Necessary Evil [Inactive]

@Cuddly Kraken, @Thesmashbro, @rgupta0747, @davegeta, @Kyd Jhesus we're starting.

Vanessa stood by a window in her hideaway located in the New York slums. Looking up at the sky she could see a swarm of alien ships hovering stationary in mid air. "Where are the men in black when you need them," she quipped to herself. She watched as a troop of aliens on hover devices exited one of the motherships. Oh no you don't. She angrily thought when she realized that they were heading toward one of her favorite looting grounds--the Financial District. Vanessa bolted out the door, climbed up onto the roof, and pursued the aliens going rooftop to rooftop.
Brandon rode on a stolen R1, following the hover crafts that were flying over his head. The streets were mostly empty or had abandoned cars. Brandon had just arrived at New York a couple of hours ago from Washington. He had a singular war against a hoard of aliens but miserably failed. Rumor had it that there were "skilled" people in New York. Brandon left Washington in a hurry. He knew that he couldn't stop an invasion all by himself and could use help.

Carrying his W2000 in a briefcase, and his M60 hung over his back, Brandon entered the World Trade Center 1, through it's service doors and reached the top floor,taking out anyone who stood in his way with his SLP 40. The tallest building in financial street helped him cover most of the important nodes of the city. Dropping his M60 to the floor, Lane set up his W2000 and peeked at the sky. He had stealthily hid himself so that aliens wouldn't find him. Brandon didn't bring much ammo with him since he intended only to find these "skilled" people. He looked down his scope, scanning the World Financial Center and it's adjoining buildings for any interesting activity.
Robbie was emerging from the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel. He heard from a source, a good friend of his, that there was a movement beginning in Manhattan to stop these aliens from overtaking the earth. "No one but me gets to take over this world," Robbie mumbled as he emerged among towering skyscrapers. He looked but saw no signs of life, beginning to doubt if there was anyone here. He heard in the distance sounds of motorized vehicles and could see small speckles of black and green flying towards him.

Knowing what was about to happen, Robbie grabbed the first vehicle he saw, a 2007 Ford Explorer, and drove into the heart of the Financial District. Not seeing any sign of human life, he made his way to the one place he knew would be safest, the New York Stock Exchange. Because it was well fortified, he could at least hold out the alien waves until he found the people he was looking for.
Brandon noticed a car stop in front of the New York Stock Exchange. While all the people tried to rush out, this one made an entry. Brandon pulled his eye away from the scope. His sharp vision allowed him to catch a black haired figure exiting the car with a scepter hung over the back.

He wondered what the man intended to do and whether he was one of the people he was looking for, as the figure entered the thickly walled building.

Brandon's quick eye caught sight of the alien hoard descending to the streets.

"Well, well. Looks like the party is starting." he mumbled to himself as he scanned around him to catch sight of any other interesting people.
Vanessa trailed the aliens to the Financial District. Vanessa briefly froze on a rooftop as she watched the aliens swarm around the shops and Stock Exchange. The dangerous extraterrestrials started to break into a jewelry store and the other nearby shops. Luckily all of the civilians had fled by this point, but that wasn't what Vanessa was worried about. She scaled down the side of the building and started run toward the jewelry store. "Hey gunk heads, this is my looting grounds!" she said angrily, gesturing a thumb at herself. One of the aliens fired a lazer pistol at her, but she jumped out of the way, causing the blast to discharge into a wall.
A sharp, quick voice caught Brandon's attention. He turned his eyes to the source. 'Hmm. A black-haired woman. What does she..'

"Wait is that a tail?" he mumbled to himself as his eyes could clearly see a tail wagging behind her over all the distance. "Well. Let's see what you can do." he added as he brought his complete attention to the woman just as she dodged the Laser fired at her. Brandon positioned his W2000 in the direction of the alien hoard, just in case he needed to assist her. It was not like he needed more than a second to prepare himself to attack but Brandon did it anyway.
Robbie entered the atrium of the Stock Exchange. The beautiful building was desolate and empty, with a sense of fear still lingering in the air. Robbie quickly scanned the area to see if any valuables were worth taking. Seeing nothing, he reached for his scepter, prepared to burn the room in order to create a barrier between him and the aliens, anything to buy him time.

Just as he was about to say the incarnation, he heard a loud rumble come from outside. The floor shook momentarily, but then everything went quiet again. "What where they shooting at," thought Robbie. "Surely, not at me."

Robbie pondered it for a second, and then, turning around, proceeded to make his way back towards the front entrance to see what all the ruckus was.
Ebele emerged from a cloud of smoke, Body glazed in a violet barrier. Her eyes radiated with violet. The smoke came from a attack by a group of alien troops. They threw grenades at her that exploded at the attempt to kill her. "You bastards have ruin my dress, Do you know what this means?" She asked shooting one alien with a powerful hand blast in the head. The other aliens started firing there guns but her skin barrier protected her.

"No answer!" she said angry. She then blasted her self into the troop and created a explosive energy field taking out the troops except one. Elebe smiled at the alien and move towards it. She generated a small magic energy mine and shoved it it his mouth and down his throat. The burning of the energy made the alien scream in pain. Elebe then backed away "We scream the same way it seems." She then clapped her hand and the alien exploded.
"Must you announce your presence so loudly?" Juro said to Ebele after decloaking nearby. The woman had caught his attention with the way she just carelessly challenged the aliens. She was going to get herself killed. "You're putting yourself at the top of their priority list. If you keep this up, the aliens will eventually catch on to your weakness and eliminate you."
Walking around, Blake wiped the tears off her freckled cheek, hearing sounds of chaos nearby. Damn gits... she thought, What do they even want from this stupid planet? For a moment she was torn between going off to watch another fight and just plain escaping. She's not a hero, why should she help?

That is until she caught a glimpse of a violet-clad woman making an alien explode. Her jaw dropped at the sight, That... was... awesome! I need to meet that purple woman. Seeing someone she mentally decided to name "albino ninja man", she came closer to listen to their conversation.
Intervening was never really Brandon's style. He just watched as these interesting people worked their way out in fighting the aliens. His trip from Washington didn't go to a waste after all. Besides, he had just made it in time to be a part of this union. He identified Hex with ease. The mage was truly famous and by the looks of it she was an efficient alien-slayer. Although, he couldn't make out the girl with the tail, Brandon recognized that she had skills. A closer look at the scepter helped him identify Vulcan. His quick eye caught sight of a younger girl approaching Sasuke and Hex. Brandon concluded that she was probably seeking for help since she was young and he didn't really recognize her.

Sighing, Brandon fired a shot at the incoming troop of aliens. He had grown tired of sitting around and intended to get a piece of the action. Drawing their attention, Brandon smirked. "Seems like I won't be needing another magazine." he mumbled to himself, considering the number of aliens in the troop he had just summoned, around 50. He picked up his M60 and held it loosely in his right hand.

53 shots were fired and 53 dead aliens fell to the ground, within a matter of few seconds. The aliens had no time to react or retaliate. Upon close inspection, one could find that each shot was a head-shot. Rolling his eyes, Brandon packed his W2000 in the case and walked into the streets with his M60 hanging over his back, after descending the height of the skyscraper, calmly. He made his way through the fallen alien bodies and walked to the trio, in the direction opposite to the New York Stock Exchange. Brandon made a mental note to observe the duo, consisting of Vulcan and the anonymous woman after his confrontation with Hex and Sasuke. Confidently, Brandon strolled to the duo, politely dragging the girl who was eavesdropping, with him. "Are you lost?" he asked the girl with auburn hair as they neared the duo.
Blake had to bite back her scream, when she heard sounds of gunshots and bodies falling. Being surrounded by buildings, screaming was definitely not a good idea considering her certain "power". For a while, she just stood there, unsure of what to do. That's when she felt herself being dragged by a strange man. "Are you lost?" was the first thing she heard from him. What? Does he think I'm some little lost girl or something? she thought, but wasn't that surprised since she was usually mistaken for that because of her pitiful height and childish appearance.

She also realized that he wasn't just taking her anywhere, he was taking her to the two people she was watching. Wait... are they a team or something? Flashbacks of what happened to her former team made a reappearance in her mind, and before she knew it she was sobbing again. The man's question was still left unanswered and probably will stay that way. "M-my crew... my best friend... th-they were killed...", she told him. Blake didn't know why, she just did.
Brandon waited for an answer but it never came. His ear caught sobbing sounds and he turned his head to see the source. Considering the fact that maybe the girl was frightened of a stranger carrying guns, Brandon let go of her forearm. As he considered leaving the girl by herself, she mumbled something about her crew being killed. Brandon placed his case on the ground and crouched to meet the height of the girl, although in this position his head was below the level of hers. Sighing, Brandon placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Don't cry. I'm sure they are alive and waiting for you to get back to them." he said with optimism. To him, she was a frightened girl who had lost her friends and family. Little did he know that she was the infamous Cry, the hero turned villain. "What's your name?" he asked as he patted her shoulder. Brandon took a brief moment to turn around and look at Sasuke and Hex before bringing his eyes back at the girl.
Ebele turned and laid her eyes on the ninja, Her barrier faded as she did this. "And, Why should I fear such fools? They need to know humanity shall not put up with them. They can't possibly stop me, My power is magic based, I rarely encounter tech that combats magic. They are more advance but I am confident thy will think my power is meta base." She explained. She thought of killing him but he was human, Why murder humans when your fighting aliens.

Ebele then notice a 50+ aliens were taken down with ease by a sniper she didn't notice. With this she brought her skin barrier back up and protected her self. As the sniper came closer she also notice he grabbed another person who seemed to be listening in on them. "Good shot sniper...Who is that rat you are cosseting ?" She asked looking at the girl with the beanie on.

(Lets wait for Sasuke)
"That's what I'm trying to figure out." replied Brandon as he recognized the voice from behind him. He gave a comforting look at the girl to help her ease to him. 'If the girl witnessed Rex's performance, she must be truly scared of her.' he thought. He heard noises from east. 'That is from the Stock Exchange.' he thought. He considered going and taking a look but remained in his position. He felt responsible to get the girl to safety. Besides, the stories he had heard of Vulcan assured him that the man could take care of himself, though he couldn't say the same for the woman. "How can I help you?" he asked the girl with a smile. She probably feared them, he contemplated as the scene before her wasn't really pleasant.
"Don't cry. I'm sure they are alive and waiting for you to get back to them.", the crouching gun man offered. Uhm, I'm pretty sure what I saw then were their dead bodies... and even if they're still alive, they definitely wouldn't be waiting for me... not after what I did. She decided to keep her thoughts to herself, though. "What's your name?" His next question, she decided was worth answering, but was interrupted by the violet-wearing woman calling her a "rat". She listened to him reply and watched as he gave her a look. Yep, he definitely thinks I'm a child. "How can I help you?", he asked. Her eyes widened at that. This was her chance! If the woman, the ninja and him were team mates, then they were more than capable of helping her avenge her best friend. Blake's hands shot out to grab the taller man's arms, unconsciously putting more of her strength into gripping them. "Be my new crew?", she said with wide eyes.
Brandon gave a perplexed look on seeing the girl's response. She answered none of his questions and on top of that, she asked him to be a part of her crew. Although it was a part of his plan to form an alliance with few people to help defeat the aliens, he couldn't figure what the girl meant by crew. "Who are you?" he asked. "And what do you mean by crew?"

He wondered if the girl would even answer since it seemed like she had turned a deaf ear to his previous questions. He looked at Rex from the corner of his eye, seeing if she was able to figure out something about this mysterious girl.
Blake crossed her arms and pouted, seeing that he didn't understand what she was suggesting. "You know, a crew!", she told him, making some weird gestures. "Like, a fighting team... or... or... a gang! Like... an alliance of some sort!" Sighing, she stopped making gestures and remembered a little detail about herself. "Say...", she said while looking straight at the man's face. "Have you ever heard of Cry?"
Brandon raised an eyebrow looking at her awkward movements and gestures. He ran his eyes over the petite figure. 'Fighting team? You?' he thought. When his ears caught the name Cry, Brandon's eyes widened. His brain processed everything she had just said. He eyed her from head to toe. 'She is Cry?' he thought. All his conclusions were wrong and the girl was not helpless as he thought she was. He had heard about her but had never seen her with his own eyes. Standing up straight, Brandon spoke with respect. "I am sorry I didn't recognize you. I meant no disrespect. I am Sniper. I don't think a celebrity such as you would have heard of me." he said with a pinch of mockery. He didn't want to have negative confrontations with anyone for the moment and decided that it would be better to sort it out gently. Also, he did intend to make an alliance and Cry wanted the same. Gesturing his hands to the lady next to him, he added. "This is Rex and the man standing behind is Sasuke." Although he didn't know either of them well, he definitely could make introductions for them.
While she was trying to explain, Blake saw that he thought the idea of her being in his team was ridiculous, but she grinned in triumph when she saw recognition in his eyes by the mention of the name "Cry". Her grin widened when he started apologizing (then faltered when she sensed a bit of mockery), and stayed there. The man introduced himself as "Sniper" before introducing the other two. Wait... Sasuke? Isn't that some ninja guy from this fish cake anime? She thought of voicing that aloud, but after seeing the man's intimidating look decided against it... she did giggle out loud, though. "So... would you guys let me in your team?", she asked with a hopeful smile.
Brandon expressed doubt when Cry began to giggle and stared at the girl profoundly. 'She is weird.' he thought as he pondered as to what might possibly be the reason behind her suppressed laughter. Just as he opened his mouth to question her thoughts, she cut him by questioning about joining their team. Brandon took a moment to turn around and look at Sasuke and Hex. They weren't actually a team yet and he barely knew the two, although he would team up with the two without exception. He wondered if the two even wanted to form a team. Turning around, Brandon faced Cry and gave a plain reply. "We aren't a team but you could sure join in if we form one."

Brandon's thoughts randomly went to the duo near the Stock Exchange. "I saw a group of aliens fighting two other humans near the Stock Exchange. They could use our help ." he announced before he picked his case and tread towards it. He didn't bother to mention that one of them was Vulcan. He gave a quick glance at the trio as he left. 'Maybe we can make a good team. Although I don't really trust any of them.'

(OOC: I will continue only after a couple of posts from Sasuke, Jaguar and Vulcan. Take your time guys.)
Vanessa managed to scratch down a few aliens in the jewelry store. Some of the alien troops fired their lazers at her. She tucked and rolled into a corner for cover. With her back against a display case, a smirk widened across her face as she noticed green blood dripping down her clawed gloves. She jumped out of her cover spot for a next attack, but the aliens must have decided to complete their objective. A majority of jewelry was gone, all that remained were pieces that fell on the floor. Vanessa walked over to a window and saw the alien swarm outside. "At this rate there's going to be nothing left for me to steal." She thought, noting that the aliens were heading to other stores.
"Your shield doesn't operate in a default state; you have to activate it and deactivate it." Juro said cautionally, "If the aliens catch on to it, then they'll send in their own snipers to kill you with your shield down. Another possible strategy they might have is to just attack you until you run out of magic energy, making you defenseless. They'll probably use that when they get desperate enough, seeing as that's sacrificing their own troops." Soon after, a human sniper approached. Juro listened to the conversation, nodding when Sniper introduced everyone. Sniper seemed to have some kind of intelligence network, seeing as he knew about each of them. The girl, Cry, seemed to want them to form a group. "I have no quarrels with forming a group," he said, "but it is obvious that we will need a group leader."
(OCC: Sorry I missed a lot. I had family issues to deal with).

When Brandon introduced Cry to the the rest of the group, it soon dawned on Robbie who he was with outside in the streets of New York. He heard stories about Sniper, Cry, Sasuke, and Heks. Most of the times, when he heard people whisper their names, he passed them off as simply stories, stories that parents say to their children, or stories that people speak about in hushed tones. Never before did Robbie think he was in the company of these stories.

When Robbie heard Cry ask to form a team, he gave a cold hard look at everyone, unsure of whether he would like to work with these people or not. "On the one hand, they can help me stop this invasion. But on the other, they may impede my way to glory," Robbie thought to himself. He looked up above him. He could see more aliens in hovercrafts flying in all directions, north towards Central Park, south towards Staten Island, east towards Brooklyn, and west towards Jersey. Eventually, he shrugged his shoulders. He will die if he tries to take all these aliens on, and besides, he could use the company. His friends that he worked with where two-bit criminals, not legends.

When Sniper looked back at all of them one last time, Robbie gave a quick nod of approval to Cry's simple request.

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