Avatar: The Reign of Cowardice (Sign Ups)

Amended. That first post was very sloppy and under a time constraint:P I was quit surprised when I saw that I had typed "earth enemy teacher".

When do we start? Should I just chill in the mountains, travel the land, and do my own thing until the avatar finds me when we start?
Basically, everyone is going to be where they normally would be at a time like this; Cameron would be in the mountains, most likely. Pinen should be wandering the streets by himself, and Sprinkles can be wherever she wants to be. Hana (the avatar in this case) will already be at the Jade Sentinel head quarters, discussing what they're going to do about the possible war. In the mean time, each one of you will be approached by a secret representative from the Jade Sentinels, arriving to your location knowing that you are the best of the best. Every seen the Avengers? That's basically how we're going to start out.

So, feel free to describe where you are right now in the RP! The link is here; http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/3847-Avatar-The-Reign-of-Cowardice-(Sign-Ups)?p=134430#post134430
I prefer Pinnz and you englisch people can say that properly as well. So just Pinnz or Pinn, not Pinnen, it's Swedisch and would just sound stupid in Englisch ^^
Ayesha Yuon

Name: Ayesha Yuon

Position: Black Lotus Rogue

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Primary weapon: Iron Tipped Fans (Minor, able to slice through fabric and velvet, can cause a minor cut.), Bloodbending/Waterbending


Biography: Ayesha's blood-bending and water-bending powers were something her family and herself was very very proud about. But her powers caused one of the most biggest defections in the history of water-bending. She was only 3, when she learned how to blood and water-bend. She started training and when she was done, she wanted to show her parents and older siblings. But they were gone, in the 100 year war. She hid in her house, and when people came in, she water-bent them out the door. So when the tribal chief came in, she thought he was evil and decided to flush him out. Not knowing he was the chief, she ran out and laughed, before running back in. "Isn't he ... Oh crap!" She thought. She knew he was a goner. After everyone left, she cried inside and hated herself for what she had done. But some people saw what happened. After the war was over, when she was 6, people noticed who she was and decided to kick her out of the Water Tribe. She started walking around the outskirts of the water tribe, and rested at an old oak tree. She turned around and saw a large carving. It read "Greetings. The Black Lotus Society would like to wecome you, an outcast, into our society. She finally arrived and after showing off her skills, and was made an officer at the age of 15. Ayesha decided that she was going to be the best she could be. For her first 2 years, she was really good. But then she got lazy and let many criminals go. So she was kicked out again, and was told to never return. Currently, she travels in the outskirts of Ba Sing Se, trying to find someone from the Black Lotus Society who she could try to befriend, so she could return.

Personality: Ayesha is the most positive girl you can ever meet. She always lights up the mood of anyone, anywhere, any time. She has a great sense of humor, but sarcasm isn't her thing. You can’t see her without a smile on her face. She is the most loved water bender of the caves, and everyone who knows her smiles and waves at her when they see her. But under that huge smile lies a very self-conscious girl who thinks that she can’t do anything well. She thinks that she needs to make people happy and make them like her so that they can’t see how useless she is. But her water bending is better than most of the others in the water tribe, and she is a water bender. Ayesha also hates waking up early, she always goes late to lessons and she likes training at night, and she is terrible at shielding. She loves reading, though, she spends a lot of time in the woods, reading silently. She can be lazy, though, at times.
Small problem, Emilson. Obviously you haven't read much, if any, of the history. The "Black Lotus Rogue" is not a title that would be bestowed upon a powerful water-bender or blood-bender. Rather, the Black Lotus Rogue is just as it sounds; They have defected from the hostile society of the Black Lotus, and are now an outcast (rogue) that seeks possibly redemption, a new way of life, etc. So, if you could, manipulate your biography so it expresses your secret acception into the horrid Black Lotus society, your defection, and what you're doing now. Sound good? :D
Wow, this seems very interesting, Robin! ^^ Can't wait to go and start on creating my character sheet. One question, though. I was reading the Positions, and found that The Guardian caught my eye a bit. I know it's pretty self-explanatory, but would it be all right if you could explain it to me a little bit about The Guardian Position?

Sorry if I'm being stupid, I guess I'm just tired from not having that much sleep. XP But other than that, I'm not really confused about anything else, since I'm not new to Avatar ^^
Firstly, Emilson, much better on the character sheet, however, I noticed that your blood bending (firstly) was used to kill people, and at any time. Blood bending can only be used on a full moon to most, in this case you, and killing people with it is a very difficult thing to do. Especially the dang water tribe chief. Secondly, the Black Lotus Society was a secret society. You can't just "hear some people talking about them and follow them." You have to be asked, by the society secretly. Be it a secret meeting, or a letter/note you found on the ground that was clearly labeled for you >.>

Also, Darksoul90, the Guardian is basically the defender of the party. They usually have a very honorable or justice-related attitude. Their background usually involves being a bouncer for a bar, a noble soldier in the army, maybe a general that lost his honor and now wishes to redeem himself. Just some ideas.
*sigh* Emilson, how old are you? Because not only do you not understand the concept of the Black Lotus Rogues, your writing is sloppy and uneven, your knowledge of the Avatar series is obviously rather shaky, and you were "kicked out of" the Black Lotus Society. Imagine the BLS like the mafia. You don't leave, you die. So, you had to defect.

I'm sorry, but respectively, you've been declined from the role-play.
Robin, have you decided to concentrate your efforts on Field of Discord rather then this rp? I wouldn't mind that, I am more fond of FoD's story line. This one certainly has potential though.
Two words; School Exams. They've piled up. I'm pretty sure that there are people all across this website that are mad at me for not posting in some time. TLA is the most interesting, so I've been spending my time on it. I want at least some rp in my life.

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