Avatar: The Reign of Cowardice (Sign Ups)


The Overseer
Avatar: The Reign of Cowardice

(The sign ups are here; http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/3848-Avatar-The-Reign-of-Cowardice-(Sign-Ups)?p=134481#post134481. Feel free to join!)

Coleron turned to Kai, now more frustrated than ever. This was the time that they've been waiting for.

"We must strike at their heart before they struck us, Coleron." Kai stated angrily, directly facing his leader. "If they get the jump on us, we're done for. We have the men. We have the resources, Coleron. If we miss this opportunity, we won't have it again."

"This society was built on secrecy and shadows, Kai. Not power and brute force. If we attack them now, we will reveal ourselves to the world."

"And so what if we do? I'm tired of walking out into the world, seeing all of the bugs that I can easily crush under my heel. I'm tired of seeing these mongrels think that they own this world. We own this world now! And they don't even see it! If we do-"

"Silence, Kai!" Coleron yelled, hoping that Kai would finally come to reason. "We may be strong now, but we won't be forever. And if we over extend ourselves, even for just a moment, it could cost us everything. Do you want that to happen, Jakus, or-"

"Do not call me by my sir-name, Coleron." Kai spat, looking away from Coleron now. "You know how much I hate being called that name."

"Yes, yes. I'm sorry Kai. But you have to understand. For a moment, I thought that you were lost in thought, consumed by your arrogance. Never did I think that you were actually thinking reasonably."

"Fine then. Have it as you will, my liege. But when you give the order to attack the four nations, I will not hesitate to lead the charge."

"Oh, I have no intentions of having you lead my parties. You see..." Coleron teased, as a queer smile spread across his lips. "There is someone else that I need you to kill for me first..."

* * *

The Jade Sentinels, a secret group of individuals seeking the protection of the four nations, of course, have to hide in places that the outside world would not be able to find them. Here, their first meeting, along with the members of the Avatar Task Force, will take place.
Kun sat on top of a mountain ridge and stared down at valley below. He closed his eyes and felt the earth. She breathed softly in the early morning. Kun's seismic sense had grown incredibly acute in the past four years. Most of his training had been underground in absolute darkness so Kun had been forced to rely on the earth vibrations alone.

He could feel the vibrations of someone walking through the valley far below. Perhaps it was yet another young man or women from Ba Sing Se seeking his guidance in earthbending. A few such students appeared each year. Most had gotten lost and never found him, the one who were lucky enough to find him could never handle the rough training.

However, this approacher held himself with more authority. He did not seem frightened of the wilderness as most were and even seemed to know where he was going.

"Maybe he is just a hiker." Kun thought as he dosed in the morning sun.

Lok looked to Turun, who was obviously displeased by his previous statement.

Turun spoke bluntly; "The mere mention of sending out the Avatar, our only hope at this point, is ludicrous. If we sent an army to back her up, then it may stand a chance, but to send her only with a mere few, as a task force! She hasn't even mastered any elements except for her primary!" He yelled at Lok, shaking his fists. "She is but a girl, you fool. We need the avatar to remain safe!"

"Being safe is but a concept, Turun. In times like these, one can only be safer. They will eventually find us here. And unless Hana is sent out into the world now, she will die untrained."
Lok said calmly, mindful of the young Avatar who was among them. Turun sighed.

"What is your wish, Hana?" Turun stated, turning the question now to the avatar's thoughts.


The agent had been walking for a very, very long time. Being a natural earth bender, he was sent to find the possibly hard-to-reach master of earth bending. Accompanied by only his own thoughts, he had left the buggy, the two horses, and his driver alone on the street. He prayed that they would remain safe.

Steep, the mountain was quite difficult to climb. Although his footing was sure, much sweat was produced on his face when he neared the top. Knowing that his target was a masterful earth bender, his presence should already be known.
Kuro satt silente and thinking, the noise around him didn't bother him, taverns was always noisy Kuro reckoned that was the whole point of taverns, going to a place where you could drink and make a lot of noise. He didn't understand noise and sometimes he even wished he was death then he wouldn't have to hear all the stupid things people said all the time. But on the other hand he wouldn't hear all the clever things people said all the time and that was the whole point wasn't it? The clever things people said. But there was always someone who thought that he actually was death. And in someways that was good because people said the most honest things when they thought you couldn't hear them. Kuro was in a tavern somewhere in the fire nation, it was hard to know, all places looked a like. It wasn't a village not was it a city and this was the only decent place to have a drink Kuro had seen. So here he was now, having a beer al by his lonesome when a pretty girl came up to him.

"hey, can I sit here?" she asked and gestured toward the empty chair next to him. Kuro just shrugged and the girl sat down.

"So whats you name? My name is Li" she said with a dazzaling smile. Kuro wasn't impressed as he wasn't in the mood for flirting.

"Kuro" he just said and had a drink of his beer.

He knew that this might be a challenge. Finding a traveler whom was always on the move was one thing, but a metal bender? In a noisy tavern? Challenging was hardly a word to describe Shak's discomfort.

Quickly, he waded his way through the crowd, searching for a man of the desired description. He had to be here, of course. The trail led up to this point, and all of his sources pointed in one simple direction. His eyes were peeled...

And there, he saw the man. Just as the description proclaimed, the free lancer seemed to be speaking with a fair skinned girl. Swiftly, Shak decided to blend in with the crowd, hopefully keeping his appearance unknown until the right moment came about.
The girl just kept talking, asking him questions that he just gave short answers to, if any at all. But she wouldn't get the hint, he wasn't interested. But maybe there was something about him that intrigued her, this had happend before. People always was a bit uncomfortable and talked to much around him. Kuro reckoned it was because he said so little, they felt as if the had to compensate, which of course the hadn't, silence was fine. Sleep was always a tricky matter, it wasn't all night that there was a decent place to relax enough and now days you always had to watch your back. Tonight he had planned on getting some though, he tried to get at least four full night's of sleep a week and usually that was an easy goal to rech, but this week he had traveled longer then usually and last night he had only got an hour and the night before that only four so he was pretty tired and this seemed as good place as any. So when he had finished his beer he stood up and left without a word to the girl to go see if there was any rooms available.

Shak, realizing that his opportunity was at hand, decided to approach the free lancer whom he was sent to find.

Slowly, he came up to the man, and gently tapped his shoulder. Before waiting to see his reaction, Shak quickly stated; "We are in need of your services, mister Ling. If you are to be willing, I would like to speak somewhere a bit more... quiet."
Kuro turned around to face a man he didn't know. He frowned and located all the metal on his body, habit, just in case something was going to happen. Kuro looked at the man from his head down to his shoes and up again. Then he nodded once and led the way further in to the tavern and upp a staircase, coming in to a deserted room. Kuro has seen som other people coming up here earlier to talk alone and then coming down agin. Facing the staircase was a window and under the window a chest. To the left there was just wall but to the right there was a door. Kuro gestured for the man to follow him in to the room and went first. The room didn't have any furniture except a desk and two chairs on either side of the desk. Kuro made sure no one could hear them and gestured to the man too close the door behind him. They were alone. He then sat down on the desk and nodded to the man agin mening for him to go on.
Shak had followed Kuro Ling, his target, into the secluded room. After the door was closed behind him, he composed himself, and began to state his business.

"As you probably know, the Black Lotus has finally made its appearance to the world. Although every able bodied man has been armed and prepared for combat, Ba Sing Se has decided to organize a secondary strike force that will hopefully cause more damage to this hostile organization than anyone else could ever hope to do. And, if you're willing, I would like to personally bring you in as a member of the first task force issued by our secret retaliation to the Black Lotus. If you accept, I will tell you more of what you need to know. However, if not, I assure you that I will leave without another word, and this conversation would officially have never happened." Shak stated, looking at the man dead in the eye as he took his seat. This was a serious matter, after all.
Kuro met the mans gaze and frowned again, thinking. After a while he looked up at the man again and said, speaking to him for the first time with a voice that was rather hoars form the ale and deep and there was something about it that made people listen.

"Prove it" he said simply and studied the man. He hadn't showed any signs of lying but neither of speaking the truth. Kuro wasn't about to go with him unless he was absolutely sure that the man was speaking the truth.
Shak sighed. There weren't many ways to prove that he was apart of the society in which he spoke of. So, he thought of his best option.

Swiftly, he removed a small letter from inside of his coat. He choice this because it said not what the society's name was, but it did, however, state his full name. A simple price to pay for loyalty. He handed the letter, which was already opened, to Kuro. "Will this suffice?"

Kuro took the letter and read it. It didn't say much and when he had finished it he rolled it up and gave it back to the man who's name apparently was Shak. The letter wasn't much but on the other hand in these troubling times it wasn't easy to trust anybody. So Kuro nodded to the man, he'd do it.
"If that is a sign of acceptance, then we have but a day's travel to our location. I'll explain everything along the way." Shak stated, opening the door as he did so.
Kuro nodded again and went out the door. Becuase he didn't know where they were going and if they would start travelling with once of in the morning he went out the door but there he waited for the man to lead the way.
Kun dosed softly on a bolder a top the mountain. As Kun slept his mind fused with the energy of the earth, his body felt every vibration in the mountain range around him. As a platypus bear hunted for berries next to a stream a mile away, Kun could feel the animal tread across his own skin. To Kun there was no feeling of separation between his body and the earth. This state could only be achieved in meditation or a light sleep. Kun hoped that one day his training would bring him to the point where his spirit was always one with the earths.

As the traveler approaching the foot of the cliff Kun was perched on he slowly awoke. As the feeling of unity with the earth began to leave Kun stood and cracked his back. He was still slightly in harmony with the land and this popping of joints was enough to trigger a rock slide on the other side of the valley. Kun had been practicing bending with only the slightest movement for the past year. Naturally a few accidents happened now and then.

Kun stepped back into a shallow stance and let his arms naturally fall into a circular motion. Gently but quickly he quieted the earth and slowed the falling rocks to a standstill. Then with a rapid lifting motion he made a stare case leading from the bottom of the cliff to where he was standing. He waggled his fingers a bit and the bolder he was sitting on molded it's self into a large throne like chair. Kun had grown to like the feeling of hard stone. The lush amenities of the modern world were no longer to his favor.

As Kun sat there he began revolving his left ankle. As he did so the stair case began to move upwards like an escalator. With a few lifts of his arms a table and another stone throne rose out of the ground in front of him. Kun twirled his fingers and his stone gourd filled with sake(one of the few things he traveled into town for) and two stones floated to the table. The stones he shaped into goblets, placing one by the other chair. He lightly pounded his fist on the arm of the chair and a pillar of rock jutted his bag from the ground next to him up onto the table. Out of the bag he produced a small lunch consisting of some dried meat, a bit of bread(Also from town), some wild berries, and a bit of miners lettuce he had picked. He shaped a large platter and two plates and set the food on the platter and the plates stacked next to it with the gourd on the other side. It was no feast but he hoped his guest would enjoy the meager meal.

Kun smirked. This meal was also a test. The cups were to heavy to be lifted easily, unless you were as strong as Kun, the gourd was impossibly heavy to pour with, even for Kun, the plates were equally hard to move, and the table was large enough that you would have to sprawl across it to grab anything out of the center. This was a meal for earthbenders only. Kun sat back and waited for the arrival of his guest.

(If you want to do some light dialogue for my character I don't mind. No decision making or anything too complicated though.)

The Agent, now noticing the drastic change in terrain, tried to remain light on his feet so that the wouldn't disturb the modeling of the hillside. In a few moments, a small staircase appeared before him, possibly leading to the earth-bender that he was sent to find. But if there was one thing that his target was, he was crafty. Supposedly the best earth-bender in the country.

Instead, the sent Agent decided to climb the side of the mountain, not yet using his earth-bending to assist him. He did not want to allow the man to know what he was. So, when he was finished, he appeared on the ridge of the mountain, panting, a good three yards away from the stair case. Before him now was a small table, constructed of stone, with food placed far in the center. It looked quite appealing. The man that sat behind it fit the description of the person in which he was sent to find.

"Are you Kun Wei, earth-bender?" The Agent said, still short of breath.


Shak, gaining the freelancer's acceptance, had lead him outside of the tavern, to a small rhino-camel and buggy lead by a twenty-year old driver. He waited eagerly as Shak stretched.

"This will take us where we want to go. Since I have your acceptance, I do not believe that we should knock you out."
Shak said with a smirk. "For the next day of travel, I will explain to you everything that you need to know. When we arrive, I'm sure that we will part ways for good."
((Is there really horses in this univers? Sure you did mean "ostrich horse and buggy"?))

Kuro followed the man down to the street and to a buggy and a driver. He didn't appreciate the joke very much and he really hoped that that was all it was, a joke. That he wasn't serious, but he held his normal, non-emotional/bored face. Kuro only very seldom showed emotion on his face, he never really had, only when he was very young. He nodded that he had understood and sat down in the small wagon, he appreciated that the man was going to tell him what was going on but he also hopped what ever the man was going to say either was very brief or very interesting or the ride very bumpy because if else he wouldn't be abel to stay awake and listen, he rekond it was important. This must be big, whatever it was. To have somebody find him and then send somebody that he would never see agin. Maybe the man really was a hitman. Kuro got in the carriage despite his doughts and left the door open for the man to get in after him.
(Rhino-camel now. Yep. Had one in the original series, although it was never named)

Shak followed behind, sitting in the buggy and closing the door behind him. The driver snapped his reigns, and the rhino-camel slowly moved forward. As it did so, Shak produced a small scroll from underneath his trench-coat. It was tied by a thick silver lace, and the parchment was obviously quite new. After pulling the tie, the scroll came undone, showing the inside of the roll. Inside were many documents, all explaining the requirements of a task force to protect the four nations, the paper-work for each individual that were to be found. However, none of the documents even mentioned the word "Avatar." Shak had to make sure of that.
((Oh okey, must have missed that part, my apologies))

Kuro slowly closed his eyes as the carriage started to move forward. He usually only traveled by foot half because it was the easiest way to travel, the only way he could afford but it was also because when he finally did go by carriage he fell asleep. One time he was in a hurry so he took a rickshaw but he fell asleep and the driver hadn't woken him up... It had been terrible and the bill had been sky high. But he assumed that if the very important looking scrole really was that important then if he fell asleep the man would wake him up.
(Sorry about the infrequency of my posts. My house does not have internet yet, but we should get it soon I hope. Feel free to manipulate my character a bit if you want to speed me up.)

Kun was interested in the strange visitor. It hadn't taken him long to find him and he had not displayed any kind of bending since Kun had noticed him. Now he was climbing the face of the cliff rather then taking the stairs that Kun had graciously made for him. No worry though. Kun had been away from society for so long that he had grown rusty in social situations. Perhaps the man was not trusting. Kun wondered what there was to be scarred of.

"I have been away too long." Kun thought. "Perhaps it is time I leave the mountains."

"Are you Kun Wei, earth-bender." The man panted.

"No, I'm a platypus-bear. If you knew how to find me so easily you should at least know what I look like. Sit down and have a drink and some food. Enlighten me on why you are here and tell me, what do you think of my home? I'll know if you are telling the truth so don't worry about any twisting of words."

Kun levitated the gourd and poured himself a glass. He bent the platter and a plate to himself and made himself a meal. Kun was surprised how excited he was to have such a strange guest. The badger-moles weren't much company and the few kids who made it to him were immature and wished to bend for the wrong reasons.

"Hopefully, this man will be different. Either way it is time I left these mountains." Kun mused.
((oh my gosh I'm sooo sorry I haven't posted yet, I've been really busy... >_<))

Hana bit down on her lip, weighing her options before she answered Turun. "I think.... traveling with a small group would be wisest." She spoke quietly, unsure of herself. She tried to strengthen her voice and stand a bit taller, to give herself an air of confidence as she continued, "Though a smaller group would offer less protection, it would also be much more covert. Traveling with a whole army to protect me would draw attention in no time at all. Attention is something we don't want, after all." She cast her warm eyes up at Turun and Lok, gauging their responses, "Is this agreeable?"

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