


Angrily, I sighed. It's about to end another day after my broadcast, and no one but this Niko kid has even showed up, I'm beginning to lose hope of the entire thing, maybe they will win, maybe we will get another set of gods.

I forced that kind of thinking out of my mind, maybe people were on there way, maybe I would actually get a force powerful enough to stop the fools who think they can mess with my parents and the rest of the gods.
((Sorry I never knew the roleplay had started! I'm just going to make an introductory post~))

She chuckled at the sight of the decapitated head, shedding red streaks and the tortured smell of a masochist. She spun the large, silver scythe in her arms before letting it land rather gracefully; chopping up the ground. The lady bent over and put one knee down to an ample pile of metallic-scented liquid and dipped her slender fingers into the ooze and pulled it out rather normally; without being disgusted or disgraced. Her brown-black stained red hair shimmered underneath the moon as she rotated her wrist back and forth, inspecting the blood, which reeked of dead man. She flicked it off her hand and stood up, pressing her foot onto a non-moving stature laying beneath her white pumps. The moon was full and she stepped off of the poor figure and pressed her scythe to the ground, as it began falling right through it- seemingly disappearing. The woman looked after the head and decided to kick it, without any purpose as it flew... far into the eyes of far more aggravated teenagers.


"Oooh~ That's a record! Look at it fly!" Ripper said laughing at the head landing and bouncing off of a male's head. She snickered as she walked (quickly) closer to the angered group and didn't go close enough to a point where they would notice her. "More victims?" she smiled, at the thought of more heart piercing cries to a person's death.

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