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    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 || I look out the window as we start to land. My ears pop, and I wonder what the weird feeling is. I close my eyes and lean my head back.
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    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 || "Ew... why not somewhere fun, like California?"
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    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 || "What college are we going to again?" I ask
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    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 || "Weird. I have the same mentality. When do we leave for college? I ask.
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    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 || "What if I lead..?" I question
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    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 || "I mean.. I have really strong mental powers... and you have great physical powers, especially with the healing.." I trail off.
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    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 || "Like... You have a group of leaders with different powers to balance each other out. So like one leader can be something with mental powers, another with physical, and another with other abilities" I say.
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    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 || "Not a vote... we should think smartly. Combine different sorts of powers. Some mental, some physical, and some other types of powers. That way, there's a variation at the top." I state.
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    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 || "Why should she be leader.. She doesn't get to control me." I state. "No one controls me. I hate that"
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    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 || "Hey guys.. sorry I was late.. What happened?" I ask the group.
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    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Lexa Grey || experiment 0017|| I stand in the doorway, watching him work his powers. I raise my eyebrows, impressed, then walk away. I wasn't hungry, I wasn't dirty, but I was bored. I go in my room and sit on my bed, and proceed to close my eyes and think about what has happened these last...
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    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Lexa Grey || experiment 0017|| "Mind imprisonment, memory implantation, and superpower manipulation" I say back.
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    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Lexa Grey || experiment 0017|| "0017.. What are your powers?" I ask him in a flat tone.
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    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 || "Well, she can't resist my memory manipulation, because those aren't illusions." I laugh
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    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 || "Oh, well that was rude of her. I don't like her, and I think it was a little crazy that she tried to attack me."I state to Cleo, then walk out for my shower. Once in the shower, I scrub off all the blood, mud, and other dirt from my body. I finish, and I go to...
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    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 || "Yeah... but if you weren't near me I don't think it would have worked.. so uh thanks. And yeah, but it's whatever. I'm going to go take a shower, and try to get all the dry blood outta my hair and off my body. See ya" I say as I leave the kitchen and go to the...
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    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 || I shrug my shoulders, "Well, clearly, she didn't beat me at that fight, but whatever she wants to think, she cant. By the way, I fucking love your power- to be able to heal like that all the time?! That's crazy. I love it." I shove a fork of scrambeled eggs into...
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    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 || " I was practicing my mind imprisonment,and she got really mad and tried to use her mind manipulation or whatever,but then my superpower manipulation power kicked in, so I drew in some of her power so it didn't work on me, and she got really mad and lunged at...
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    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 || I easily wiggle my way out, and am standing across from her. "Just because you couldn't manipulate me, doesn't mean you need to go bat shit crazy and attack me. I think I've had enough practice for the day, now if you excuse me, I'm going to have coffee, and eat...
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    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 || I stumble back from the blow, but still drawing from Cleo, it pops back into place. My one advantage- I'm still healed. My anger and lack of morality take over, as I again, lunge for Viviene, and go after the already pained side. I attack it again and again...