

Jōnin of Silence
(Signups: I will be posting from both Aiden and Nedia's point of views, you'll know which one's which.)




I opened my eyes, sensing the terrible energies around me, I sent the broadcast across all of Europe, and some of the US as well. Anyone qualified to join forced with me would know to come here, in Germany. No specific places in Germany, for I would find them, just, in Germany. I stood up and walked out onto the busy streets of the German country and thought. If I sent the broadcast two days ago, people will start showing up in Germany any moment now...


I stare at the gray ceiling as I waken, brushing my blonde locks to the side to get a better look at it. Nope, it still isn't as interesting as before. I manage to stubble onto my legs to leave the shop. "Hope they don't find out that I was in the fine metal shop" I snuck out silently then proceeded to go to my cave. "Home sweet home I guess" I flopped onto the sort and delicate pile of straw that I slept on. As I lay I became angry. On my way from town people were yelling at me, did every day, but today it was extra irritating "Monster" "Demon" Why, why was I the one chosen for this darkness that I barely even know of? WHY ME DARKNESS? After a while being angry became boring, I swirled around and looked through this little hole in the ceiling where I could clearly see the sky." Hey sky, how was your day? Mine was alright, not much was in that old shop. Well I'm gonna go find some computer in town and look for some chicks alright sky?" I sprung to my feet and jogged to town. There I snuck into a house that I regularly sneak into since some old hag keeps her computer and everything out. I jumped on and started searching the web. I was searching through recent news when something caught my eye, a broadcast that was from Germany asking for a very specific group to join him in Germany. Whatever might as well, it will give me something to do and besides maybe something can help me figure out the darkness.....


Enough, is *******, enough. I'm done with my abusive mother, I thought to myself, whilst my mother had hit me again, and again. The rage was building. WHY AREN'T YOU HELPING ME DAD! My mind screamed to Zeus, my father. She had hit me over, and over. This was it, I'd had enough. My mother went to hit me again, and I grabbed her arm. I then kicked her in the face, and sent a jolt of electricity into her.

"I've had enough of you, mother. I can't stand your beatings. Today is the day you die!" I yelled at her, and pulled my dagger out, I then slammed it into her gut, over, and over.

She'd had no reaction time, and I walked to my room.

I had a red custom desert eagle, and a red sword. I grabbed them, then a bag with a spare set of clothes. I then walked to the kitchen, and grabbed a lot of food, and put them into the bag.

I walked out of my house, took and looked back at it, and snapped my fingers. Red lightning struck from the sky, and the house caught fire. I walked away, laughing as it burned.


I sat at the throne of where a statue of the god Zeus had once sat. One more monastery taken care of. This was easier than I originally thought. People were so... How do I say it?... Un-entrusting to their "gods," and it is so easy to stop their beliefs and get them to turn on them. I stuck my arm out and waited for a few seconds, and then Detearia, my Raven, flew through the doorway and landed on my arm. I whispered into it's ear: "Go to Hermes, and give him this message to give to Hades..." I then I gave it a rolled up piece of paper and let it fly away. I sat at my newly claimed throne and put my head down to think, it wouldn't be long before we had to move forward.
I then closed the computer silently and jolted out of the home. I walked around the tiny dock looking for something to get me to the mainland. I saw a jet-ski that fit me fancy and I was off. The mainland was about 2 hours away so I just set the auto lock and set off. Kicking back I looked up to the sky"Hey sky, so I'm going to go to his person in Germany, you wanna go with me? Ha ha of course you will, your always there for me sky..." I fell asleep before I could have any more riveting to sky.

I looked dazed as I stumbled and fell face first onto the sand."Hmp, I guess I'm here" I pulled my face out of the sand and flung my locks to get it out of my hair. I managed to concise a guy to get me to Germany for free in his taxi due to my 'special' tactics. I spent my hours gazing that the landscape, the world I knew was different, here everything was compact and worked together... I tapped my fingertips on the windows thinking, my life had no meaning, but then why am I alive? No. I had to figure out what happened to me, its my goal to settle a score with the darkness, I don't know if anyone else had ****** up, got humiliated or just failed in every way, but those are the moments that define us and they force us to make decisions no matter the cost.


I closed my eyes again, sitting on a bench with a tree hanging above me. A man walked up to me, practically screaming as he asked me to donate for charity...

"Möchten Sie für wohltätige Zwecke spenden?"He asked, my answer was simple.

"Nein, geh weg," and the man spit in my direction, I leaned to the side and the spit missed me, then the man ran away. I closed my eyes again and focused around me. I felt a dark energy moving towards me. It wasn't good, whatever it was. I looked up into the tree, and saw the tips of my swords as they pointed down in a wall to protect me should anything happen. I smiled with my eyes closed and leaned back on the bench.
I was enjoying myself as I walked the street of German Land, I was checkin' some chicks and they all yelled 'U perverse varken!'

Which I could only think meant 'You Perverted Pig!' I didn't care, being rejected all the time was normal, but here they at least yelled at me in a different language. I saw some teenager giving me the eye on a bench, the tree's shadow made him all the mysterious. His beady glare spelled that he knew something about me so curiously I approached him. " Um hey guy, can you explain why your staring at me, gives the creeps ya know?"


I this blonde-headed, what I assmued was a kid because he looked younger than me, walked up to me, looking at me like I was about to lock him in a shed or something. I felt my chest getting tighter as the blondie walked up to me, he stopped, still looking at me. Then he said something, I really couldn't understand it, the kid was talking to fast.

"Langsamer Mensch, ich kann kein Wort verstehen ihr sagen,"
I said to him, translated in english I was basically telling him to slow down. It took me a second to realize that he wasn't speaking in german, but in english.

"Oh, sorry, I thought you were one of those annoying 'young ones' that run around talking like it was the end of the world, pardon me, we don't get very many english people over here much, but, since you asked, I
would like to know a little about you," if this was the one with all that energy sealed inside him... This could be just the person I've been looking for....


Tara carefully shook me to wake up.

"Zeph, Zeph did you feel that? We have to go now" I opened my eyes and looked at her. She was already dressed. She wore a white blouse whit puff sleeves and a black vest framing her chest really well. On her legs she wore a pair of slim black jeans and her leather high heeled boots ending just beneath her knee. She had put up her hair in a simple ponytail. While I'd sleept she had packed all our things except for a set of clothes I was supposed to wear. I nodded and slowly got up and got dressed in the clothes she had put out. It was a green dress with long sleeves and a wide skirt in a heavy fabric ending halfway to my knee. A pair of black tights and my high heeled brown suede boots. When I was done Tara handed me my backpack a brown knitted scarf, hat, gloves set that I put on as well as the backpack. We stepped out and Tara put on her black military jacket and I my oversized black one. From her backpack, that looked like mine in old brown leather and long shoulder straps, her bow and quiver peeked out. We where ready to go. Ozone happily trottet next to us, big as a small pony, with his own small backpack on his back.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"To the train station We are taking the first train out of here to germany" I nodded, I didn't know where we where now, or where or even what "germany" was. But I trusted Tara. We left the rome we had slept in and went to the train station It wasn't a very long walk but the wait was long, but finally the train arrive Apparently it was going to take three days and it would take ut to Berlin. Weren't we going to Germany? I was confused but too tired to ask and as we had found our seats in the monster the humans called "train" I fell asleep and didn't wake up until Tera woke me.

"We are here now. Lets go"
"Well ah not much to know, my name is Nickoties Chanter but call me Niko,You are the one who sent out he broadcast right? Whatever it doesn't matter, I know you are.Alright German boy tell me what is with those fancy smancy swords of yours and who you are".Something was off about this guy, he didn't want to know anything about me to be friendly, I think he just wanted to know to use me for my powers. I really didn't care, it was just nice to be needed by someone finally.


Now, I know what you're thinking, She murdered her mother! Well, how'd you like to be abused, and treated like nothing? Eh? I mean, I do regret it, but man, my mother deserved what she got. I heard the sound of sirens behind me, and the flashing red and blue lights. My sword could fold up, and the dagger was hidden aswell. All of my weapons were. The copper drove right next to me, and rolled his window down.

"Problem officer?" I asked, trying to sound sweet and innocent.

"If your name is Sierra, I believe the house you lived in burnt down," He said, a bit of one of those "Bad news" types of tones to his voice.

"It did!?" I tried to look and act surprised. I guess I was a good actress, because it worked.

"Yes, and we found your mother inside, but she had stab wounds on h-" He was cut off as electricity ran through his body. I pulled him from the car, and jumped in. Oh yea, I know how to drive. I noticed he had Slim Jim's in the car, and I took one, and popped it between my teeth as I sped off, and I don't think that officer would know what happened to him. No, he's not dead, I just sent enough voltage through him to turn him into a vegetable.


I listened to what this Niko kid said, deciding it would be best not to get on his bad side, yet. "My name is Aiden Greaves, i have no doubt you came here because of my broadcast, yes, that was mine. I'm surprised you detected my swords, not many people do. As it seems you may be on my side, you have my trust. For now," I said to Niko, not really planning on trusting him to much at the moment, but I might grow in my trust.


I knew this guy would give me a hard time but he seemed reliable more a less.I sat on a bench across form his and kicked back to relax. "Well sky we're here, there might even be some fine females here too if you know what I mean. So what do you think of this guy, he seems alright, at least he bothered to listen...."I felll asleep before Sky could reply to me. This man had something special upon him, mysterious even. He knew something I didn't which pissed me off. But he still might be able to lead me to the answers I seek.

I sat upon a rooftop, my white hair billowing in the wind wildly. It seemed to be a beautiful day today. The sun was shining, the sky was a bright blue. I know what you're thinking. Oh, she's a vampire, how is she supposed to be out in the middle of the day without being burned? Well, I'm not only a vampire. I'm also a ghost. So the sun does not effect me in anyway.

I sensed a mysterious presence, one I have not sensed before.. This was something different. Leaping to my feet, I jumped straight off that rooftop, falling from about a five story building. I hit the ground with a loud THUD, one hand on the ground as I looked up. A few humans around me gaped in pure shock, seeing what I had done. I stood up straight and walked casually towards who I sensed.

I padded slowly into a park, noticing two boys sitting on a bench. These must of been the people I had sensed.. I made myself transparent, and hid behind a tree, listening to there conversation carefully.

They seem.. Evil to me.. I thought to myself, peeking behind the tree at them.


I watched this Niko kid as he sat on the bench and looked up into the sky, said something to it, and fell asleep almost instantaneously. I felt like something was watching me, and I looked around warily. After a moment, I decided it was my imagination and looked back at the kid who had just talked to the sky, Niko, my bad. This kid must be insane, I thought to myself, But maybe the sky talks back? I instantly dismissed the idea, thinking like that, I might drive myself insane. Insane it is.

I then relaxed on the bench and listened to nearby German folk as they walked by.
"WHAT! I SWEAR IT WASN'T ME! oh, it's just you, sorry had a weird dream, Sky was there too, but he was being a jerk for some reason. Is it night yet? I really want it to be night." I heard what he had said and that's what awoke me, something watching us, I don't like the sound of that very much. "Hey! Whoever is watching us step out! I'll take you on ya little coward!"

I took a deep breath, not what? We got off the train and I took Zephs hand, just as much suport for me as for her. Then we started walking. How the hell were we supost to know when we found the person who issued the broadcast? Would it click or something? I didn't know so we just kept walking. After an hour or so we came to a part.

"Tara I'm tired" Zeph said and looked like a lost puppy. I sighed and we stoped. Ozone laid down on the ground and closed his eyes, it was difficult to walk for an hour. I nodded and thought.

"Yes you're right we are all tired. Let just find a bench and sit down for a second okey?" Zeph nodded and we started walking again. After a while we came a cross some banches and we were not the only once that were tired because a few benches down there was a guy who was sleeping. I sat down on an empty bench and put my backpack on the ground next to the bench. Ozone became as big as a lion and laid down with the backpack as his pillow. Zeph laid down with her head on my lap, we rested there hoping for a miracle.

I could see on there faces that they knew someone was watching me, and especially when that other boy called me a coward.

How dare he call me a coward I spat in my head angrily. But I quickly calmed down and took a breath. I knew that if I showed myself, they would see me for sure. But I guess it doesn't matter now.

I walked out behind the tree, not turning visible yet until I was standing directly in front of the two. I turned visible, looking at the two with glowing red eyes.

"I am not a coward." I said to Niko, than turned back to Aiden.
"HOLY SHIT A GHOST!" I quickly jumped behind my bench and drew a knife. I didn't intend to harm him but you never know with these ghost types do you? "Who are you Mr. Coward, and why are you listening to our conversation ya creep?"


I saw the woman appear in front of us. It was weird, but not the weirdest thing I've ever seen. Niko jumped behind the bench and called her "Mr. Coward" which I find odd because 1. It was a woman and 2. He was the one behind the bench with the knife out. I looked at the woman, and began to speak. "What is your business here? As you can tell, you've got my companion scared out of his pants, to the point where he confused you with a man, and possibly a coward." I said to the woman. I sensed a power off to my left, something that resembled an animal, but I dismissed it and kept my attention on the woman in front of me.

I rolled my eyes at Niko, seeing him jump behind the bench and point a knife at me. I turned my attention back to Aiden, blinking my red eyes.

"I sensed both of you from across town. I came over to see what was going on." I said simply. My voice had a haunting sound to it. My red eyes glanced back to Niko who was still behind the bench. Sighing, I looked aay.

"Please put down your weapon." I murmured, grinning just a little bit until my fangs showed. Yes, I am also a Vampire. It's not too surprising, considering my blood red eyes.


"I sensed you as well, just, couldn't tell where you were, which makes sense to me now," I replied to the red-eyed girl, before turning to Niko.

"Come on lad, show respect to the lady, as of right now, she's a guest, of honor," I said no Niko, turning back to the red-eyed girl.

"So, what was it you said you came here for?" I asked her and waited for a response.
"Ok Mrs. 'Guest of Honor, no more invisible then visible shit again ok?" I don't know why that scared me so much, I guess since I've been able to see things from the underworld because of this damn seal but I couldn't see her. This guy is weird, fangs, red eyes, is she a vampire?! It just gets weirder by the minute.

I sighed slowly. Truthfully, I had no idea why I came over here in the first place. I was just really attracted to there presences so I came over. I didn't want to make myself sound like an idiot, so I lied.

"I was looking around for someone to nibble on." I said with a grin, taking a few steps towards them. Biting my lip, I chuckled.

"Don't worry. You're not the two I'm looking for." I turned slightly to the left when a human strolled by them casually, unaware that a Vampire was behind him.

Both Zeph and Ozone was fast asleep. Zeph had her head on my lap and I fiddled mindlessly with her hair, it was so soft and I knew she liked it. There was some commotion to my left and as a reflex my head jerked that way and I saw what seamed to be a ghost scaring a man so much that he had to hide behind a bench. I couldn't tell what they were saying, I was to far away but maybe, just maybe they where what we were looking for. But I don't know, shouldn't I have felt something? Maybe not the psyke thing had always been more Zephs thing but she was a sleep so I couldn't ask her. I decided to close my eyes and try to find the mind of any of them and if it wouldn't work then I'd keep my eyes on them.

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