-of)

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Appearance: Appears Caucasian with facial structures that would show he is Russian. He appears to have more of a tan, but actually, it is a combination of a slight "farmers tan" and his natural skin pigment. He has a scar from his right cheek to the bottom of his chin as well. Being as he is a former member of the spetsnaz and now, nearly the worlds greatest gun for hire, so he keeps his hair short, no longer than 1/3 inch long. He tends to let his facial hair grow a little before he shaves, at that point, it is too long to be stubble, and too short to be a beard of any sort. His hair is dark brown. Eyes are pale blue, almost like foggy chlorinated water. He stands tall at about 6 foot 7 because of some sort of experimental drug he used years ago, known as a "Medi-shot". He is stocky and muscular due to his constant exercising to keep himself sharp. (I apologize for the long appearance description, I am on an iPod, and don't know how to paste or link pics... And I guess he wouldn't have a good pic out there of him anyways...)

Special skills: spetsnaz background and qualifies for use of any gun, even a few experimental ones. His schooling is poor other than boot camp and self teaching, he had made it until halfway through 7th grade before dropping out. He can do a lot, but generally won't tell anyone, or will lie until an emergency arises.

Position in mission: just the guy with a big gun and makes sure all goes according to plan. He works for a few earth companies and may have hidden motives and objectives of his own.

Personality: Erryic tends to be a colder, more bitter person. He has learned through military and mercenary standards to not rely on others too much. He tends to not get close to people either, especially after a few comrades deaths in a covert spetsnaz mission went horribly wrong. His accent is rather pleasant for a man of his stature and rugged appearance. He may come across as brutal, but really, he took one last mission before he retired because he was offered enough to carry out the rest of his life in style and keep his son and grandson happy as well. He doesn't want to be here, but couldn't turn down the money for what to him sounded like a babysitting job. Sub missions are taken care of covertly and without documentation.
That all sounds good. You are accepted. I would like to have at least five people before starting. The more the merrier.
(quite a bit of reading!)

Name: Chris Fiorn

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Appearance: Chris appears to have a very white/pale face, with a couple freckles inbetween, he has blue eyes and a thick dirty blonde Mohawk, He has a small skinny stature, and appears to be a very light, fast person.

Special skills: Chris is pretty agile and light footed. He has amazing balance and can perform the trickiest of maneuvers.

Position in mission: Chris is the spy, he is capable of getting behind enemy lines and providing possibly very important intel.

Personality: Chris is very funny and sarcastic, he loves to make jokes even in the worst of situations, he believes that if your not happy, your not living your life to the fullest, but when Chris is serious, he is dead serious for the time being. He knows when to stop and is pretty well controlled when it comes to anger and other emotions.
Lol. There is a lot of reading. It is all important though. Your character is accepted. His position in the mission will most likely be military reconnaissance.
I'm getting excited for this rp to start :D If you guys can get more people to join we can start sooner.
I think mr.czechov is actually going to get along with the spy (mr.fjorn) and utilize his skills and potentially get him a "side job"... I was thinking if there was any sort of function, Czechov would seat himself away from the group but within ear shot and within sight (which is typical strategy when trailing a target.) so if he meets with someone, it will always be private...
Haha, you can ask him to help but Whether or not he entirely complies is up to him. You brought up a point about private meetings That I am going to add to the rules.

Rule 6: If at any point in the rp you feel the need to have a completely private word with another player you must do a post that puts your character in the position to talk to or leave some sort of message for them too find. You will not put the actual message in your post, but rather you will pm me the message and I will relay it via pm to the player. Be creative with your intel passing. If you do it sloppily someone else will probably find out. 
I have a few more characters that will help move drive the general plot. All their destinies have been decided all ready. There are also a few more characters I will control but don't feel the need to write a skeleton for them. If you feel the need to kill one of my players pm me and we might be able to work something out > :D

Name: Elisa Martines

Age: 45

Gender: Female

Appearance: 6'5, brown eyes, crew cut blond hair, muscular build. She is from Mexico. She has a nice face but here very muscular, thick body, and small breasts make her in speaking to most men. She looks like she could kick the asses of most men.

Special skills: Trained in most if not all weapons, very proficient in hand to hand combat, very charismatic.

Position in mission: Military Commander. As far as ranking goes Elisa is the second highest. The only other person of equal rank is the the leader of the research department. Only the captain is ranked higher.

Personality: Elisa is very concise and to the point. She follows the orders given to her and expects all others to follow her own. Her manner of speaking is stern yet powerful. None would mall her kind, but she does care about the safety of her soldiers. Before the mission Elisa was Stationed on Mars.

Name: Mathew Goode

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Appearance: 6 foot with short blond hair and blue eyes. There is a black sphere tattooed on the back of his hand. Sometimes it seems to shine. Mat it is an enigma given to him by the Lord.

Special skills: Very proficient doctor and surgeon.

Position in mission: Chief Medic and Surgeon, SoA Liaison.

Personality: Mathew is a very pious and holy man who believes that it is his God given duty to serve humanity. This drove him to become a doctor. Previously Mat was stationed as a SoA doctor and researcher on Mars. He was sent straight from Mars to the ship bound for Tau Ceti. Since then he is always flanked by two Planetary Police soldiers that he, nervously, claims to be body guards. At times he seems to be happy but then all of a sudden becomes strangely quiet.

Name: Henry Johnson

Age: 52

Gender: Male

Appearance: 5'7 with short curly hair. Wears the suit of a high ranking United Global Government official and leather gloves.

Special skills: Superb piloting skills, very intellectual

Position in mission: Captain on the Ship bound for Tau Ceti and mission leader.

Personality: Henry does not have a personality that suits his position. Although he is smart he is confused quite often. Sometimes he does not even seem to understand what he is talking about, even though he is always right. His accent is very old fashioned. Although he is a high ranking official he does not seem to know much about the Big 3. Despite his misgivings his skill in piloting a ship and amiable personality make people trust him as a leader. No one knows anything about his past.
Intresting....Cant wait till we start :D I tried to get a couple friends to join, but they couldn't. :(
Name: John "Smokey" Jameson

Age: 31

Gender: Male



Special skills:

-Numerical equations, and things having to do with numbers/distances.

-Efficiency with rifles, he is able to hit a target from miles away without a spotter.

-Random facts nobody else would understand or even want to, for that matter.

Position in mission: Marksman. He is able to spot enemies from afar with his rifle, and tell distances with only his mind.

Personality: Coldly sarcastic and funny only in his mind. He is the buzzkill of the group, and will say something he thinks is hilarious, though is the complete opposite in reality. John is very loyal when it comes to teams, and often pulls through in the hardest of hardships. He really does care about others, despite not showing it because (in his own words) "[John Jameson] don't want to look like a pansy, with feelings, and stuff".
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Ok. We can get going. I am going to get the thread started by tonight. I am going to be afk all day tomorrow because of I am moving to my university, but after that I will be very active. At this point we still need at least one more person to join to make everything sort of make sense. If we could get two that would be even better. I am hoping that we can get a few more joiners early on so try and do a bit pf recruiting if you feel like it. If no one else comes either I, or maybe one of you guys, can make another character.
Name:Alexandra Scott





Special skills: Alex is a physicist. She studies space and the Universe and the like. Though she has little physical strength and endurance, she is very intelligent.

Position in mission: Research Member

Personality: Sarcastic. She tends to prefer researching or studying her books than being around others. She is a bit too intelligent for her own good. She understands brain patterns and psychology but doesn't understand people or how to talk to them.
Sorry I couldn't start the rp to night. I haven't had time to finish writing the intro post. I will try my best to get it up tomorrow morning. If not by then then by tomorrow night. Stay patient. I have high hopes for this rp.
I'll join, this is an amazing role play. I won't be able to fill a form out until tonight, so I'll edit this post.
Name: Charlene Saphir Ackerman

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Appearance: Charlene Whoever Charlene’s parents were, they've lent her an acceptable assortment of genes. Distinctive cheekbones, non-cluttered lips, symmetrical features, an angular jawline and a pointed chin. It almost seemed as if she were stuck somewhere between woman and girl, fretfully so. Charlene is average height and somewhat thin, with small limbs and tiny hands and feet. You may have expected her to dodder about like a clumsy hound, elbowing vases off tables and steering herself straight into counters filled with expensive dishware, but not so. She moves with an easy, practised grace. As if she were more of a dancer, and less of a two-legged creature born to remain anchored to the ground. Charlene almost looks like she glides, long legs closing the distance between you and her in seconds.

Charlene always makes sure that she's presentable, or at least straying far from dishevelled. And her hair? It's white. Pristine silk. Obviously not her natural hair colour, but it's striking enough to garner a few second glances. Her eyes are peculiar enough. Sapphire peepers reflect and mirror whatever she's looking at. Absorbing flecks of this and that.

Special skills: She is very good at reading people when they speak to her, but she is also very manipulative when she can be. Other than her degree in Engineering, she is very quick on her feet and and can make decisions quickly.

Position in mission: She is an engineer member, but is often used as a messenger and information gatherer / organizer. She is one of the ones who helps make sure everything is running smoothly.

Personality: On the one hand, Charlene basically a textbook narcissist, and doesn't take kindly to anyone attempting to show her she's wrong or flawed in any way. That said, she's not unreasonable, quite the opposite in fact, and one could say that her narcissism was an overblown reaction to something that is nevertheless true: she's calculating and highly intelligent, without room for most of the stupid emotions that make other people prone to bad judgement. As one might expect from this, she is also a high-functioning sociopath. Complimenting a genius-level intellect and a talent for manipulation, we have someone who has always felt a little too good for the imperfect world she grew up in.

This had led to one of her few virtues as well, however - Charlene is industrious and self-sufficient. She works hard, and expects the same out of her peers. She also takes very good care of them, though whether this is because she feels some kind of responsibility for them or because it's better for business is unclear. She pursues work just as hard as happiness - which is to say with uncommon, almost uncanny devotion.

In everyday interaction, Charlene tends to choose her faces either situationally or for her own entertainment. Her read on people is extraordinary, and she can know basically without fail how to engender the reaction of her choice in another person. Sometimes, she likes watching them squirm. Sometimes, she'll indulge them. Other times, she'll leave them cold and laugh at their frustration, but she never fails to make an impression. If one wanted a baseline on her personality, one would be sorely disappointed. The closest anyone could say is simply that she knows things, things she shouldn't, and she's quite happy to tease, blackmail, cajole, or withdraw with that information, depending on what she sees as being to her advantage.

Charlene doesn't have friends. She has contacts, allies, bodyguards, partners, the occasional obsessed stalker, enemies, mortal enemies, blackmail victims, employees, clients, and sometimes an entourage, but never friends. At least, not yet.
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accepted. Start posting people! I would like to move this rp along quickly. There is a lot I would like to cover in it. As soon as everyone, or most everyone depending on the time it takes, we will land on the planet. Things will begin to get exciting then.

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