Avatar: The Reign of Cowardice (Sign Ups)


The Overseer

Avatar: The Reign of Cowardice


Forty dreadfully long years have passed since the rise and fall of two great avatars; Avatar Yenlee, and Avatar Jin. Yenlee, a wise and mature water nomad of roughly fifty years old, produced peace throughout the land for many years. However, three years after a list of anomalies occurred: important political leaders disappearing, entire cities being mysteriously attacked and thwarted, leaving no survivors to be seen, Avatar Yenlee, disappeared. People believed that he was the next target on this hidden societies list. Simply taken out like so many others. The avatar didn't reappear for quite some time after that event; some believed that Yenlee was still alive, held captive by the unknown threat. Others instead believed that this dark syndicate knew exactly where the next avatar would appear, and killed them when they were born. Either way, for nearly twenty years, the four nations were defenseless against whatever the mysterious society wanted to do.

However, out of the darkness, appeared an earth bender named Jin; the long awaited avatar that would end this threat. Already of eighteen years old, and a master of both earth and fire bending, immediately set out to confront the dark threat directly after revealing his existence. For seven years, the great avatar ruled over the four crumbling nations, in turn protecting their existence, and locating the threat. In retaliation of the attacks, he had all of the four nations relocate their people to five different safe houses; four different military-grade cities, and Ba Sing Se, Jin's base of operations. Avatar Jin, with all of his wisdom, was able to discover much about the syndicate; they primarily hid in caves, mostly nearby to powerful cities throughout the world. They seemed to be mostly made up of water benders, and they seemed to refer to themselves as the 'Black Lotus' society.

Avatar Jin assaulted both the Northern and Southern water tribes immediately. Keeping the civilians in his 'safe' cities, he thought that finding more information about the Black Lotus would be simple, but it was not. Enraged by two years of misinformation and snow, Avatar Jin became arrogant. Leaving with a small band of warriors, he left to the Southern water nation, and searched for their secrets himself. But what he found, would change his life forever. There, he discovered that the entire society was built around worshiping the ability to blood bend. Each water bender was given a test to see if they could blood bend at all, and were eventually placed into three different divisions; the Force, which was built up of all four element benders, those water benders that could not blood bend, and non-benders that decided to join their cause. The second was a division known as the Brave, that held those that could blood bend only under the heart of the full moon. And then, there was the last division. Only made up of maybe six or seven blood benders, they were called the Blade. These rare few could blood bend at any time of day. Wherever they wanted, whenever they wanted to. But of course, such information came with a price.

When Jin discovered such information, he was attacked by an adept Brave member that struck without hesitation, quickly corrupting his blood flow. Although his companions were able to kill the adept, Jin was mortally wounded. Swiftly, they rushed him to his ship. But sadly, Jin died before they safely arrived back at Ba Sing Se.

With the information revealed about the Black Lotus society, a few scale war unraveled between the four nations and this discreet society. Seventeen years have passed since the death of the last avatar, and the people hope that some day their new avatar would appear before them. However, this new avatar has decided to instead remain hidden, acting only as the secret defense's most powerful weapon. The hidden guardians of the four nations, the Jade Sentinels, refuse to see their kingdoms crumble, and what better way to defeat your enemy then to thwart their tactics?

History (Summary)

The four nations, thwarted and crumbling by the attacks of a secret society known as the Black Lotus, await the arrival of the new avatar to protect them against this war. However, the avatar has instead been hidden from the public to be both guarded by a hidden group known as the Jade Sentinels, and to act as their most powerful weapon. With the help of a few allies and teachers, they will make up the four nation's greatest hope against the Black Lotus and their blood bending soldiers.

Character Sheet

Name: (Your character's name. This should be in the style of the Avatar series)

Position: (Choose one of the unfilled positions below)

Age: (Your age. Simple)

Gender: (Male or female. Pretty straight forward)

Primary weapon: (This can either be; a long sword, great sword, dual swords, dagger, dual daggers, fists (pressure points and such. Benders can't use this weapon), great hammer, hatchet, dual axes, great ax, bow and arrow, throwing daggers, or just your bending if you have any. Weapons cannot; be made out of any funky or 'powerful' materials. No diamond, silver, celestial, magic, etc. This weapon can be a family weapon, but it cannot be 'empowered by your grandfathers soul,' or anything else like that. Just powerful, generic weapons. Powerful weapons will be given to those that focus on their weapons primarily throughout the game)

Appearance: (I prefer a picture here, but a simple description works too)

Biography: (Your character's back story. And please, be original. I don't want to see a dozen orphaned, revenge bitten, angst-ridden teens running around)

Personality: (Lay out what your character's personality is going to be)


The Avatar (Taken)

The Air Bending Teacher [Can be anywhere from 12-17 years old] (Unfilled)

The Water Bending Teacher [Can be anywhere from 13-18 years old] (Unfilled)

The Earth Bending Teacher (Taken)

The Non-Bending Warrior [Can be anywhere from 16-22 years old] (Unfilled)

The Freelancer (Taken)

The Guardian [Can be 16-24 years old. Should either be an Earth bender or a non-bender] (Unfilled)

The Black Lotus Rogue [Can be 18-26 years old. Is the only playable blood bender] (Unfilled)

The Mentor [Can be 28-38 years old, and can either be a bender or a non-bender] (Unfilled)

The Pacifist (Taken)

The Tainted Soldier [Can be 16-25 years old. Should be a fire bender or a non-bender]

(To start the game, we require; Someone to play the Avatar, one person to be a teacher [not the mentor], and a minimum of three people. We can only have a maximum of 9 players.)

Primary Enemies

Name: Coleron Talin

Position: Leader of the Black Lotus

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Primary weapon: Dual long swords


Biography: Unknown

Personality: A quiet type of a person, known to lead the Black Lotus with an iron fist.

Name: Kai Jakus

Position: Trained Assassin, Right Hand of Coleron

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Primary weapon: Long sword


Biography: Unknown

Personality: A very talkative combatant, that usually combines fighting with much badgering

Name: Tyra Slain

Position: Bounty Hunter whom is currently working under Coleron

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Primary weapon: Throwing daggers


Biography: Unknown

Personality: If otherwise emotionally attached, she'll kill her target without question. She favors actual challenges to kill, and the Black Lotus offers this.

Crucial Points

There are a few important things that I have to point out about this game;

Firstly, there is a solid possibility that your character might die. This of course, is a survival game. If you're in the middle of a combat, or there's a trap that simply catches you off guard (gentle hint; always say that you "search the room" before you enter an area), your character is going to get injured. If your injuries are unattended for long enough, I will literally kill. Your. Character.It's as simple as that.

Second point; there will NOT be ANY over powered characters in this game. Period. End of story. What do I mean by this? Simply, you can't kill anything with only one blow. You can injure multiple enemies at once, but you can't kill them immediately.

Third (and final) point; this point is by far the most important. If you haven't already noticed from my first two points, I'm going to be using a relative combat system to help the game progress. All characters at the start of the game will be in a natural "Healthy" state. If they are hit once, you will become "Hurt." If you are hit twice, you will become "Injured." If you're hit a third time, you'll become "Maimed." And, heaven forbid, you're hit a fourth time by an opponent, you'll die. Game over.

Some final tidbits; The majority of enemies in this game will take only two hits to take out, so don't get annoyed that I'm making the game too complex.

Each bending style has an alternate tactic that can be used, rather than simply attack your opponent.

Water can heal an ally, allowing their current health to go up a tier.

Air can quickly avoid and flee from combat, but not if they're Maimed.

Fire can combine their weapon with flames, knocking their opponent down two tiers. Or, if they don't have a primary weapon, they can blast their flames to do twice as much damage. This can only be used once per combat.

Earth can instead spend their turn blocking their opponents next attack.

Blood cannot do damage to an opponent. They can either immobilize a target for another person to attack, or control an enemy to attack an enemy. Cannot blood bend an enemy listed as a "Boss."

Metal benders have the ability to do get get themselves free from many binding situations. Being that many bindings and prisons are made out of metal, they can have the ability to get out of such situations. However, they do not get a secondary ability in combat.

Lightning is a more powerful form of fire bending. Instead of fire bending, any Lightning user can chain their attacks through multiple opponents, hitting up to three enemies with one point of damage. But be wary. A misfire can easily hit an ally.

Keep in mind that although each element has their own special abilities in combat, each element can do anything else that their element will allow them to do out of combat, and, if you find a clever way to incorporate your element into combat other than healing, doing damage, or defending yourself (such as using Earth to make a ledge, use Air to shoot yourself forward, etc), then I'll probably accept it.

The Game is here http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/3847-Avatar-The-Reign-of-Cowardice-(Sign-Ups)?p=134430#post134430
I would like to make the avatar a girl, because I'm best at rp-ing girls, but if you want a boy I can change it.

Name: Hana Tozen

Position: Avatar

Age: 14

Gender: female

Primary weapon: four throwing daggers, but she prefers to use her fire

View attachment 7408

Biography: Hana was born into a humble farming family in the Fire Nation. Her parents and her two younger brothers are all nonbenders, and her parents are very proud of Hana's bending abilities. Although being a fire bender living and working on a farm has it's down sides. Once she accidentally lit a whole wheat field on fire because her youngest brother was bugging her and she shot a fire ball at him-- and she missed. When Hana was twelve, an incident with a group of bandits caused her family to realize she was the Avatar. After that, she spent every moment she had trying to bend other elements, but the best she could do was move a few pebbles. As she grew older, her parents wanted to protect her from the Black Locust society, so she was no longer allowed to bend. Not even fire. Of course, she couldn't stop fire bending, it was a part of her. It was who she was. So whenever she was alone she would hone her fire bending skills. When she turned 14, her parent's desided it was too risky for her to remain on the farm. They sent her away, where she was put into hiding with the Jade Sentenials. (better?)

Personality: Hana is humble and hardworking. She is a bit socially awkward and shy when she first meets someone new, as she has had very little experience interacting with people outside of her family.

Okay, I think I got it now. if there's anything ELSE you want me to fix/change just let me know :)
(Two things;

Firstly, you're currently being hidden in the Jade Sentinels head quarters.

And secondly, your appearance picture didn't work x3)
I'm interested as the free lancer, the rouge or, if I must, the earth bending teacher. I'm new here. Though I've RP:ed before ^^
If you would rather be the Free Lancer or the Black Lotus Rogue, although a teacher is needed, I would insist that you choose the class that you want to be. A teacher will appear eventually :D Heck, if need be, I'll hop in as one of the teachers.
A Free Lancer is basically a heavy traveler, built on a life of solitude and independence. If you've watched the Avatar series, Jet and his gang would be considered Free Lancers. Also, Zuko was considered a Free Lancer when he struck out on his own, with nothing but his steed, and the twin swords on his back.
Ok im so confused! My bro watched Avatar so I have a little knowledge... So what characters are needed? I know teachers...
Okay. So, of course, the Avatar is needed. Kind of the main character.

The Avatar starts with one element under her belt, but needs all four. Teachers will slowly train him/her in the arts of the other three.

The other characters that you see listed are just there for flavor. They're not necessarily needed, but they do add a little bit of flavor to the story line. Kind of like Sokka, Momo, Appa, King Bumi, or the many suitors of Sokka (lol) in the series.
Okie I'll do my bestestest!

Name: Rochu Hikaro

Position: Pacifist

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Primary weapon: Great Axe, Water Bending


Biography: Her father and mother were both water benders, and she hat a brother, named Mikui. One night, her tribe was attacked by Fire benders and her parent were killed. Until she was 12 she depended on her older brother, until he was killed by sickness of the blood and she was left to the kindness of her tribe. She was raised by her older mentor and is now a great bender.

Personality: She is emotionally and physically strong. When angered she can be fierce, but usually she's fun, enthusiastic and good to get along with. She's loyal to good friends, but likes mischief now an then.

Name: Kuro Ling

Position: Free lancer

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Primary weapon: Metalbending (If it's okey)

http://juhaihai.deviantart.com/art/RC-Ryuu-293690848?q=boost:popular earthbender&qo=147

Just the picture and please ignore the rest.

Biography: Kuro was born outside a small village with his mother father and kid-brother and little sister. His family was peaceful farmers and have been, still is, for centuries. They grow the earth and live by what they grow. Kuro had a really happy childhood. He learned from his parents how to bend the earth. When he was 14 his sister had a working accident and unfortunately she didn't make it. Kuro didn't take it very well but tried to keep on living but he just couldn't live where she had lived, slept where she had slept. So when he was 15 he decided too leave the house and make is own way in life. So that he did and been on the road ever since, living on whatever he could. He planes to come back to his parents an family someday but he has realized that the farmer life isn't fore him but he'd like to see his parents again.

Personality: Kuro is calm and it takes a lot to upset him. But it also takes a lot to get to know him properly and he dosen't really say much. But he can take care of him self. Been ever since he was 15.
Oh, crap. Didn't think about metal bending. I'll come up with a secondary special ability in a moment, hold on...

Also, you're both accepted :D Great characters!

Eh, if we don't get a teacher shortly, I'll just fill that slot. Although I'd much rather someone else fill it.
What, to put it bluntly, the combat system is going to be wrapped around a basic four health points. The enemies that you fight will have anywhere from 2-4, or more if they're a boss.

Basically, you can do one damage (or whatever your secondary ability is), then your opponent can do one damage, and back and forth. Normally this would sound as boring and simple as simple can be, but there's a minor change. Simply, that you can use the world in question to your advantage.

If you walk around a corner, your opponent has to walk around that corner before he can attack you. If you throw a boulder into his face, he has to shatter it, dodge it, or take the damage before he can attack you. Make sense?
Yes it makes a lot of sense I just don't want it to be all fights an nothing else. I want action not reaction, like a computergame where all you do is follow the already staked out path ^^
Name: Kun Wei

Position: Earthbending teacher

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Primary weapon: Earthbending


View attachment 7581

Biography: He grew up with his family lives in Ba Sing Se. He did not like the chaos of the city however and preferred to explore the land around the outer wall. Neither parents were benders but at an early age they found that Kun had some talent in earthbending. At the age of 5 they had him in lessons. Kun thrived in the lessons and learned quickly. Eventually Kun found that the classes in the city were not challenging or exciting enough for him. He also was constantly scolded for destroying entire buildings while practicing. At the age of 16 he convinced his parents to let him travel to the mountains northeast of the city to practice on his own. Here he let him self go and destroyed the surrounding terrain. His goal was to destroy entire mountains with his bending. Fortunately the badgermoles were disturbed by him. They took him in under their wing and taught him the subtleties of earthbending. With their tutoring he learned control and to appreciate the earth rather then use it as a weapon.

Personality: Kun is very calm and collect. He gives off a strong and slightly scary aura. Once you get to know him though he is pretty nice. He is very tactical in fighting, using his surroundings well. He is no genius nor his he particularly fast witted but he does have a capacity for knowledge. What he chooses to learn he learns well. Kun still has some problems with self control. Accidents may occur when he is emotional or has been drinking. He is quite fond of drinking.
It is not going to be just combat, I promise you that! It's just a basic system so that you guys aren't killing everyone without a problem, y'know? There will be rp, I swear :D

Also, what do you mean by "earth enemy teacher," Cameron? Do you want to be the earth bending teacher?

Also, you cannot be a metal bender if you're an earth bender. I'm constituting it as two different categories so that everyone isn't a metal bender.

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