Club In The Empty Shed [Inactive]

Bea Delaine

Sugary Sweet Sadist
Bea Delaine submitted a new role play:

The club in the empty shed - When the streets of your town are overrun with crime, will you sit back and let your home be taken?

The city of Akutibu was once, a fairly normal safe. It was child friendly and everyone lived without worries. However, over time there became a significant increase in crime and gang violence. Kids who could once go out into the city alone or feel free to hang out with friends were no longer able to without the high risk of getting attacked. Police became less than helpful and there was hardly a day that went by without hearing about somebody getting robbed or nearly beaten to death.
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Rakku came to the shed after her classes. She sat down at one of the seats at a table they used to meet at, clothing changed and hair tied up. It seemed like a fashion thing, but the light weight, flexible fabric that didn't cover much allowed her to move with ease and her shoes had ankle guards built in, on top on being shock absorbing. She reached down and fiddled with her sheath, removing her katana. She inspected it for any nicks or imperfections. After it passed her keen eyed inspection, she took out a phone. Someone hacked a what would half been a police radio and found a way to get messages through it. Since nobody closely monitored Akutibu, however, patrol would need to be taken care of in order to keep everything in check. Only major emergencies were ever actually reported. A large scale shooting. Dead body found. Armed robbery. Not every lady with a purse could be helped, after all. She laughed at the cliche.
Mathias huffed as he stepped into the shed. Looking around he spotted Rakku and he headed over to her. "Hey are we the only ones here?" He hopped up onto one of the shelves and sat on the edge looking down at her. He was wearing his usual get up. A simple t-shirt, today's color was red, jeans and a white under armor shirt. He smirked at her "Anything fun or is it another boring hangout day?" He kicked his legs idly as he waited for others to arrive.
She frowned at a report. "I've got at least three men running from a bank heist. Two people shot, and these guys fit a witness description. Sound worth it?" She asked, putting her sword away.
Aiko pops in tired, and out of breath. She was wearing a skirt,a white shirt with a blue tie, had a sniper on her back, and knives in their sheaths. "Hey, I overheard you guys talking about the bank incident. I'd do it!" She smiles. Aiko sits down on a floor mat, and looks at Rakku.
"Oh, the lovely and ever so violent Aiko!" She joked with a grin. "Seems we're all set, hmm? I mean, how many people would it take to catch three killers? Three killers." She spoke in a goofy and airheaded tone.
Aiko laughs, and then asks "So when are we going? Now? I'm all hyped up!". She bounces a bit. "By the way Rakku, you look nice today!" She smiles.
"Yeah let's do it. The others can find something else If they even bother showing up." He hops down and offers a hand to Aiko still bouncing on the floor. "We should hurry before they hole up somewhere. As much fun as smashing through a building is I'd rather not have to run from the cops again...."
"Oh please.. like they could do anything to us.. and since when did they care about 'The City Left For Dead' Anyways? Nosy little bitches..." She cussed, making it clear she had no respect for the so called "Law Enforcement" of the town. Nobody helped her family when they needed it. Not the guys who were shot that day. Shooting them a haughty smirk, Rakku got to her feet and Headed towards the door. "Oh, Thanks Aiko.. it's really just um.. practical wear." She blushed lightly, feeling cute.
*talia was standing near the door looking for the killers on her laptop* *found them* if your going after the killers. They are in an ally way on the north side of town near that abandoned italian restaurant.
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"Yeah yeah we all hate the fuzz. Can we just go?" "Thanks Talia. Let's go now." He grins at the two girls and walks out of the shed "Better hurry before I have all the fun myself." He laughs and makes like he's running off but hides around the corner.
He grabs her wrist and pulls her next to him and holds his fingers to his lips. "Shhhh..I gonna scare the crap out of them." He whispers and snickers to himself as he waits with Talia for the others to come.
As the girls step out he grin and Jumps out yelling at the top of his lungs "RAWRRRR!" jumping right in front of them. He even made a snarl face and made claws of his fingers
The moment he first made a sound, the blunt side of her blade was slammed into his stomach, out of pure instinct. No other reaction. "Oh, Im sorry, you fool." She said with a laugh.
She swept her katana to the others neck in one fast motion. "Hey, you plotted with him! Thats not nice." She said, faking a pout.
*raises her hand in defense* I didnt he dragged me into it! *she said while looking at her laptop* they are moving toward an old abandoned factory

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"Thanks Talia!" Aiko giggles and takes out her sniper. "Let's get this party started!". Aiko runs ahead of Mathias and Rakku.
He grins and easily takes the lead. He walked towards the old abandoned factory and smirked when he saw them sneaking in. "Shall we sneak in before them and give them a welcoming surprise?" He points to the door closest to them that lead inside the factory.

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