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  1. QuantumCat

    Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]

    Brandon's head was spinning and his vision was now blurry. After being thrown off Daniel he asked while turning his head to where he thought the student was "Are we out?".
  2. QuantumCat

    Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]

    Brandon heard Daniel, but could hardly reply in time with his mind working rapidly on how to get up the ladder. The guy pushed off his shoulder almost making him hit the floor. Leaning on a wall, he watched as the student's eyes filled with rage. Daniel yelled something at the tunnel then stared...
  3. QuantumCat

    Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]

    Brandon's eyes shot open and slowly adjusted to light in the arena. 'I need to get out of here' he thought while struggling to get up. Barely standing, his tired eyes scanned for an exit. To his left was Daniel collapsed on the ground. 'A favor for a favor' his mind said as he staggered over to...
  4. QuantumCat

    After Death [Inactive]

    "Till then" he smiled and wished safe travel for the two. Turning to Luciana he quickly made a thick blanket pop into existence and fall onto her back. He then created a blanket for himself and laid it out on the ground. "Night Luciana" He yawned while looking over to the mare. Henry soon after...
  5. QuantumCat

    After Death [Inactive]

    "I don't really know how to find a place to sleep here... I have been a nomad for a while so I have no home.." he confessed as he stared at the buildings.Turning around and walking back the way they came he continued in a calm tone "I will probably set up a small bed by the tree Luciana is tied...
  6. QuantumCat

    After Death [Inactive]

    'Would it work?' he thought while checking the sun in the sky. Henry saw a piece of the sun disappear behind a mountain in the distance and told her "Thank you for you nice words and insight, but it seems we won't be able to talk to council today". "It's going to be night soon" He explained...
  7. QuantumCat

    After Death [Inactive]

    He lowered his gaze to the ground and thought for a second. "I feel compelled to hold court and discuss informing the public that such bigoted views are not something to wave proudly, but i'm no king or person of importance here" he said with a somber tone. Staring at the container the 'bonsai...
  8. QuantumCat

    After Death [Inactive]

    "This small sign says it is" he told her while pointing to the sign beside the tree. Gazing at the tree he wondered what Una did when she came her. He saw nothing wrong with asking her so Henry inquired "Where do you usually go when you come to this town?" while hovering his hand over the tiny...
  9. QuantumCat

    After Death [Inactive]

    Stepping on the trail of the 'Town Park' ,which he saw it designated as such by a green and silver metal sign, he replied with an ecstatic "The trees are so different from the ones I have seen from my life and afterlife. Look at this small one here! A 'bonsai tree'. It says they can live for...
  10. QuantumCat

    After Death [Inactive]

    Turning his head, he saw the lady that most likely worked in the building and answered her "I'm fine". He caught a glimpse of a small forest with trails and metal furniture through the window as he looked back at the cats. The small forest intrigued him and he felt it was about time to move on...
  11. QuantumCat

    After Death [Inactive]

    Pulled backwards from where he was looking at the strange horse, he turned around and saw a fish in a container. While Una was looking at fish, Henry was staring at the bowl. 'What a simple, but interesting creation' he thought while finding no flaws in the glass. Through the glasses reflection...
  12. QuantumCat

    After Death [Inactive]

    He looked at her with a confused face then back at the small bear. 'Where could such a strange creature live... maybe somewhere cold..' he thought scanning the habitat. 'No...not a cold country...' He gave up on trying to guess where it came from and ran over to a large yellow spotted horse with...
  13. QuantumCat

    After Death [Inactive]

    He caught a glimpse of an animal in a window and abruptly stopped. He turned his head to the building and saw all kinds of strange animals through the glass windows. "Amazing" he gasped as he walked into the building still holding Una's hand. Everywhere he looked he saw familiar and unfamiliar...
  14. QuantumCat

    After Death [Inactive]

    "Lets not think about such sad subjects. We have our whole afterlife to look forward to" he smiled then grasped Una's hand and ran through the streets looking for a place with something interesting. Henry strangely didn't care about how he almost ran into people. "Just running through the...
  15. QuantumCat

    After Death [Inactive]

    "No it's fine" he assured her. "My age was... ahh... 16 I believe" Henry said unsure. He made a little laugh and covered his worry with a happy tone "It seems with time you forget about things you don't think about".
  16. QuantumCat

    After Death [Inactive]

    Still watching the two strange humans argue Henry informed her "I was a prince for most of my life, but a king for a day. After I was crowned, My mother set up a banquet for me. It was a great gesture, but during the banquet my uncles staged a coup and killed me. What happened after that is...
  17. QuantumCat

    After Death [Inactive]

    "In my past life I had never heard of such a tree, but while traveling around this world I once saw one that centered a small village. I asked a native what it was and they told me it was called a cherry blossom. It was such a beautiful tree that I studied it for many days encase I ever wanted...
  18. QuantumCat

    After Death [Inactive]

    "No. I used to have the finest bread and meats as a prince, but the finest breads can't be compared to this" he replied then took another bite of the bread. He watched the array of strangely dressed people walk past him. 'The ones that seem human have such a variety of clothing' he thought...
  19. QuantumCat

    After Death [Inactive]

    Tearing his eyes away from the wondrous bread, he walked out of the store and sat on the bench outside with Una. Grasping the warm bread he thanked her and took a bite. "It tastes great" Henry said after swallowing the first piece of bread. Looking back at the store, He thought to himself ' how...
  20. QuantumCat

    After Death [Inactive]

    'The strange building seemed so interesting that I forget that she doesn't remember her past life' he thought feeling slightly insensitive. He watched as Una ran into a building that smelled of bread. Following behind her, He was hit with a heavenly smell that he had never experienced. Henry...