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  1. Sesquipedalian

    Private Avengers RP{Isadora and Sesquipedalian}

    The Avengers eyed the teens with both suspicion and confusion, though some hid it better than others. "What's going on here?" Inquired Natasha in an even tone, her arms folded in front of her as her gaze swept over the teens. "Yeah. You know, I already am less than fond of you, but dragging a...
  2. Sesquipedalian

    Private Avengers RP{Isadora and Sesquipedalian}

    The group hadn't even been in the building for two minutes and already there was an obstacle, at least for Skyler. An elevator. Great. Just great. Why couldn't JARVIS tell everyone to take the stairs or something? Taking a deep breath, Skyler entered the elevator, and found herself next to...
  3. Sesquipedalian

    Private Avengers RP{Isadora and Sesquipedalian}

    Skyler jumped second to last, following Zephyr. As the air rushed past her, she couldn't help wishing she was in wolf form. The canine was better built for acrobatics, and she would feel better about jumping and landing with paws instead of hands and feet. But, until she knew who these people...
  4. Sesquipedalian

    Private Avengers RP{Isadora and Sesquipedalian}

    Fury glanced at Axcel. "No." A concise answer, but one that left no room for argument as the group clambered on board a Quinjet. Skyler wasn't sure what to think. They were going to the Avengers tower? Why? Were they going to meet the Avengers? What for? Nothing seemed to make sense, but in...
  5. Sesquipedalian

    Private Avengers RP{Isadora and Sesquipedalian}

    Skyler half listened to Axcel's comments. Honestly, the other girl could call Skyler whatever she wished. Skyler had become quite flexible when it came to names. They didn't matter much to her, as each name was just a title, and only one name actually held any meaning for her. So, for all she...
  6. Sesquipedalian

    Private Avengers RP{Isadora and Sesquipedalian}

    Zack looked up when everyone began introducing themselves. So, there was Montage, Axcel, Zephyr, and Aurik. Zack was actually surprised to find himself to be one of the last two people left. Usually, he was one of the first to greet new people. Huh. He resisted the urge to make a Finding Nemo...
  7. Sesquipedalian

    Private Avengers RP{Isadora and Sesquipedalian}

    Skyler sat somewhat tensely aboard the helicarrier, her bi-colored gaze roaming over the room and its inhabitants. Subtly, she observed each one of the other adolescents, trying to get a read on them. Observing, analyzing, and assessing were all habits she had created after four long years with...
  8. Sesquipedalian

    One x One Private Avengers RP{Isadora and Sesquipedalian} would be inconvenient if the teen needed new clothes every time she shifted forms, so they used some sort of alien magic to solve that problem.* *(this is really just for roleplay convenience) I'm nothin' special, really. Just some kid who loves dinosaurs And shooting...
  9. Sesquipedalian

    Are you interested in a Marvel rp?

    @Eunoia : thanks, I'll take a look. c: @RosefromtheRiver : I'll send you a message.
  10. Sesquipedalian

    Are you interested in a Marvel rp?

    @Eunoia : I might try a group rp, so that'd be great if you could link me to yours.
  11. Sesquipedalian

    Are you interested in a Marvel rp?

    @Isadora Sheolclan : Sure! You will have to pm me, as I can't yet send them, being a new member and all.
  12. Sesquipedalian


    @KayMegz : Is muse not a common term? Huh, what do you know. I wonder if I have confused anyone with the use of the term... Oh well, it is a perfect word to describe... Well, I don't really know of a better word. Yes, poetry is such an amazing way to express just about anything. It's painting...
  13. Sesquipedalian


    Thanks everybody for the warm welcomes! @KayMegz : That's awesome that you intend to publish a trilogy! I hope to publish a collection of poems sometime in the near future. I had a book that I was writing with the intention of getting it published, but I have found myself lacking in muse...
  14. Sesquipedalian

    Are you interested in a Marvel rp?

    Are you interested in an Avengers-themed MCU roleplay? Are you a dedicated roleplayer? Are you willing to take a chance with this new member still figuring out the site? Yes? Then you may be just the person I am looking for! For more information, please dial 1-800-notarealnumber or email me at...
  15. Sesquipedalian

    Your First Ever RP Character?

    My first rp character was a wolf named Arberie. She wasn't half bad, but as I roleplayed with her in various rps she evolved to the point where she wasn't anything like what she originally was. Which is fine, I was just amazed out how she became almost the complete opposite of what she was. I...
  16. Sesquipedalian

    Synonyms to 'said'

    Yes, I agree that action is also useful. I would never actually post my example in a roleplay, but it was just an example to show how useful other words besides said are. I suppose it is also a matter of personal preference. I find anything including dialogue that only uses "said" to be...
  17. Sesquipedalian

    Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

    This is a great idea. It really irks me when people read about my character's backstory or personality or whatever and then their character knows this secret about mine or does certain things to draw out specific reactions and information. One of my greatest pet-peeves is one liners. "She...
  18. Sesquipedalian

    Synonyms to 'said'

    Personally, I rarely use the word "said." There are so many other words that are much better and convey meaning, attitude, emotion, tone, etc. much more effectively. Example: "That's boring," Nick said. vs "That's boring," Nick groaned. The second sentence conveys much stronger emotion...
  19. Sesquipedalian

    I swear I'm going to go insane because of failed rps nowadays.

    I definitely understand. Personally, I've actually had more problems with 1x1s. A person claims to be interested, promises to be active, posts a few times, then disappears. What's perhaps even worse is when they reappear, apologize profusely, promise to let me know next time when rl gets hectic...
  20. Sesquipedalian

    Do you make your characters like you?

    Yes and no. Usually, in creating a character, I give them some aspect of myself. I take one little piece of my personality and insert it into the character. However, I then build a unique personality for the character. So, if I give a character a bit of my friendliness, I might make the...