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One x One Private Avengers RP{Isadora and Sesquipedalian}

Isadora Sheolclan

Full Name: Axcel Sheol Belfaste [Made up middle and last name since she obviously wouldn't give any real information.]

Other Name(s)/Nickname(s)/Title(s)/Alias(es): Ax - Basic nickname/Used by most

Runt - Teasing nickname due to her rather short stature and small frame/Used by Iron Man

Tiny Monster - Another teasing nickname/Used specifically by Thor

Chosen Name[similar to a hero's name/what the general public know them as]: Devilsaur

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Personality: She is a tough girl; physically, mentally, and emotionally. Most of the time she likes to pretend she's some weakling who isn't too bright and has no chance of standing up for herself. Well, it's quite easy to believe since she is small and her actual physical stature isn't exactly the most impressive. Of course, the very opposite of what people see her as is true. Her physical prowess is certainly not one recommended to be trifled with. Of course, with all this, she's fairly friendly and can make friends easily, as well as enemies. She doesn't usually trust people and if betrayed, she'll be out for revenge. Also, she's stubborn, fierce, protective of her family and friends, and never forgives someone who's done her wrong.

First Impressions: She can be quite stand-offish when first meeting her and as long as you remain a stranger to her, she'll continue to be aloof and not very friendly. It's mostly a defensive response to not be an extrovert around complete strangers or people she hardly knows. When she does open up a bit after meeting you, she acts fairly shy and is quiet, mostly keeping to herself still unless directly asked a question/opinion. Only when you become such a close friend, you're seen as 'family' to her when you get to see what she is truly like; happy, friendly, a bit of a goof, kind, and helpful.

Good Habits: She's a good friend. Once you're on her good side she'll forever be there for you and will never let you down. She is very protective as well. If she can keep a level head during a fight or confrontation[which is rare], she can be quite the analyst and has high intelligence with battle strategies and coordination.

Bad Habits: She can be a bit cold and aloof to strangers or new people. Her temper is something which frequently surfaces and sometimes gets her into trouble. Her worst habit is wanting to do things on her own, as if to prove she's worth something and is strong by herself. More times then not she'll go and do something dangerous just to 'prove herself' and comes back hurt.

Hobbies: Training. It's as if she's obsessed with training every night and day as much as possible. When asked 'why', she merely tells that she wants to become strong enough to face 'her' enemy. She never tells who or what this enemy is but she's determined. Also, she likes to read and listen to music but, only if she finds time when not training.

Likes: Nighttime, training, reading, music, having fun, goofing off, playing games, storms, rain, overcast weather, all animals, fighting.

Dislikes: Being told what to do[or not to do], most authority figures, looked down upon, losing at anything, seeing her friends/family get hurt by any means, when she loses her temper.

Family: Gracina Belfaste - Mother/Alive

Linal Belfaste - Father/Alive

Zacharias - Younger Brother/Alive/11

Relationship: Whether or not S.H.I.E.L.D. knows about her real family, Axcel generally pretends they don't exist when she's around anyone else. And if anyone asks, she always says they died in a plane crash, her powers saving her, and she lives in an orphanage.

Parent(s) Occupation(s)/Job(s): Mother - Owns a martial art studio and teaches Taekwondo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and MMA-style kickboxing classes there.

Father - Businessman. He owns his own business as a consultant to other companies.

Rival(s): Kyle - Enemy/Rival - They've been at each other's throats since grade-school when Kyle pretended to be friends with Ax for nearly a year and then just became a jerk, making fun of her, bullying her. Of course, Axcel fights back every time and they both get into trouble frequently.

Maddie - Recent - When Axcel started high school, Maddie, a junior, almost instantly picked her out among the freshman to be a target for competition at just about everything which Axcel readily accepted, never being one to turn down a challenge.

~ Appearance ~

Pic: This

~ Real: This

Eyes: They are a dirty-ice blue with sporadically strewn black flecks in the iris. - These

Hair: It is naturally dark brown and looks black when wet. There is a top layer which was sun-bleached naturally. It is semi-long, reaching about her tailbone. When drawn up in a ponytail, it reaches her mid-back. This

Height/Weight: 5'5" / 133 lbs.

Body: Since she was 6 years old, her mom had thrown her into martial art classes and she never quit. By the time she was 13, she had received her first-degree blackbelt in Taekwondo. Because of all constant training and conditioning, her body had developed into an athletically-toned form. She doesn't have a six-pack or anything but her rib cage had expanded into an almost barrel-shape[basically just wider than average for girls or boys], her biceps and triceps became leanly-toned with showy muscles, and her legs[thighs and calves] developed into powerhouse kickers. Due to her heritage, she is big-boned and has naturally broad shoulders for her age and for a girl in general. She does not have any curves, even when she's older as a 15-year-old. Actually, her form stays pretty straight and flat from most angles but she is in no way skinny, just fit. And even then, she's not at a perfect weight and is actually fairly heavy for her age and size. The palms of her hands and the bottoms of her feet have become callused over time by playing outside in rough terrain and just working out in general. On the downside, she is double-jointed so her joints and ligaments are very weak. Over the years, she sprained her ankles multiple times, sprained a wrist, hyper-extended an elbow, thrown out a knee, and received multiple other small injuries. Thankfully, she's never broken bone or seriously injured herself, but she has incapacitated herself on various occasions mostly due to her clumsiness and tendency to trip over, sometimes 'invisible', objects.

Scars/Deformities/Birthmarks: She has a somewhat oblong snowflake-shaped brown birthmark on the inside of her right shoulder between the ball-and-socket joint and her collarbone. She has a small dent-like scar on the left side of her face[cheek] which she obtained when she was a young age and accidentally ran into a sharp corner of a metal box.

Other[Facial/Bodily Features]: Normal Wear - Shirt | Pants With Chains | Boots | Biker Gloves | Silver Earring[One side is the left mask, other side is right mask. Only one earring on left lobe. Not pierced.] | Bracelet

Nationality: American[German-mix]

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Natural Skill/Abilities[non-power]: As stated previously, she is skilled and highly-practiced in the Korean art, Taekwondo. Only recently has she started taking additional combat courses such as kickboxing, Brazilian-style Jiu Jitsu, MMA, and Muay Thai. But her main skills lie in Taekwondo.

Powers and Origin: Ability to turn into a few different kinds of dinosaurs, the ancient kings of Earth. Velociraptor |Brachiosaurus | Spinosaurus | Pliosaurus | Quetzalcoatlus

When she was 12, Axcel was in another state across the country fighting in a competition with her Taekwondo team. Her school paid for the competition team, her included, to travel for the tournament, but her family did not have enough money to go along with her. Since she would have a chaperon, the head instructor of the martial art school, she was allowed to attend. During her time there, actually right after her matches of the tournament, Axcel was goofing off with some other participants in an unused part of the highschool, which is where the tournament was taking place[the gym of course]. They had decided to play hide-and-seek. On one of the rounds, Axcel hid in a classroom which had been left unlocked, most likely accidentally. It was unusually dark, especially after she closed the door behind her. She was fumbling around, trying to find a cabinet to hide in, when she suddenly knocked into a counter. Since she couldn't see, Axcel only heard the sound of multiple glass objects shattering on the floor at her feet. She tried to leave, but slipped on what was probably the spilled liquid from the containers, and fell. Axcel cut her hand on a shard of glass before she got up and ran out of the room. Her hand did not go by unnoticed, but she lied when asked about it. It was bandaged and forgotten about. However, on the trip back home, Axcel fell sick and was bedridden for a whole week before she felt better. The cut on her hand had healed at a remarkable pace. It wasn't until almost a whole year later when Axcel experienced her first 'change'. At first, she thought it was just puberty, as her mother had warned, but when she suddenly grew scales and talons, Axcel knew something was up. Later, she found out that the classroom she had hid in had been a science laboratory. Not only that, but the professor who had left the 'chemicals' out which Axcel had spilled, was actually 'mad' and had been experimenting with dormant dinosaur DNA. He had been trying to reproduce the DNA of the long-dead beasts and give himself their natural physical abilities. Well, due to the untested work, Axcel ended up being unwittingly injected with a few test DNA samples via her hand wound when she fell. Since then, the DNA had merged with her own, but instead of just changing a few features, they gave her the ability to completely change her form into those few dinosaurs.


  • Her dinosaur forms are not invincible. In their own ways, they are tougher, but their hides can still be penetrated and injured. And the only way for her to heal would be to return to human form.
  • She cannot go from one dinosaur form to the other. She must pass through human form. And the transformation is not instantaneous. It may be quick, but it still takes a few seconds. She cannot stop half-way between forms.
  • Transforming physically exhausts her and wears down her mental aptitude as well. This is unexplained since she doesn't know much about her condition. She tries not to resort to transforming in a fight right away since she limits herself to a certain amount of changes a day.
  • Obviously, each form has its own natural disadvantages. For example, the Velociraptor is small and can't deal much damage to large opponents. The Brachiosaurus and Spinosaurus are too large for practical use in a large city or indoors. Certainly not indoors. The Pliosaurus is strictly aquatic and therefore useless on dry land. It is also large so it would only be helpful in the ocean or really large lakes. The Quetzalcoatlus isn't strong or the most dangerous, mostly used for flight only, and it's wing membranes are thin and easily-tearable.
  • In human form, she's well, human. Her martial arts would only take her so far in physical combat. If she thinks she's used her transformations too much, she'd refuse to even try, even if she is in danger.
  • A major natural flaw of hers is being clumsy. Since she was little, she has had poor equilibrium and as such has a hard time balancing, spinning, and hanging upside-down. She can do all those things but, not for long or it's obvious she's getting sick because of them.
  • She is terribly directionally-challenged and it has been commented on frequently how bad she is with directions. No one lets her 'lead the way' for anything because of all the times she's led whole groups of people astray thanks to her terrible sense of direction.

Biography/Background: Uh, well, I think I covered the important parts in sections above. I don't think there's anything else needed to be added. Not to be lazy, that is. I just don't like repeating myself.

Full Name: Zephyr Aeon Amaren

Other Name(s)/Nickname(s)/Title(s)/Alias(es): Stiff[stiff-As-A-Board] - Just as the nickname describes, he is called 'Stiff' to make fun of how 'fixed in place' he is.

Ze - Just a short for his first name.

Chosen Name[similar to a hero's name/what the general public know them as]: Proteus - OR - Apto [Although, most people just call him 'Spy'.]

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Personality: He's a simple rule-follower. Not one to disobey the law or any rules set up by his parents. Some might call him 'stiff' and/or 'boing because of this while others call him these things while blaming his parents and upbringing. While Zephyr is 'straight as a board', he is not cold or mean. He is kind but most people don't see him as such because of his blunt approach and way of speaking/thinking. He is very analytical and will always be a 'thinker' more than a 'doer'. If he could, he'd like to be behind bullet-proof glass window with a microphone and control board to everything outside of his box. By no means is he social and will usually go out of his way to avoid physical interaction with other humans. It's as if he's in his own world, or personal 'bubble', and if anyone tries to come within a certain radius of which, he'll play 'invisible boy'. He would certainly not be someone to rely on in a full frontal assault attack. Most likely, he'd be the first one to run from the site of the battle, never looking back.

Good Habits: He's smart in an intellectual way and creative in an artistic way. Now, some people think these two do not go together but Zephyr certainly makes it work in the most peculiar of ways. Even though it's a little controversial of being a 'good' habit, if he wants to not be noticed or seen, it happens. He could easily walk by a large group of people and not have a single person in that group even glance in his direction or recall he had ever been there. If anything, he himself sees it as a 'good' habit. This also helps him later.

Bad Habits: Because of his semi-anti-social atmosphere about him, he does not have the best social mannerisms. He can come off as quite rude and absolutely mean just by speaking the truth or his opinion on a subject. He doesn't hold back for the sake of other people and he figures if they can't handle being around them, then they can leave. Also, he has a tendency to run from real trouble instead of staying and facing it. Some call it cowardice, he just calls it being smart and trying to stay alive.

Hobbies: Increasing his intellect - Drawing - Painting - Sketching - Not being noticed. Yes, he's made it a hobby to not be seen by as many people as possible every day.

Likes: Solitude | Anything to do with art | When people leave him alone | Libraries | Being right | Showing up other people as many times as he can in one sitting.

Dislikes: Loud noises | Obnoxious people | Sometimes people in general | Being interrupted | Fights | Physical confrontations | Being wrong.

Family: Baltazar Zabat - Father/39/Alive

Aglaia Zabat - Mother/Deceased

Parent(s) Occupation(s)/Job(s): Father - Greek Conceptual Artist[Painter]

Mother[Deceased] - Former Greek model

Relationship: Decent. Kind of distant. Explained in the bio.

Rival(s): Anyone who might have a higher intellect than himself. But, the rivalry is mostly one-sided due to the fact he doesn't willingly approach people and will act like they don't exist.

~ Appearance ~

Pic: Anime - Z E P H Y R

Fantasy - Ze

Real - S P Y

Eyes: Cerulean/Sea-Foam Green Mix

Hair: Short, shaggy, honey-blonde.

Height/Weight: 5'8" / 139 lbs.

Body: He's tall and thin, certainly not the athletic type. In fact, he gets winded if he has to jog up a flight of stairs. He doesn't seem to possess any muscles other than what natural develops as one gets older. His lanky limbs are long and spindly, reminding most people of a sloth especially when he doesn't move very fast. His fingers are also ling and thin as if he were a pianist but he uses his hands to draw and paint instead. He has a bit of lightly-colored skin even though his heritage would have made him as pale as paper. Apparently, he just tans easily.

Scars/Deformities/Birthmarks: He has a genetic problem in his left leg which caused it to never be the same length as the right. It is noticeable too in the way he walks with what looks like a slight limp. However, it is just a small difference in his leg lengths.

He also, at one point when he was younger, had to have surgery on his esophagus. Being born with the umbilical cord wrapped around his throat, the dumb doctors cut it off in a panic and said he was fine. 5 years later with severe breathing problems said otherwise. So, he does have a faded but still obvious scar running lengthways from under his chin to his collarbone.

Other[Facial/Bodily Features]: Naturally, he does not have anything notably extra to mention. With the involuntary use of his abilities, some features are altered slightly. For example: Aquatic

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Nationality: Greek/American

Natural Skills/Abilities[non-power]: He's very intelligent and relies solely on his intellect versus physical strength or speed. He is skilled with his hands when painting and many have commented he has exceptionally smooth strokes with the brush on the canvas. He can draw and sketch well but usually they are only previews of what he will paint in full.

Even though most wouldn't consider it a 'skill', he has a tendency to not be noticed whether he wants to be or not. The lack of attention and notice on him is so severe, some would think he is 'invisible' most of the time.

Powers and Origin: Adaptability - An involuntary process which forces his body to adapt to whichever environment he is in. It is involuntary because he has no control over the changes. It's less of an ability and more of a defense mechanism. The only time he could purposefully use the adaptation in an offensive manner would be when he is submerged in water. He can be as dangerous as a shark with his normal human intellect in such conditions.

He also has a small power over camouflaging. It's less predictable than the adaptation since he has to be very focused on being camouflaged. It does work in conjunction with his adaptability so he can still have the attributes of the environment he is in but also blend in completely with a background so he is unseen.

Unfortunately, he really has no clue how he came to possess his abilities. Unless he developed amnesia for the certain point in time something did happen, he might as well be convinced he was born with the gene. Although, as far as he knows, this hasn't been a factor known in his family. One possibility he seems set on believing is that he was born with an active mutant gene, like those you see on the news. But he can't be sure.

Weaknesses/Disabilities/Flaws: His left leg is considered 'gimpy' as it has grown a significant length shorter than his right leg, giving him a slight limping action when he walks.

~ He must remain absolutely still and silent while camouflaged otherwise it will be easy to spot him.

~ He's not strong or fast or good at fighting at all so even though some of the effects due to his adaptability is useful in the case of spying or reconnaissance, he is absolutely terrible in the case of offense. Normally, you'll see him either on the sidelines of a major battle, hiding, or running away.

Biography/Background: Not much to tell which would be interesting. His family is fairy rich so he grew up with quite a few luxuries. However, due to his mother's humble upbringing, he was taught for the most part not to flaunt his social position and wealth. Some of it stuck with him. It's not that he's stuck up, but he gets bored easily. So very bored. His parents are rather busy, with his father travelling a lot for his 'art' and his mother wanted for photo shoots almost constantly. Between their work and his schooling, which is near top-notch, he rarely gets to spend any time with them. So, in a less-dramatic way, he grew up pretty much alone. He was about 14 when he first discovered his adaptability powers. Although, it was rather strange since he had been swimming since he was young, but this one time in the school pool, he suddenly grew gills and webbed appendages. To say the least, he was freaked and wouldn't go near water for a whole week after the incident. When he did finally try again, he found that it only really worked if his entire body was completely submerged, so he wouldn't have to worry about growing gills by just drinking water or walking in the rain. It just didn't work like that. Then he found out it wasn't just water he adapted to. When he was about 15 or so, he followed his mother to Egypt for an exclusive shoot. He was bored, as usual, and ended up wandering part of the desert. It was then when he figured out he adapted to most different environments when exposed to it for a certain time or of particular amounts. It was weird, but he learned to work with it.

Full Name: Aurik Morbius

Other Name(s)/Nickname(s)/Title(s)/Alias(es): None

Chosen Name[similar to a hero's name/what the general public know them as]: Zamiel

Gender: Male

Age: 16[physically]

Personality: He's fairly withdrawn and not the most social of butterflies. However, when you get to know him, it can be seen that he acts almost like any normal kid his age, or at least what he appears to be. In general, he's friendly, in his own strange way. He's no extrovert but he's not as secluded and withdrawn as one might expect from his outer appearance. If angered, he'll not hesitate to lash out verbally as well as physically and most likely won't stop until the target of his anger has fully paid for their wrong. He has a strong sense of fairness in most cases although sometimes his pride for himself as well as his family gets in the way and he can come off as hypocritical. Overall, he's genuine and would enjoy having life-long friends, in every sense of the word. His loyalty will only go so far as his own neck is pretty important for him to keep.

Good Habits: He's loyal and will always stick by his allies/friends when they need him; sense of justice, mostly the 'eye-for-an-eye' concept; doesn't usually complain.

Bad Habits: He doesn't usually speak up even if he has something to say; he thinks more than he acts, which can backfire sometimes; he hesitates a lot in a fight since he does not like to use his abilities.

Hobbies: None really. Up until being caught by S.H.I.E.L.D., he was mostly running and searching for answers.

Likes: Reading in his room, nighttime, quiet, not being upset, moonless nights, being respected, taking night walks, although he rarely enjoys the company of others he'd make the exception when he feels lonely but would normally refuse to admit it. And, of course, he enjoys the taste of blood even while hating it.

Dislikes: Sunlight and daytime of course are major dislikes although they don't have deadly effects to him yet. Garlic is not a personal favorite but neither are onions or other potent spices. It's the overwhelming smell, not necessarily because they harm him. He doesn't like being pushed to do anything, especially make a decision. Generally, this makes him decide at an even slower pace.

Family: Unknown - he literally has no memory of them, even their names. Explained more in bio.

~ Appearance ~

Pic: Anime - This

Fantasy - This/Alternate

Real - This

Eyes: Usually dark, a very dark brown almost black color. There's almost no visible seam between the iris and pupil. However, the iris can turn a deep crimson not unlike the color of blood when agitated, angry, or thirsty and weak.

Hair: Shaggy, short-cut, unkempt style as if he has just woken up, all the time. It is also dark-brown in color, but distinctively different than black.

Height/Weight: 6'1" / 142 lbs.

Body: Lean and weak or frail-looking, but obviously stronger than he looks due to his abilities and 'condition'. He has some muscles which developed before his body froze in time.

Scars/Deformities/Birthmarks: Just behind his left ear, at his hairline, there is a short and rather crude scar. Of course, it must of happened before he lost his memory since he can't recall how he obtained it. And, as he has learned, from the time at which his memories start, his abilities prevent his body from scarring.

Other[Facial/Bodily Features]: Due to his current state, which he assumes must have happened to him sometime just before his amnesia, he possesses quite a few 'odd' features. The most notable being his canine teeth, those on the top and bottom of his jaw. They are slightly more pointed than even the sharpest of human canines; and they can extend longer and sharper even still on command or as a result of instinct. His ears also seemed to be somewhat more angular and the tops end in short points, like the fictional elf. His fingernails are solid black in color, but not from paint or discoloring. Again, he doesn't know why they appear so. His nails, somewhat sharp despite cutting or biting, are capable of extending further into short, but dangerous claws. In either state of length, they seem to be tougher than normal. In fact, he has noted that he can easily grip steel siding or brick walls, finding grips on the smoothest of surfaces.

Ethnicity: Asian-Caucasian

Nationality: Japanese-American

Natural Skills/Abilities[non-power]: Technically, at this point in time, as well as being only what he can remember, what is considered his 'powers' are also his natural skills and abilities. See below.

Powers and Origin: Enhanced speed, physical strength, agility, endurance; heightened senses; regeneration; longevity. So, he can run extremely fast but not necessarily for long periods of time, or far distances. Although, he can still run far faster and longer than the most fit human.

His strength also has its limits but, so far, no human or most other monsters can beat him in an arm-wrestling match. He has lightning-fast reflexes only if he's paying attention, which does not happen often, unfortunately for him. Although, when using his speed, he can easily maneuver and dodge objects or projectiles.

His sight, sense of smell, and hearing are inhuman. He can see in the dark as if it were daytime although his vision actually becomes weak and a little blurry during the daylight hours. The distance he can see is limited but still far better than a human with twenty-twenty vision looking through a pair of binoculars.

He can smell any scent up to a few miles away from his location, even through walls or if it is masked. Identifying is limited to his actual knowledge and personal experience with certain smells. Mostly, he identifies blood before anything else and if he's smelled/tasted it before, he'll be able to identify the owner and where he/she is currently.

His sense of taste actually has taken a blow with his change. It seems to be only keen to human blood. Animal blood tastes foul, as well as dead human's blood or tapped blood[bagged blood]. Any human food, except spicy or potent, is tasteless and would most likely cause him to spit it right out if he accidentally ate it. Plus, his biology has altered to the point where he can no longer digest solids. Other liquids besides blood is available for him to drink but it wouldn't really do much for him. It could be said, he only has a taste for blood now and it would be true in every sense of the phrase.

His physical touch sense has also enhanced to inhuman levels but not in the way most would assume. It could be said he has become ultra-sensitive, and it would be true. He registers everything which comes within a foot of him physically; wind, fast or slow movement, a simple tap on the shoulder, light, breath, etc. Mostly though, light seems to be most effective. He's most sensitive to direct ultra-violet rays, such as sunlight. From the time he hit puberty, his skin has become relatively sensitive to the sun's rays but they are not yet physically harmful to him. All, or most, of his powers not only increase as he ages but so do the effect of what weakens or harms him.

His regenerative abilities are like speed-healing. Already, it has become difficult to physically harm him mostly because he's too fast and agile to even be struck by a fist. Then, since his own blood has stopped producing, he can't bruise or feel pain easily. However, when he does, nearly all injuries will heal as quickly as they are placed upon him, with few exceptions.

The actual reason for his state of being is due to being attacked and accidentally infected by the one and only Living Vampire, Michael Morbius. Specifically a lesser-known anti-hero, Morbius had been completely deranged and mostly unconscious when he came across the unfortunate Aurik near dawn. And since a living vampire is very much different than the mystical vampire of legends, the effects of Aurik's turn were severely different as well. As it has been stated previously, Aurik lost his memories of the night he was attacked as well as his entire personal life up until that point; his parents, his family, where he lived, where he attended school, what his last name was. The only thing which remained seemed to be his first name which he found scribbled in one of his notebooks within his backpack. Yet, it seemed that was his only personal item which had not been stolen after being attacked. In his memory, a blurred figure and a single word, possibly a name, was left to him. Where it came from or how those things were absorbed into his subconscious, he doesn't have a single clue. But since he had nothing else to work with, he took the name 'Morbius' as his unofficial surname and began searching for some answers.

Biography/Background: Um, yeah, I sort of just gave his background in his power origins. That's about it.

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  • The other tabs contain the information about my OCs. The formatting might be a little weird, since I copied them over from a different site.

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