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  1. Davros

    Fantasy Van Helsing Inc.

    "I have been posted here." replied the taller German. "Mein mission here is most likely the same as yours considering this drunkard is what Hans and I have dealt with for a while yet." "Ja, we are the best at what we do. Assuming you do the same thing, hehe. Excepting being girly. Though really...
  2. Davros

    Van Helsing Inc.

    Yes. I ended up being sent on surprise trip. Four days on an admittedly fun camp but couldn't message anything, no internet. sorry
  3. Davros

    Fantasy Van Helsing Inc.

    "Oh, Frau, are you alright? Do you need to see a doctor?" Hans said as he was quick to help. Dessler went to the monster's secure the other monster lest something Drastic occur. "I assume we have a place to detain Herr Betrunken?" Dessler's eyebrow interceptively as Hans panicked over the girl...
  4. Davros

    Fantasy Van Helsing Inc.

    Dessler's eyebrow rose slightly at the American's brazenness and the handling of the prisoner, though he didn't mention it as he spoke. "Abelt Dessler, captain in his fuhrer's Wehrmacht. A pleasure." He entertained the thought of offering a hand though he understood he would be a distraction...
  5. Davros

    Fantasy Van Helsing Inc.

    "Eh, no problem. We probably shouldn't have been standing around in the street right captain?" Hans replied before hiding behind the captain as the American woman spoke. "Ja, apologies." His eyes narrowed as he regarded the French girl however. As rude as the American was, she was still...
  6. Davros

    Fandom Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn (Accepting)

    "That is apparently the issue." The Grand Admiral frowned in annoyance. So little information was given, in such a short span of time. He was supposed to be stopping rebels, saving citizens of the Pantoran Republic, keeping an eye on Republic activity. Being a potentially permanent galactic...
  7. Davros

    Fandom Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn (Accepting)

    "I am here to escort you with my little flotilla apparently, though serving under you only goes as far as transportation and destroying any hostilities along the way." A smirk accompanied the last sentence, ignoring Lord Zerrath's lisp. It was strange how it only seemed to happen at people's...
  8. Davros

    Fantasy Van Helsing Inc.

    Meanwhile in Generic London Street #3,598 "Hey sir, can we go get a drink?" The unfortunately talking unterreichcommandant didn't exactly realise just how close his Captain was to shooting him, shooting that cat thought his subordinates head made an excellent resting spot. Dessler thought of...
  9. Davros

    Fandom Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn (Accepting)

    "The Grand Admiral was ordered here from above my authority, as such it would be best to treat him as, at best a, superior within in reason. Though do not let your guard down, Pantora is still an independent power with their own goals. If he should endanger your primary concern..." Keeper paused...
  10. Davros

    Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn

    OH. that's not edited. I'm pretty sure that's a new one. Plus I did knock him out, I was kinda disappointed with the reactions internally though... IM FAMOUS DAMN IT! (:'() NOTICE ME SENPAI! (^.^)
  11. Davros

    Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn

    Eh? Which one?
  12. Davros

    Fandom Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn (Accepting)

    "WAIT MY LORD HE MEANT NO ISOLENCE!!" It very fortuitous indeed that the Imperial had woken when he did, though running in screaming isn't exactly a good idea, especially when everyone was rather trigger happy, well except Hellas. Dietz blinked as the man shuffled in front of him, pushing the...
  13. Davros

    Fandom Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn (Accepting)

    "I am the Grand Admiral Hellas Dietz, under command of Imperial Intelligence to be here so 1. I presumed correctly, 2. your men opened the door and 3..," The data pad flashed as he spoke. Looking down at the screen he gave a giggle before finishing his sentence with, " I am your intergalactic...
  14. Davros

    Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn

    @Ozyman I hacked into the apartment and then your men came out. ( :) ) So I'm in trouble. With YOUR guards.(^.^) God these things are awesome. And their blue. lol
  15. Davros

    Fantasy Van Helsing Inc.

    Somewhere in London Just outside a pub, filled with a suspicious amount of Americans, hint hint. "Hey sir, Is there any specific reason those Hobos are following us." Dessler was glad his chatty underling had decided against practicing his English, though noticing the anger speaking German...
  16. Davros

    Fandom Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn (Accepting)

    The shuttle landed with little fanfare as a storm began to brew in the upper Kaas atmosphere. His soldiers in Purple Pantoran formal uniforms took positions parrallel to each other, cortossis vibro-blades redied in typical military fashion. Following behind them came the Admiral, data pad in...
  17. Davros

    Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn

    Ysalamiri + Orbital Bombardment ala Taris= I win. ( ;) )
  18. Davros

    Fandom Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn (Accepting)

    "Sir, dropping into Dromund Kaas orbit in 3...2...1...Entering realspace." The Pantora Ascendant dropped into the Sith system with the typical fanfare of a dreadnought warping into orbit, followed by the rest of his contingent. Dietz regarded the world below with distaste, frowning as he gazed...
  19. Davros

    Fantasy Van Helsing Inc.

    Somewhere over France The Aeroplane Seig Heil, Flight to London "Heer Dessler, do you think my bro-I mean Reichmeister Engels will be in London?" Dessler was facing the window watching the clouds from his seat as Hans spoke. "We may see him." The captain said politely, though his tone...
  20. Davros

    Fantasy Van Helsing Inc.

    Hellsing Abteilung für Paranormal Defence Hellsing Paranormal Defence Department Bavaria, Mühldorf Airfield. The airfield was mostly empty, being a rural one. It was clear it had seen better days, the Zeppelin tower was getting rusted and the traffic control lacked a radio. It was perfect...