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  1. The Ghostiest

    Fantasy Lost World RP

    Name: Ahas Buhangin Race: Naga Age: 21 Gender: Male Powers:Similarly to a snake, he has fangs that he can shoot deadly venom out of or inject it into his victims if he gets close enough to bite them. Personality: Hes very intellectual and friendly, he tries to be as kind to everyone as...
  2. The Ghostiest

    Fantasy King's Orders

    "Ive never actually been outside of the desert before, aside from now. Although i know my tribe called themselves the Shurimans though..." Ahas trailed away before he had remembered another question he had. "Himeragi, will we be taking a boat to get to this continent?"
  3. The Ghostiest

    Fantasy King's Orders

    "Why was the royal family there?" Ahas wondered... "Ooh! Lemme guess, did you work for them? Were the bandits after the royal family's fortune? OOOH! Were you their bodyguard?!" He bombarded her with many questions, curious for the answer.
  4. The Ghostiest

    Fantasy King's Orders

    Ahas struggled to get himself in a more comfortable opinion, and after successfully achieving one, he turned to Himeragi. "So there are more kingdoms, huh? I barely know anything about Frey... Why wouldnt they accept you? I mean, If you dont mind me asking..." @HimeragiSeiker
  5. The Ghostiest

    Fantasy King's Orders

    Ahas hopped into the wagon with enthusiasm. "So, where did you guys plan on heading?" @HimeragiSeiker @AndroidEighteen
  6. The Ghostiest

    Fantasy King's Orders

    "I guess we have no other options now..." Ahas turned to the woman. "I never caught your name by the way, it seems you already know mine by now, but im Ahas. Who are you?" @HimeragiSeiker
  7. The Ghostiest

    Fantasy King's Orders

    ((( @HimeragiSeiker Okie dokes, since i guess @AndroidEighteen isnt online now either we can pause right here. You cool with that? @Eagershadow3 )))
  8. The Ghostiest

    Fantasy King's Orders

    Ahas stared at the scene. "Wait, are we really going to let this man kill himself?" He didnt want to hurt or even kill the man, but then again if he lived he could go and tell the other guards that we were seen in the forest. "Dont you guys think this may be a little extreme now? What are we...
  9. The Ghostiest

    Fantasy King's Orders

    "You mean in the same castle where the King lives? If he put a bounty on his own childrens heads im sure he has no intention on protecting them. They wouldnt have even run away in the first place is thats how it really was!" Ahas was getting worked up, but tried restrain himself from doing...
  10. The Ghostiest

    Fantasy King's Orders

    Ahas had no intentions of hurting the man, but he wanted nothing more than to start a new and exciting life in a different world from the one he knew. He wasnt about to let this man get in his way and take him hostage. Ahas whispered discreetly to Callum "If the situation really gets out of...
  11. The Ghostiest

    Fantasy King's Orders

    Ahas turned from the woman and looked at Bishop. "Who are you?" Ahas exclaimed.
  12. The Ghostiest

    Fantasy King's Orders

    Ahas couldnt help being surprised at the irony of the situation. A King set out for the downfall of magic users, while his own children just so happen to be magic. "Wait, he put a bounty on your head?" Ahas was suddenly infuriated at the realization of this. "But… but youre his family! Thats...
  13. The Ghostiest

    Fantasy King's Orders

    Hmmm... Frey... Frey? Oh! wasnt that the name of this kingdom? Ahas inquired, "Isnt Frey the name of this kingdom? That must mean you guys are some part of the royal lineage, right?"
  14. The Ghostiest

    Fantasy King's Orders

    Ahas was relieved to hear this, a probably yes was better than a probably no. He stood there awkwardly before remembering, "Oh yes! My name is Ahas, I come from the Shuriman Desert tribe. And who do you happen to be?" He extended his hand to formally greet them.
  15. The Ghostiest

    Fantasy King's Orders

    Ahas wondered… "So… you guys... arent criminals? Youre just being hunted down because you have powers?" Ahas thought he might be able to convince these folks to allow him to come along with them. Although it was risky, considering it appeared they had just enough for the three of them only, it...
  16. The Ghostiest

    Fantasy King's Orders

    "Wait!" Ahas called out. What did the boy mean? Hide his powers? "Could you, um, explain that? Hiding your powers, I mean. I came here for a new chance! Are you saying i travelled all the way here for nothing?" Ahas was beginning to worry. He definitely didnt travel all these miles ON FOOT only...
  17. The Ghostiest

    Fantasy King's Orders

    "K- King?" Ahas' brow furrowed, he hadnt really studied much about this place before coming here, so he was almost completely oblivious to the life that bustled within the kingdom. "I truthfully dont know much about the King or any of his guards or even why anyone would be born into hiding, but...
  18. The Ghostiest

    Fantasy King's Orders

    "Well," Ahas thought he had a better chance of getting out of this alive if he admitted to seeing nothing. "I-I happened to stumble upon you folks and was only able to hear you discussing being major targets. Honest! I was just trying to get out as quick as possible! I dont want to get mixed...
  19. The Ghostiest

    Fantasy King's Orders

    Oh no. Ahas could feel the root wrapping around his ankle. It was definitely too late for a stealthy escape now, he'd already been caught! He didnt want his first encounter in the Kingdom of Frey to be an unfortunate one, and figured he could probably escape if he told the people the truth, that...
  20. The Ghostiest

    Fantasy King's Orders

    Did he just say major target?? Ahas definitely didnt want to mix himself up with these people if they were obviously being hunted down. With the best of his ability, Ahas got up and attempted to sprint away. However, his attempt was futile, as a large, unforeseen tree root grasped at his foot...