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  1. Kumiko

    Club In The Empty Shed [Inactive]

    "Oooo! Seems like fun!" Aiko replies to Talia. "Maybe?" Aiko refrains from too much bouncing.
  2. Kumiko

    Club In The Empty Shed [Inactive]

    Aiko climbs down from her spot and meets up with Talia and Rakku after they finish with the killers.
  3. Kumiko

    Club In The Empty Shed [Inactive]

    Aiko shot all of them simultaneously, glass shattering everywhere, making the rendezvous(meeting spot) dark. She smiled happily and fist pumped .the air.
  4. Kumiko

    Club In The Empty Shed [Inactive]

    "Aye aye ma'am!" She smiled and sneaked off to her position, leveling her sniper at the lights, so that once she shoots, all of them go out, and gave a thumbs up.
  5. Kumiko

    Club In The Empty Shed [Inactive]

    "Thanks Talia!" Aiko giggles and takes out her sniper. "Let's get this party started!". Aiko runs ahead of Mathias and Rakku.
  6. Kumiko

    Club In The Empty Shed [Inactive]

    Aiko laughs, and then asks "So when are we going? Now? I'm all hyped up!". She bounces a bit. "By the way Rakku, you look nice today!" She smiles.
  7. Kumiko

    Club In The Empty Shed [Inactive]

    Aiko pops in tired, and out of breath. She was wearing a skirt,a white shirt with a blue tie, had a sniper on her back, and knives in their sheaths. "Hey, I overheard you guys talking about the bank incident. I'd do it!" She smiles. Aiko sits down on a floor mat, and looks at Rakku.
  8. Kumiko

    O_O well i'm enjoying my time here

    O_O well i'm enjoying my time here
  9. Kumiko

    QwQ I've been on for too long today but I love this site!

    QwQ I've been on for too long today but I love this site!
  10. Kumiko

    Thank You!

    Thank You!
  11. Kumiko

    I'm new and ready to roleplay! :3 Yay!

    I'm new and ready to roleplay! :3 Yay!
  12. Kumiko

    The club in the empty shed

    Name: Aiko Natsume Age: 15 Gender: Female Skill set (You can have two major skills, no powers): Knows how to fight with any weapon/Track and field runner Personality: Friendly and funny. She's playful when fighting. She almost is never in a depressed or serious mood (unless it's orders)...