Welcome - Start Here! [Surviing the Shackles]


Dedicated to spinning a tale worth sharing.
Welcome to the game! I'm excited to set sail with you all.

Accepted Players:

  • Sarzain Stormgaze - Human Wizard
  • Scraaw - Grippli ???
  • Aaron - Human Aquatic Druid
  • Alexis Grim - Dhampir Anti-Paladin
  • Tyrné - Tiefling Magus
  • Grey - ???

To begin, please complete the following:

1. Create a character thread in the Press-Ganged forum. Please use the template provided.

2. Check-in here when you're ready for me to review your character sheet.

3. Head over to the Crew's Quarters and check in out of character - introduce yourself and let everyone know who you'll be playing as.

4. Head over to the Formidably Maid and check-in in-character when you're ready. No need for dice rolls (yet). Just get your characters introduced to one another and start some roleplay interaction. Once everyone's checked in and their characters are approved, we'll move onto the game proper.

5. You can head to the Aboard the Wormwood section if you like, but it might seem a little overwhelming for now. Everything there will be explained in due time.

Character Creation Details

(Just In Case You Forgot Them)

  • Players will start at 1st level. 

  • No alignment restrictions, but you must be able to play well with others - both in-character and out
  • 20-point ability buy 

  • Average gold for your class
  • Max HP for your class 

  • 3 traits - one MUST be a campaign trait. 

  • Core races preferred.
  • All Paizo-created classes are allowed.

If you have any questions, this is the thread to ask them in.

I'm looking forward to getting started!
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What do you mean by "Max HP for you class?" I assume you do want us to maximize our first hit die, but does that stay true beyond first level? I've seen different campaigns handle this in different ways.
I do for first level, for sure. Not sure what I'll do after that. We might roll or take half, whichever is higher. I don't mind doing max HP all the way up, but it does make encounter balance a bit of a challenge. I'm sure once we reach a level-up-point, we will have some discussions about it!
Just to note, Sarzain is a Sylph. Which is a human descended from an air elemental or something. It has some nifty abilities for a sea based campaign (like reading the weather for the next 24 hours once per day)

Edit: Why does the sample character have 130 gp worth of stuff when average gold for a monk is 35?
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Alexi, Aaron and Salzain Tyrne - you are good to go.

Scraaw - Please add a backstory to your profile.

@shepsquared - I just built that character in HeroLab and went with the default 150 gold.

@Everyone - This is quite a racially diverse crew - there's only one human in the lot!
One human, and he's far from normal given all the trait effects and whatnot - not to mention the fact Aquatic Druids get the aquatic subtype at 9th.
All right, folks. As we get nearer to launching the game, here is what I'd like you to keep at the top of your posts. I hope this isn't too bad - just keep it in an easy-to-access copy and paste place. Also, please choose a color unique to your character.

Sam Pull - Monk

HP 13/13 | AC 15, Touch 15, FF 13 | F +4, R +4, W +5 | Per +7 | Init +6 | Condition: Normal

Special Skills Remaining 3/3 (i.e. Inspire Confidence)

[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Sam Pull - Monk [/color][/size][/b]
[color=#ff0000][size=3][b]HP 13/13 | [/b]AC 15, Touch 15, FF 13 | F +4, R +4, W +5 | Per +7 | Init +6 | Condition: Normal[/size][/color]
[size=3][color=#ff0000]Special Skills Remaining 3/3 (i.e. Inspire Confidence)[/color][/size]

Also, here's the format I'd like to use for in-character posting:

When your character is speaking: "Put the text in bold, in your chosen color."

When your character is thinking: "Hmm...I should have picked an easier color to read. (Italics in your chosen color)"

Out-of-Character Posts (commentary, explanation, etc.) : OOC: Preface with "OOC" and always use the top-right pink color. This means no one may choose this for their character color. Sorry.
You just choose whichever one you want from the color drop down (it looks like an "A" with a red underline). It's not automatic, but you'll just claim it for your very own and (at least in this thread) no one else can use it.
At least it's a pleasant color. It's not that bad if everyone kind of looks the same - it's mostly just important to have some consistency for everyone.

EDIT: Yeah, that's not going to work, Seph - a little too similar to the background.
It is an awesomely diverse crew. Reminds me of Planescape: Torment, but with more pirates.

I'll take orange for my color.
Tha'ts the best recommnedation for a game that I've seen: Planescape with pirates (So Spelljammer?).

... I forgot to actually post content. Lol

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