Search results for query: *

  1. Pinnen_95


    Tara Both Zeph and Ozone was fast asleep. Zeph had her head on my lap and I fiddled mindlessly with her hair, it was so soft and I knew she liked it. There was some commotion to my left and as a reflex my head jerked that way and I saw what seamed to be a ghost scaring a man so much that he...
  2. Pinnen_95


    Tara I took a deep breath, not what? We got off the train and I took Zephs hand, just as much suport for me as for her. Then we started walking. How the hell were we supost to know when we found the person who issued the broadcast? Would it click or something? I didn't know so we just kept...
  3. Pinnen_95


    Zeph Tara carefully shook me to wake up. "Zeph, Zeph did you feel that? We have to go now" I opened my eyes and looked at her. She was already dressed. She wore a white blouse whit puff sleeves and a black vest framing her chest really well. On her legs she wore a pair of slim black jeans...
  4. Pinnen_95

    The Aurors office (HP RP)

    You can choose ^^
  5. Pinnen_95


    Name: Tera Gender: Female Relationship: Zeph Race: Deer Good/bad/neutral: Good Personality: Tera is a classic leader. Know's what she wants and how to get it. Isn't afraid to tell people what they should do. And there is something about her that makes people respect her. Backstory...
  6. Pinnen_95


    ah okey, can you have more then one character like you?
  7. Pinnen_95


    It's the 4:th today, is it too late to sign up? //Pinnz
  8. Pinnen_95

    Avatar: The Reign of Cowardice (Sign Ups)

    ((Oh okey, must have missed that part, my apologies)) Kuro slowly closed his eyes as the carriage started to move forward. He usually only traveled by foot half because it was the easiest way to travel, the only way he could afford but it was also because when he finally did go by carriage he...
  9. Pinnen_95

    Avatar: The Reign of Cowardice (Sign Ups)

    ((Is there really horses in this univers? Sure you did mean "ostrich horse and buggy"?)) Kuro followed the man down to the street and to a buggy and a driver. He didn't appreciate the joke very much and he really hoped that that was all it was, a joke. That he wasn't serious, but he held his...
  10. Pinnen_95

    Perinia Academy - University for Nekos

    Okey I did google, and change my mind^^ I'm sorry to bother you
  11. Pinnen_95

    Avatar: The Reign of Cowardice (Sign Ups)

    Kuro nodded again and went out the door. Becuase he didn't know where they were going and if they would start travelling with once of in the morning he went out the door but there he waited for the man to lead the way.
  12. Pinnen_95

    Perinia Academy - University for Nekos

    I'd like to join but i don't know what a "neko" is... It's like some sort of cathuman?
  13. Pinnen_95

    Avatar: The Reign of Cowardice (Sign Ups)

    Kuro took the letter and read it. It didn't say much and when he had finished it he rolled it up and gave it back to the man who's name apparently was Shak. The letter wasn't much but on the other hand in these troubling times it wasn't easy to trust anybody. So Kuro nodded to the man, he'd do it.
  14. Pinnen_95

    Avatar: The Reign of Cowardice (Sign Ups)

    Kuro met the mans gaze and frowned again, thinking. After a while he looked up at the man again and said, speaking to him for the first time with a voice that was rather hoars form the ale and deep and there was something about it that made people listen. "Prove it" he said simply and studied...
  15. Pinnen_95

    Avatar: The Reign of Cowardice (Sign Ups)

    Kuro turned around to face a man he didn't know. He frowned and located all the metal on his body, habit, just in case something was going to happen. Kuro looked at the man from his head down to his shoes and up again. Then he nodded once and led the way further in to the tavern and upp a...
  16. Pinnen_95

    Avatar: The Reign of Cowardice (Sign Ups)

    The girl just kept talking, asking him questions that he just gave short answers to, if any at all. But she wouldn't get the hint, he wasn't interested. But maybe there was something about him that intrigued her, this had happend before. People always was a bit uncomfortable and talked to much...
  17. Pinnen_95

    The Aurors office (HP RP)

    In an alternative wizard world where You-Know-Who killed Nevill Longbottom when he was just one years old and Harry Potter is just an ordinary boy growing up with his parents. This means that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named seized the power shortly after that and England and the rest of the wizarding...
  18. Pinnen_95

    Avatar: The Reign of Cowardice (Sign Ups)

    Kuro satt silente and thinking, the noise around him didn't bother him, taverns was always noisy Kuro reckoned that was the whole point of taverns, going to a place where you could drink and make a lot of noise. He didn't understand noise and sometimes he even wished he was death then he...
  19. Pinnen_95

    Avatar: The Reign of Cowardice (Sign Ups)

    I prefer Pinnz and you englisch people can say that properly as well. So just Pinnz or Pinn, not Pinnen, it's Swedisch and would just sound stupid in Englisch ^^
  20. Pinnen_95

    Avatar: The Reign of Cowardice (Sign Ups)

    Yes it makes a lot of sense I just don't want it to be all fights an nothing else. I want action not reaction, like a computergame where all you do is follow the already staked out path ^^