Search results for query: *

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    Necessary Evil [Inactive]

    (OOC: Sorry if I missed a lot, guys. Had to go somewhere.) Blake caught sight of the man-wolf-monster-person running after them while Brandon was leading her. "What do you want?", Sniper asked. Seriously, he's nice and all, but I don't get why he's being so paranoid. This talking dog might be...
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    Necessary Evil

    UTC +8:00 for me.
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    Necessary Evil [Inactive]

    Ooohh, it talks!?, Blake was, to say the least, impressed. It's not everyday that you see a man-monster-alien-dog walk up and offer help. She instantly trusted the creature, because that's how she works. Gives you all the trust, but would crush your skull if you betray her... not that she would...
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    Necessary Evil [Inactive]

    Blake stopped moving her hand to her wound when Sniper suggested going to the hospital. "Hmm... yeah, a hospital would be fine. I don't want to suffer another infection either.", she said with a slightly disgusted face, recalling the last time she used her hands to remove a bullet. Nope, it was...
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    Necessary Evil [Inactive]

    "Do you want my help?", she heard Sniper ask. "No thanks, I can manage.", Blake said, starting to walk. She scowled at the stinging pain on her shoulder. Yes, it hurt, but she can bear with it... she had to get that "bullet" out, though. She said "bullet", because she didn't really know what the...
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    Commission Let Me Draw Your Character/s...?

    Alright, will do~! I'll be posting it here, the earliest would be tomorrow, the latest would be the day after tomorrow.
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    Commission Let Me Draw Your Character/s...?

    I would draw anything for anyone. I don't judge by the character or where the character came from or what the character's theme is, I just draw. You can request, if you want. O v O
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    Commission Let Me Draw Your Character/s...?

    'Sup people. So I'm bored and have nothing to do... wanna let me draw your characters? I don't know if you guys would like my drawing style (you'll see it here). I can use a different style if you want. Just tell me whether you'd rather it looks more like a Western comic character or a manga...
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    Necessary Evil [Inactive]

    Blake took the weapon Sniper offered. She was never really good with guns. Feh, I can work with this. All I need to do is pull the trigger, right?, she thought. I'm keeping this, though. Then she kicked the street sign a bit to the side. She tried to shoot at some aliens, missing a bit since...
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    Necessary Evil [Inactive]

    Blake decided to go on and follow Sniper. Hmmm... I should help Sniper... but I don't wield anything at the moment. She looked around, wondering what she could use. Her eyes caught a street sign. Not the best weapon against aliens, but I guess this would do for now. 'Sides, it's not like I have...
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    TV Show RP

    Oooh, sounds cool~! I'll be watching this thread.
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    Necessary Evil [Inactive]

    "I guess I can party with you guys, as long as I can keep what I loot.", Jaguar said. She's joining us!? Blake honestly couldn't help it... she squealed-- out loud. Because of her powers, it came out as extremely high-pitched, at loud and painful to the ears. Not that she noticed, though...
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    Necessary Evil [Inactive]

    Blake's eyebrows furrowed as she studied the woman. The Muse is pretty damn famous. What kind of hero-- or... former hero... would I be if I didn't know her? Of course, like the others, she has never seen Muse before, and now that she has she's impressed. Beautiful was the only word to describe...
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    Necessary Evil [Inactive]

    Blake silently stood there as the group and the new comer had their little talk, not because she respected them and their conversation, but because she was scanning them and trying to see whether they would do well for a team. These people have greater abilities than me, obviously... they would...
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    Hmmm... what else should I do now?

    Hmmm... what else should I do now?
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    Necessary Evil [Inactive]

    While she was trying to explain, Blake saw that he thought the idea of her being in his team was ridiculous, but she grinned in triumph when she saw recognition in his eyes by the mention of the name "Cry". Her grin widened when he started apologizing (then faltered when she sensed a bit of...
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    Necessary Evil [Inactive]

    Blake crossed her arms and pouted, seeing that he didn't understand what she was suggesting. "You know, a crew!", she told him, making some weird gestures. "Like, a fighting team... or... or... a gang! Like... an alliance of some sort!" Sighing, she stopped making gestures and remembered a...
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    Necessary Evil [Inactive]

    "Don't cry. I'm sure they are alive and waiting for you to get back to them.", the crouching gun man offered. Uhm, I'm pretty sure what I saw then were their dead bodies... and even if they're still alive, they definitely wouldn't be waiting for me... not after what I did. She decided to keep...
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    Necessary Evil [Inactive]

    Blake had to bite back her scream, when she heard sounds of gunshots and bodies falling. Being surrounded by buildings, screaming was definitely not a good idea considering her certain "power". For a while, she just stood there, unsure of what to do. That's when she felt herself being dragged by...
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    Necessary Evil [Inactive]

    Walking around, Blake wiped the tears off her freckled cheek, hearing sounds of chaos nearby. Damn gits... she thought, What do they even want from this stupid planet? For a moment she was torn between going off to watch another fight and just plain escaping. She's not a hero, why should she...