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  • Users: Cenco
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  1. Cenco

    Pokemon: A Bridge Between Two Worlds

    Yeah, good luck to everyone! At the very least, I learnt some BBCode wizardry, so that was fun x)
  2. Cenco

    Fandom Hakiyuu: The next generation

    I wouldn't mind a stat system, but I think it would need more thought. The only thing years played should really realistically impact in that list is Technique. For example, using this system, even though Yuuma and Hibiki are both two guys of the same age who are in shape and have played sports...
  3. Cenco

    Fandom Hakiyuu: The next generation

    Yuuma Saito Yuuma walked up the stairs to the second floor, where all the second year classes were. As he made his way through the hallways, noting the numbers of the rooms he passed to make sure he was heading the right way, he mostly focused on jumping serves, trying to figure out how to get...
  4. Cenco

    Pokemon: A Bridge Between Two Worlds

    I think I'm as happy as I can realistically be with my sheet, so I'll call it finished! Any possible edits from here will be minor and won't change the content.
  5. Cenco

    Pokemon: A Bridge Between Two Worlds

    I've just been playing around with the BBCode on my sheet some more, and wow is it ever a pain in the ass haha. It looks passable on both my desktop and mobile now, so I think I'm mostly done with touching it. I might change it later so that all four tabs are to the right of the image, but I'm...
  6. Cenco

    Fandom Hakiyuu: The next generation

    Yuuma Saito The distant voices of the students arriving to the school was constant in the background as Yuuma killed time by hitting his volleyball against one of the walls of the school -- an area near the classroom buildings, that was far enough away from the main entrance that he didn't...
  7. Cenco

    Fandom Hakiyuu: The next generation

    Oops haha, the notifications on this site don't work like I was expecting them to. I'll also post as soon as I can.
  8. Cenco

    Pokemon: A Bridge Between Two Worlds

    Awesome, thank you!
  9. Cenco

    Pokemon: A Bridge Between Two Worlds

    @NessieAlways Oh haha, that's really good information to know, so thank you! But I meant is it possible for there to be an audience at a battle? As in, are they open to the public to be spectated, or would my character need to have some sort of special permission from the Leader (Ferna, in...
  10. Cenco

    Pokemon: A Bridge Between Two Worlds

    @NessieAlways Maybe a bit of a weirdly specific question, but how public are gym battles in this world? If it varies from Gym to Gym, then specifically the Talitha Valley Gym. I'm thinking of having my character watch one for part of the sample, so I'm wondering how she'll have to go about...
  11. Cenco

    Pokemon: A Bridge Between Two Worlds

    YOOO actually though haha, this is my first time touching BBCode to this extent and I've definitely spent more time on it than actually writing. Fun to learn, though, the time flew by while I was working on my CS. While I've gotten my it to look okay on my computer, I just can't seem to get it...
  12. Cenco

    Pokemon: A Bridge Between Two Worlds

    I didn't say so in the second thread, but I'm definitely still interested! I'll have a CS done and submitted sometime today or tomorrow.
  13. Cenco

    Fandom Hakiyuu: The next generation

    Good point, fixed! That'll be something for him to work on during the RP.
  14. Cenco

    Fandom Hakiyuu: The next generation

    Possibly! Just posted him so you can take a look. TL;DR is he was playing on the basketball team last year, but didn't really enjoy the sport anymore, so instead decided to join the volleyball team that the new first years were making.
  15. Cenco

    Fandom Hakiyuu: The next generation

    Name: Yuuma Saito Age: 16 School year: 2 Position: Right Wing Spiker Special Position: Decoy Personality: Yuuma nearly always seems focused on something (because he usually is) when he isn't speaking with any one, leading to him giving off a bit of an intense and unapproachable aura...
  16. Cenco

    Fandom Hakiyuu: The next generation

    I'm about to post my CS in a few minutes, I made him a second year for a bit of extra variety. Let me know if I should change him to first year, I definitely don't mind doing that.
  17. Cenco

    Fandom Hakiyuu: The next generation

    I'm interested in this if there's room! I can have a sheet up tonight. I'm thinking of a Right Wing Spiker decoy at the moment.
  18. Cenco

    Fandom Pokemon Rp!

    Ah, okay, awesome. I just wasn't sure if I was up to the task of coming up with them haha.
  19. Cenco

    Fandom Pokemon Rp!

    I'm interested! Would it be alright for a character to use official Pokemon rather than original ones?