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  1. Tallgrass

    Just curious, but do games get added to the full, filterable list automatically?

    Just curious, but do games get added to the full, filterable list automatically?
  2. Tallgrass

    Welcome - Start Here! [Surviing the Shackles]

    You're good to go Frixz!
  3. Tallgrass

    The Crew's Quarters [Surviing the Shackles]

    Thanks for the offer, Shep, but I think I'm good. I have the first book PDF and the interactive map book. Thay should keep us afloat for a while.
  4. Tallgrass

    Welcome - Start Here! [Surviing the Shackles]

    At least it's a pleasant color. It's not that bad if everyone kind of looks the same - it's mostly just important to have some consistency for everyone. EDIT: Yeah, that's not going to work, Seph - a little too similar to the background.
  5. Tallgrass

    Welcome - Start Here! [Surviing the Shackles]

    You just choose whichever one you want from the color drop down (it looks like an "A" with a red underline). It's not automatic, but you'll just claim it for your very own and (at least in this thread) no one else can use it.
  6. Tallgrass

    Welcome - Start Here! [Surviing the Shackles]

    All right, folks. As we get nearer to launching the game, here is what I'd like you to keep at the top of your posts. I hope this isn't too bad - just keep it in an easy-to-access copy and paste place. Also, please choose a color unique to your character. Sam Pull - Monk HP 13/13 | AC 15...
  7. Tallgrass

    Welcome - Start Here! [Surviing the Shackles]

    Alexi, Aaron and Salzain Tyrne - you are good to go. Scraaw - Please add a backstory to your profile. @shepsquared - I just built that character in HeroLab and went with the default 150 gold. @Everyone - This is quite a racially diverse crew - there's only one human in the lot!
  8. Tallgrass

    Welcome - Start Here! [Surviing the Shackles]

    I do for first level, for sure. Not sure what I'll do after that. We might roll or take half, whichever is higher. I don't mind doing max HP all the way up, but it does make encounter balance a bit of a challenge. I'm sure once we reach a level-up-point, we will have some discussions about it!
  9. Tallgrass

    Skulls & Shackles - Pathfinder Forum Game

    Done and done. Thank you so much!
  10. Tallgrass

    Game Information [Surviing the Shackles]

    Surviving the Shackles Introduction/Story Teaser Slaves, ev’ry one of ya! Any Shackles pirate’s worth ten o’ you poxy devils, an’ ev’ry Free Captain commandin’ a sloop’ll keep sailin’ circles around any bloated Chelish frigate you send at us. We’ll go on raidin’ yer sea lanes, stealin’...
  11. Tallgrass

    The Formidably Maid [Surviing the Shackles]

    It is early evening in Port Peril. The sounds from the tavern are just starting to pick up as the sailors, merchants and visitors gather for the evening. A halfling woman stands on a barrel in the corner, playing a fiddle and loudly singing vulgar tunes. The bartender, a man missing most of his...
  12. Tallgrass

    Welcome - Start Here! [Surviing the Shackles]

    Welcome to the game! I'm excited to set sail with you all. Accepted Players: Sarzain Stormgaze - Human Wizard Scraaw - Grippli ??? Aaron - Human Aquatic Druid Alexis Grim - Dhampir Anti-Paladin Tyrné - Tiefling Magus Grey - ??? To begin, please complete the following: 1. Create a...
  13. Tallgrass

    Bummer. Ah well, I'll stick with what I have currently. Thanks, though!

    Bummer. Ah well, I'll stick with what I have currently. Thanks, though!
  14. Tallgrass

    Character Templates [Surviing the Shackles]

    Name: Gender: Age: Appearance or Picture: Sam Pull Human Monk (Flowing Monk) 1 LN Medium Humanoid (human) Init +6; Senses Perception +7 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex) hp 13 (1d8+5) Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 --------------------...
  15. Tallgrass

    Anyone have a good link to some BBCode-friendly character sheets?

    Anyone have a good link to some BBCode-friendly character sheets?
  16. Tallgrass

    Character Templates [Surviing the Shackles]

    Name: Gender: Age: Appearance or Picture: Still looking for a good sheet/post format - until then, use the following (replacing with your own information, of course). If you have a linkable online sheet, link it here, but still go ahead and use the format below. Sam Pull Human...
  17. Tallgrass

    The Crew's Quarters [Surviing the Shackles]

    All OOC discussion can be conducted here.
  18. Tallgrass

    Ship Tasks [Surviing the Shackles]

    Swab Tasks Man the Bilges: Vile and sweaty work cleaning out the bilges (area A11), requiring a DC 12 Strength check. The PC must also make a DC 10 Constitution check to avoid being fatigued at the end of the shift. Rat Catcher: Catching rats and other vermin belowdecks, requiring either a DC...
  19. Tallgrass

    Ship Tasks [Surviing the Shackles]

    Swab Tasks Man the Bilges: Vile and sweaty work cleaning out the bilges (area A11), requiring a DC 12 Strength check. The PC must also make a DC 10 Constitution check to avoid being fatigued at the end of the shift. Rat Catcher: Catching rats and other vermin belowdecks, requiring either a DC...
  20. Tallgrass

    Nighttime Ship Actions [Surviing the Shackles]

    Here are the ship actions you can take each night.