We are no longer alone

By tomorrow, or this evening if new people post, we will begin to orbit Ketos. By Sunday we will land on the planet and get the mission started. If everyone is posting at leave two times a day though we can sped up even more.
I hope its not too late to join well heres my character.

Name: Randolf Muller



Appearance:Randolf stands at 5ft 11in.He has olive skin color from his Italian,and has a German from his father.He has a ivy league cut.His hair color is brown and his eyes are also brown.Randolf is pretty skinny but he has some muscle on him.

Special skills:He is a master at medicine.He is also an expert with pistols since all he use is his revolver that he carries around.

Position in mission:Randolf has been called onto the ship so he can heal the troops just in case the mission goes bad.

Personality:Randolf is a the kin of guy that you ask him to do something simple(like getting you a cup of coffee even though the closest coffee grinder is three blocks away,or go deliver something.)Somethings like that.Randolf is also a fairly unsociable guy accept with people that knows what he is talking about.
Name: Corvo Collins

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Appearance: Average height, British, Black outlined eyeglasses, Somehow black spiky hair, dark brown eyes, White skin

Special skills: Expert in decoding codes, Strategist in real-time combat, Persuasive, Stealthy

Position in mission: Research member of a powerful earth corporation.Specifically one of the best men who can hack into enemy systems.

Personality: He is not much of a fighter but is intelligent in computer systems.He used to break-in companies and sell data.His religion is non religious but respects every religion.When he joined a powerful earth corporation he had more bigger salary by selling more data.He can be really funny when you get to know him.Even at hard times he still talks about fun stuff.He can be very persuasive in talking out of a fight.This is how he survived many battles.
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I'm not sure hacker/programer is applicable enough. Maybe add some other skill. It's fine other then that.
The companies on earth have enough authority to push someone into the program, but they still need to have some useful talent. Hacking wouldnt be needed on an alien planet. (most likely) But if you add something like Decoding or something along those lines your character will make for sense and fit the rp better.
KK...Decoding is good...Somehow we're going to need to decode those alien languages. 
Also edited the char skelly..
Name: Gryphon Smith

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Appearance: Short blue-black hair that is in a feathery cut with a widows peak on her forehead, and down to about her chin, usually tied back in tight pigtails wound into small buns at the back of her head, small, almond shaped grey eyes, pale white skin, short and slender at five foot three, no muscle definition. A scattering of freckles are sprawled out on her small, heart-shaped face. Her frame is small and light, making her look very non threatening.

Special skills: Sly and sneaky, very quick and light footed, but not strong at all and is easily overpowered and she is also very skilled with her hands, a skill developed from stitching up wounds.

Position in mission: Medic

Personality: Gryphon is a very patient person, but she has a fiery temper that can develop from the smallest little things, from a stubbed toe to something important to her blowing up. She is very protective and independent, and would never admit that she cannot always help herself; let alone others. Very intelligent and loving, she cares for everyone and everything and is a minor perfectionist. She is very forgetful and disorganized, with a habit of losing or forgetting very important things, so she keeps a black leather notebook on her at all times for anything important. Whenever she feels threatened, she starts talking a lot more than she typically will, and stop being the soft spoken person that she is.
Name: Yamato Kenshin

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Appearance: Kenshin is tall for an Asian, standing at a solid six feet he towers over most Asians, let alone other nationalities. He has shoulder length jet black hair, dark brown, almost black eyes that have a steely light to them. A prominent nose has earned him the common nick name of Taka, or Hawk in Japanese which he does not mind at all. a solid jaw that can take a hit finishes out the framing of his strong face

Special skills: He is an expert marksman (sniper, assault rifle, or pistol, whatever he can get his hands on, but prefers one of those three, in that order) after serving in the military from the age of 17, also has minor medical knowledge that he learned in the military. Has extensive knowledge of religions as those were his favorite thing to research, how ever he is not a missionary nor will he ever be.

Position in mission: Grunt/resercher

Personality: Kenshin grew up in Tokyo cared for by his parents for most of his life. His dad was a military man, his mother a philosopher and religious researcher (where he got his love of religions). His father instilled military training into him from an early age, while his mother exposed him to numerous religions over the years. Kenshin did not really enjoy school, in fact, some might say that he hated it and preferred to spend time with his mother and father instead. At the age of 16 he told his parents that he wanted to join the military. His father was ecstatic and overjoyed, his son was following in his footsteps, his mother was distraught, her little boy was going to war, he was going to be a soldier with his life on the line time and time again. On his 17th birthday he contacted the military recruiters to enlist into the army, was tested and granted entry. At basic training Kenshin was marked for his excellence. The other recruits hated him for making them look like crap, he was constantly beaten, and mentally tortured throughout his training. His basic training left Kenshin cold and heartless, one day he was cornered by three recruits after leaving basic and attacked. Not one of the recruits escaped with less than two broken limbs and a busted nose. Kenshin served for 8 years in the military throughout many campaigns and fights. Kenshin climbed quickly through the ranks through this time and left the military with the rank of Captain. His last mission ended in disaster, they were supposed to clear out a village that was supposed to only have 5 enemy combatants, intell was wrong. There was a company sized unit waiting for him and his squad, after a very long fight, his squad finally won the firefight at the cost of 90% of the squad. Kenshin left the military after that mission, despite making all the right decisions, the lives of his men still weighed heavy on his shoulders, he had grown close to his men over the year he lead them. In an attempt to lessen the pain of the lives he lead to their deaths Kenshin turned to Buddhism, his mothers favorite religion, and the one both his mother and father followed. 4 years later Kenshin was contacted to go on a 12 light-year mission to a distant solar system and investigate reports of sentient life. Kenshin signed on as a Soldier and Researcher, he was to help provide protection and research the religious beliefs of the new life forms but not attempt conversion.
Name: Marchus Draynor

Age: 28

Gender: Male


Special skills: Skilled in hand to hand and ranged warfare, is well versed in the operation and maintenance of "sub-light" engines and Power Armor

Position in mission: SoA correspondent/Military personnel (essentially a sci-fi religious warrior)

Personality: Marchus despite his position is a very light hearted guy and is very tolerant of other's beliefs, however thanks to his duties back on earth, mostly stamping out any possible resurgences of violent followings of the old 3 religions, he has no tolerance for violence done in the name of religion, in fact, his position on the ship was chosen specifically to prevent any overly religious crew members from doing anything stupid, so in a wy, he is more of a sci-fi inquisitor and police office.
To speed up my posting speed I am going to start submitting my posts in two parts. First I am going to just submit any dialog I plan on using, then fill in the other stuff later. This will give people a chance to converse a little bit if they are on line at the same time I am. This should help me post more.

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