Necessary Evil [Inactive]

Vanessa decided to leave the aliens be. Right now they didn't seem like a threat to her and she'd have her chance to get even anyway. She walked out onto the street and noticed an odd group. Her jaguar ears twitched as she picked up their conversation. With a smirk on her face she walked over as silently as her boots would allow. "If you guys are supers you're late to the party," she said in a roguish way. If they were superheroes they'd probably recognize her as Jaguar, a cat-like burglar. With aliens around though they might not try to catch her, not to mention she hasn't done anything illegal.... yet.
As Brandon parted away, he noticed that both the people he had been looking for had arrived the group. Observing that chasing the aliens near the Stock Exchange would be rather pointless, Brandon returned to the group. He noticed that the strange woman with the tail and weird ears moved rather quietly. Brandon was still unable to recognize her and decided to end his confusion by asking her. She referred to them as supers and she didn't seem to recognize anyone either.

"Who are you?" asked Brandon, as he united back with his acquaintances. He stood beside Cry as he quickly eyed everyone in the small group. He brought his eyes back to the cat-like woman, waiting for her response to his question.
Vanessa's smirk grew into a roguish smile. "You must not be supers then, you would have heard of me," she said in a buttery tone. She took off her leather jacket and threw it onto her shoulder. Now the Sniper and the others could see her jaguar spot tattoos on her shoulder, and if they were behind her, her upper back. "The name's...Jaguar," she added coyly. She began to put her jacket back on but left the sleeves hanging by her sides. She crossed her arms causing her elbows to stick out from her jacket. "Who are you?"
Robbie looked at Jaguar with an intense glaze. He remember hearing her name pop up in the newspaper a few years back, about a jewelry heist in Philadelphia, where the captor stole upwards of $20 million in diamonds, gold, and silver jewelry. The police and Feds suspected Jaguar was the culprit, but could never tie her to the case.

"I'm Vulcan, but you can call me Rob," he began, speaking in a very long time. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you," he ended, with a smirk appearing across his face.
"Are you a chimera girl? If you wish I can put you out of your misery." She asked her in total seriousness. Ebele didn't know who this Jaguar was, Maybe she was small time but there is a chance she was Big time. Didn't matter, Ebele never paid attention to other Villains, Only few.
"Jaguar?" asked Brandon as he placed his left arm over Cry's shoulder. Her short height made him sink on his left, as he contemplated at Jaguar. "Never heard of you." he added, but Vulcan seemed to know her as he introduced himself. His statement was soon followed by Heks' offer to help her. "Do you know her?" he whispered quietly into Cry's ears as he shifted more of his weight on her. Not only had the usually silent Vulcan spoken but he also gave himself a nickname. Brandon found it inappropriate to interrupt them. Besides, he had been the one who did all the talking with Cry while the others stood in silence, making them look kinda cool. So this was his opportunity to act cool.

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Valerie watched with mild disinterest as a group of people stood in plain sight, conversing over something. She could recognize each of them as a villain she had encountered before, or at least heard of. She didn't feel anything suspicious about them, but remained on guard as she stepped into sight. Whether they paid attention enough to notice her, she didn't know.
Blake silently stood there as the group and the new comer had their little talk, not because she respected them and their conversation, but because she was scanning them and trying to see whether they would do well for a team. These people have greater abilities than me, obviously... they would do great, she thought. I just need them to help me get rid of these aliens, then I can run off and be alone again... just like before. The thought of being alone again made her shudder, but it's how she thought things should be. Having the people you thought were your friends abandon you for a mistake isn't the greatest feeling in the world, and she's not planning to feel that again.

Feeling weight on her shoulder, she looks up to see that it was Sniper. "Do you know her?", he asked. Being a hero before, she did recognize the woman. "Of course I do!", she replied loudly, almost jumping. "She was, like, my idol back then! I was a hero, she was a villain, but she was amazing! I mean, I actually dreamed of fighting her then! In fact, I collected a few news clips of the things that she di--", then she cut herself off, realizing she was rambling.
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Brandon's jaw dropped on hearing Cry's response. He had convinced himself that she was the silent-type but her babble showed him otherwise. A small smile developed on his face as she spoke. He lifted his weight of Cry's shoulders and placed his case containing his W2000 on the ground. His whole idea of not intervening the conversation between Heks, Jaguar and Vulcan flopped due to the girl's sudden outburst of admiration for Jaguar. She suddenly stopped talking, which brought Brandon's curious eye back to her. "Wow! You sure do a lot more than cry." he said.

Brandon's quick eye caught another figure standing a little far away from the group. Neither did she seem to be hiding from them nor did she seem feared. Although he didn't recognize the brunette with dark eyes, he waved out to her. "Hey! Come on over." he exclaimed. Apparently, Brandon seemed confident that she had special abilities too.

(@Cuddly Kraken That's your cue.)
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( Why thank you @davegeta )

Val raised a brow upon hearing the man call her over. She smirked slightly and walked over, her heeled boots clicking on the blacktop. Upon reaching them, she smiled.

"Well hello there Sniper, Cry. Long time no see. Though, you wouldn't know me," Val said confidently. She crossed her arms. "I assumed your huddle here means you're teaming up?"
Brandon stared at the girl as she confidently stated that their names and added that neither he nor Cry would know her. Brandon eyed the others trying to figure if any of them knew her. He looked at Cry, moving his eyebrows and eyes to ask if she knew her as well. The newcomer then stated about teaming up, which actually the group had not discussed. "Uh. Yeah. We were getting to that. Who are you again?" asked Brandon as he stared into the girl's eyes. Her eyes seemed intimidating making Brandon feel overwhelmed.
Val could see him shifting uncomfortably under her gaze and felt pride that her reputation preceded her name. "Muse is what people call me," She said, crossing her arm. "I would say my crimes are well known, however, the cameras always happen to conveniently break when I'm around."
Brandon swiftly broke away from the strong gaze with Muse. He had heard her name but couldn't recall anything specifically about her abilities or any of her well known crimes, like she had stated. He wondered if the ex-hero amongst them recognized her as he gave Cry a quick glance before facing Muse. "Do you know all of us?" he asked as he gestured his hand toward Vulcan, Jaguar, Heks and Sasuke.
"Vaguely, yes. I can't say I've met all of you in person but I do know who you are," Val confirmed. Her smugness only grew as Sniper had to look away from her. She looked over to the other four present villains that he had gestured to and smirked.
Brandon's eyes narrowed as he could clearly make out her pride as she raised her chin and crossed her arms across her chest. Being a proud man himself, Brandon felt undignified. "So. What can you do?" he asked in a challenging tone. With mock arrogance, he added "Besides breaking cameras." Brandon deduced that if an alliance was formed between the seven people standing there they would need a leader and concluded that Muse would be the last person he wanted as the leader.
"I have enhanced intuition that helps me predict future predictions, and psychokinesis. Basically, this," Val said, raising her arm at a right angle with her hand open. As she began closing her fist, the lamp post behind her screeched as it folded in on itself, the glass shattering and raining down on the ground. Now that it was bent beyond recognition, Val released her mental grip on it and dropped her arm.
As Sniper and Muse continued their bantering, Robbie stared intently at Muse. And while she was plenty beautiful, he stared at her because something about her gave him the wrong vibe. Her smugness, her sarcastic tone, he didn't like it. And while she may be sharp, witty, smart, and above all, clever, he was worried that her attitude could be their demise.

But Robbie wanted to be wrong. He hoped that she wasn't like that. And boy did she have some power inside of her, destroying that lamp she didn't even look at. Robbie quickly shuffled next to Sniper, who's jaw was slightly open as he stared at the lamp that laid shattered and ruined.

"She will be necessary," Robbie whispered. "But we need to keep an eye on her. She could be a danger to herself and us if we don't pay attention."
Sniper nodded in approval to Robbie as he watched Muse exhibit her powers. 'She isn't all talk after all.' he thought. "Good. So you can predict future predictions!" he said sarcastically as he noticed her error in grammar. It was silly but Brandon couldn't be at peace without attempting to damage her pride. Sighing, Brandon eyed everyone around him. "Well. Now that we've all made introductions, why don't we decide who the leader of the team will be." he announced. He was quite sure that everyone wanted to form an alliance as he and Cry did.

(OOC: Don't control my character. Like, gupta just said that Sniper's jaw dropped and I didn't intend to do that with him. Sorry if I sound rude.)
Val was surprised as her caught her grammatical slip. (OOC: hehe, whoops) Well, this man's got a backbone. Kudos to him, She thought with amusement. True, she had been rudely awakened earlier than she would've like due to these pesky aliens so her mind was still waking up, but that slip up was ridiculous on her part. Val shook her head and sighed, but her lip pulled up at the corner. Well, he thinks I'm a stuck up prick? Good. He shouldn't give me a hard time about being overly emotional then.
Blake's eyebrows furrowed as she studied the woman. The Muse is pretty damn famous. What kind of hero-- or... former hero... would I be if I didn't know her? Of course, like the others, she has never seen Muse before, and now that she has she's impressed. Beautiful was the only word to describe her. Blake studied the details of Muse's face, her hands unconsciously touching her own face, because who wouldn't start feeling jealous of that? Anyway, her inner ramblings aside, she had this feeling that the Muse isn't someone to be messed with. While the woman was talking, she caught a few questioning glances from Sniper. She knew what the unspoken question was and nodded her head, yes.

After a few more words exchanged, Muse decided to show off. Yes, I choose to use the words "show off", because damn... now there's more than just her face that I have to be jealous of! " a danger to herself and us if we don't pay attention." All she heard from Robbie was that, having been distracted by her own thoughts. In between giggling at Sniper's grammar correction and looking around for people with potential leadership, she eyed her hero, Jaguar.
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Jaguar returned Vulcan's smirk with one of her own, before her expression changed to a frown."I'm not a chimera girl," she hissed at Hex. "For your information I'm a hybrid; Part human and part mutant." Her roguish smile returned after hearing Cry ramble on about her. She noted the newcomer, Val, and overheard her conversation with Sniper. She overheard all of the conversations. "...we need to keep an eye on her." One of her ears twitched as she overheard Vulcan's whisper.

She realized Cry had began to stare at her. She had overheard enough of the earlier conversation to learn that teaming up had been discussed. "I guess I'll party with you guys," she said. "As long as I can keep what I loot," she added with a purr.
Noticing that Cry was staring, well, gaping at her, Val tilted her head curiously. Her attention was drawn to Jaguar as Cry looked her way, and then she spoke. Purring? How typical of a cat burglar.

Val regarded Vulcan and Sniper discreetly with a slight frown. She knew they didn't trust her and honestly she couldn't blame them. She was pretty much a loose cannon of psychokinetic energy... And prone to lashing out... And she came off as a cocky jerk... Wow, she was really batting a thousand with these people.
"I guess I can party with you guys, as long as I can keep what I loot.", Jaguar said. She's joining us!? Blake honestly couldn't help it... she squealed-- out loud. Because of her powers, it came out as extremely high-pitched, at loud and painful to the ears. Not that she noticed, though. Grabbing the woman's hand, she shook it with much force saying, "Oh, I can't wait to work with you! This is more than I dreamed of!"
Brandon's eye had actually caught Cry's admiration and jealousy toward Muse. He wondered why Cry undermined herself. She wasn't ugly herself. Brandon actually believed that Cry looked cute with her biking goggles, beanie and what not. He very well knew that one's pride is fed by others' jealousy and he hated the fact that it was not him that people were jealous of but Muse. Brandon was about to interject about Jaguar keeping the loot, when his eye caught something. In a sudden movement, Brandon quickly dug his left hand into his coat and took out an MP5. His right hand worked its way to the M60 slung around his back. '207 shots.' he calculated in his mind. He heard Cry's excited squeal. Looking straight toward the street, Brandon announced "I think we can chatter later. There's an alien hoard approaching this way. I guess our brawls against them forced them to call reinforcements." After taking a brief moment, he added. "There are around 700 of them and they are better equipped than the previous hoard." Turning his head to his left he added "The previous hoard is securing the loot and preparing it for shipment." Brandon suddenly remembered that he also had his SLP40 on him. '238 shots.'

"Muse and Jaguar. Go east and stop the shipment." he commanded as he gave them both a brief glance. "Heks and Sasuke. Move quickly, go two blocks around and come from behind them." he said as he pointed at the direction in which the reinforcements were approaching. "Vulcan..I mean Rob. I need you to create a fire perimeter. I don't want any of them getting back to their base. They all seemed to lack individual hover devices. 'They must have probably been dropped by an infiltration ship.' After that join us in clearing the filth." Looking at Cry, he added. "You come with me." He walked straight, heading face-on to the approaching hoard. 'I'm such an idiot. I should have brought more ammo.' Brandon mentally slapped himself. He had intended to spectate but things took a steep turn. He could easily kill 238 of them and he knew it. Standing a couple hundred meters away from the approaching hoard, Brandon pulled out his SLP40 and emptied what was left of the magazine. '7 down.' He looked back to check on the others and see if they were following his orders. He knew that it would take more time for a strong bond to be formed between all of them and that he was not elected as leader. But he believed that the six knew to do the necessary. Turning back, Brandon changed the magazine of his SLP40 and positioned his right hand for the second round of fire.
Valerie didn't know why she suddenly took orders from Sniper, but she nodded firmly. She was itching to crush the aliens and before she could stop herself, a sadistic grin twisted her lips up at the corners. She curled her fingers and swiped her hand upwards, raising a large piece of shrapnel from the ground and leaping onto it like a skateboard, offering a hand to Jaguar.

"It'll be faster this way," She said.

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