Club In The Empty Shed [Inactive]

Wait we need to know what they are doing in there first, someone might have hired them

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Rakku smirked, putting an earpiece in and leaping at top the building into a small opening near the roof, but not before saying "talia, I need direct access to the conversation inside. Aiko, shoot the lights inside from out there on my call, alright?" She had a perfect view from her shaft.
"Aye aye ma'am!" She smiled and sneaked off to her position, leveling her sniper at the lights, so that once she shoots, all of them go out, and gave a thumbs up.
Rakku listened in, not giving herself away. She messaged Talia. "Five people. Planning another heist. Three armed. Wait on my count!" She gave Aiko the signal, hoping Talia would avoid the glass fragments.
Aiko shot all of them simultaneously, glass shattering everywhere, making the rendezvous(meeting spot) dark. She smiled happily and fist pumped .the air.
Rakku leaped from her spot, eyes already adjusted and started slicing up every confused person she saw, shouting. "Now! Come get some fresh meat"
Aiko climbs down from her spot and meets up with Talia and Rakku after they finish with the killers.
So next stop the bank hesit? Or do you want me to look for them?

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"Oooo! Seems like fun!" Aiko replies to Talia. "Maybe?" Aiko refrains from too much bouncing.
I mean lookimg for them through the cameras that I set up all over the town

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Mathias sighed waiting by the door. "You and your guns....." he rolled his eyes and waited for it to finish "Yay so happy for you guys so glad I could help." his voice was dripping with sarcasm. He peaked in "Wow not one alive. Do you guys like hate me or is it torture Mathias day and I missed the memo?" he sneers at the blood stained walls and floors.
You'll get your fun later after we find the boss and his base

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He grins and pounds his fist into his hand "I better. I've been itching for a good fight, these small fries are hardly satisfying." He Looks around and spots a pile of gasoline containers "Here spread this around." He tossed one to each of them and started splashing it on the floor and walls and onto the bodies as well. "We're gonna burn it down, this place does nothing but house vermin and Scum like them."
"You guys burn those bastards body down. I am gonna check the town through my cameras" she left the factory and looked through the cameras with her computer as she waited for them to finish outside the factory.

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As talia was looking through looking through her cameras she heard some noises. She put on special night vision goggles and zoomed in on the direction of the noises coming from. "Well well, look what we have here" she muttered. She saw a person hiding the bushes. "Must be one off the bosses scouts...we could use him" she thought. She stealthy snuck up on the person and hit a person point and knocked them out. She then took out some wire and I tied the person up and dragged him in front of the factory and waited for the others.

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