The Crew's Quarters [Surviing the Shackles]

A friend has this adventure path (and most others) in pdf form (and I haven't read them), but he says that there are interactive maps in a seperate pdf to the actual adventure that may be useful to us. Do you want me to send them to you somehow?
Thanks for the offer, Shep, but I think I'm good. I have the first book PDF and the interactive map book. Thay should keep us afloat for a while.
On one hand, I want to post. On the other hand, Sarzain wouldn't initiate social interaction and would wait until he has a good idea of who is around him (waiting on perception roll result).

Also once we are pirates, I want to switch my rank in profession (sailor) for a rank in profession (pirate). For thematic reasons, obviously

assuming that you're watching. I'm editing Sarzain's spell selection and spells known because it turns out that spellbook based casters get 3+casting stat mod 1st level spells when they take the class. So I have 5 more spells known that I didn't have before
I really hate to do it, but I really am doing too much right now. Sorry Tallgrass, and you guys. I have to bow out. Maybe another time.
Anyway this could be resurected..? I mean.. It's very dead, and... *Sigh* Anyone still interested? Tallgrass, you still on?

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