The club in the empty shed

Bea Delaine

Sugary Sweet Sadist



Skill set (You can have two major skills, no powers):




Bio (opt):

Appearance, normal (Anime):

Appearance, out fighting crime! (Doesn't need to be a pic):

Extra (opt):

(Mine will be up soon~)

Read more about this role play...
Name: Sulkie Hoaxx

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Skill set (You can have two major skills, no powers): Acrobatics/Gymnastics, and Mixed Martial Arts.

Personality: She shy around people and extremely easy to overwhelm, But she is smart and an excellent Fighter she keeps her wits about her and has a lot more strength than most people think. Her courage and bravery are endless.

Likes: Books, drawings, anime and the colors Black, Red and Green.

Dislikes: People who hurt others and bright colors.

Bio (opt):

Appearance, normal (Anime):

Appearance, out fighting crime! (Doesn't need to be a pic):

Extra (opt): She's been mistaken as a guy before.
Name: Rakku I.

Age: 16

Gender: female

Skill set (You can have two major skills, no powers): free runner and also wields a katana.

Personality: a lot kinder and more outgoing then she looks. She is very smart and can seem intimidating, but she is truly a free spirited, spunky girl who can have a short temper but loves most people.

Likes: talking, fighting, teasing the enemy

Dislikes: people who fear her, safety, not pushing forward or being stuck in the past.

Bio (opt): her parents were killed over a robbery and an idiot with a gun. She decided she would spend the rest of her life making sure it doesn't happen when she's around ever again. She trained with her aunt using a katana since the age of 8

Appearance, normal (Anime):


Carries sword for "club"

Appearance, out fighting crime! (Doesn't need to be a pic):


(I love this pic... hehe)

Extra (opt): she will give you a horrible nickname, and she acts without thought, despite being smart.
Name:Lilly Akibu-Winterson



Skill set (You can have two major skills, no powers): Chinese martial arts- Mainly in use of Tonfa.

Dance-This is incorporated into her fighting to make her movements flow and what she will do unpredicatable, perpetually circling and moving in a fight, one attack blending seamlessly into another so the opponent has no time to compose themselves.

Personality: Calm and reserved, always seems elegant and poised and at times almost indifferent. Whilst always polite, when annoyed an icy tone seeps into her voice and her comments become barbed.

Despite her slightly aloof exterior she has a great deal of compassion, and will always fight to protect the weak.

It can take her a little while to get to really accept someone as a friend, but once they are they're a friend for life.

She is very good at predicting how people are going to be react, and is very well read and quick witted.

Extremely good at keeping her head in a tense situation or in combat and assesing the situation well, though on the rare occasion she is completely overwhelmed she can go to peices entirely.

Likes:Tea, painting, polite conversation, soft colours, reading, composed dancing.

Dislikes:Bullies, the uncouth, glaring colours, night club dancing, unintelligence.

Bio (opt): Half Japanese (Mother), Half English (Father.)

Born into an extremely wealthy Father on her Fathers side, she has lived a relatively privelidged life which was split between living in England and in China, where the families main business interests laid.

It is in China she learnt how to use Tonfa, and some basic martial arts.

Her Mother was from a poor family who her Father married for love, and recently she has moved to Japan to finish her education to connect with her heritage from her Mothers side, as Akutibu was where she grew up.

She has not told her family of the cities recent crime uprise for fear of being sent back home.

Appearance, normal (Sorry it's not quite anime, I'll find one if you want):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8bea56e9ed_Lillydisneyfied.png.7ef3ccf2970d1bd901766b4b50e32ded.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12217" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8bea56e9ed_Lillydisneyfied.png.7ef3ccf2970d1bd901766b4b50e32ded.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance, out fighting crime!:

Her jewelry is removed, and her hair let down.

A black hooded cloak is worn to mask her figure and shadow her face along with a strip of black face paint across the eyes.

Brown contact lenses are put in, and her hands gloved to cover her skin.

As there are not many people in the area with a similar appearance she needs to mask her appearance as much as possible.

(The main reason people dont twig is that along with her adornments, she has such a calm, 'lady-like' manner that people cant imagine her ever having been in a fight, let alone actively seeking them out.):

Extra (opt): Is extremely tall (approaching six foot), which combined with her naturally blonde hair and blue eyes makes her stick out like a neon sign in the middle of a dark field compared to the usual dark hair and eyes, and is consequently often attracts staring from strangers unused to Westeners.

She speaks English, Chinese, and Japanese near perfectly, though with a slight accent for the latter.



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Name: Aiko Natsume

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Skill set (You can have two major skills, no powers): Knows how to fight with any weapon/Track and field runner

Personality: Friendly and funny. She's playful when fighting. She almost is never in a depressed or serious mood (unless it's orders)

Likes: Sweets. Fights. Sports. Everything.

Dislikes: Boredom. Anything that doesn't like her. Nothing (except what's listed)

Bio (opt): She doesn't remember her past well, but she could care less. She only has fragments of memories.

Appearance, normal (Anime):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Untitled.jpg.c2543ba835ba409990dbc5a3c25944c2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12273" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Untitled.jpg.c2543ba835ba409990dbc5a3c25944c2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance, out fighting crime! (Doesn't need to be a pic):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8bea6eba19_fightgirl.jpg.453761c8f3c7326c6ff29753ef764a3a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12274" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8bea6eba19_fightgirl.jpg.453761c8f3c7326c6ff29753ef764a3a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Except she's more enthusiastic... This was the only picture I could find closest to looking like her

Extra (opt):

Knows Polish, English, Japanese, Spanish and a little Russian (Like me! :3)



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Name: Jabberwock

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Skill set (You can have two major skills, no powers): Street fighting- Mostly unpredictable and instinctive fighting.

Acute Memorization- He can memorize and mimic things easily.

Personality: He's typically a laidback guy, albeit a bit of an idiot and insensitive. Jabberwock usually doesn't start fights, but any fights he gets in causes him to show his brutality and bloodlust. He loves to have good fights, but has recently been more worried about his part-time job than fighting. Despite his acute memory, he acts without much thought and many believe him to have a low intellect.

Likes: Small animals, fighting, cooking, working at his part-time jobs, pretending he's in a video game, money

Dislikes: Manipulation, littering, people who hold back, wasting money, reading, going to school

Bio (opt): He used to be a big-time delinquent and banchou of a delinquent gang, but he decided to quit being a delinquent and start working part-time in accordance to his grandmother's final wishes. He delivers newspapers in the morning and works as a construction worker on weekends.

Appearance, normal (Anime):

His scar and eyes are usually hidden when he wears his cap.

Appearance, out fighting crime! (Doesn't need to be a pic):

Extra (opt): He's easily recognizable in his Crime Fighting Outfit.
Name: Mathias Ashkevron

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Skill set (You can have two major skills, no powers): Can't feel pain, as he was born with out nerve endings. Because of this he has trained in almost all fighting styles and as a result is very well versed at fighting and is quite strong.

Personality:A cocky, stuck up rich boy. Being rich he usually gets what he wants. He never shows fear or weakness and feels he should be in charge of everything.

Likes: Girls, fighting, spending his money on what ever he wants,

Dislikes: People who act tough but are really just afraid. Bullies and girls who tease

Bio (opt): Hi family has gotten lucky and owns a business that still does well, so well that they make millions every month. Because of this he grew up spoiled and with his damaged nervous system he feels like he is invincible. He has yet to lose a fight, though he has needed a lot of stitches from some fights

Appearance, normal (Anime):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Mathias.jpg.4aee41b069ff8f0dc3fceb0f450c9e82.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12283" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Mathias.jpg.4aee41b069ff8f0dc3fceb0f450c9e82.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance, out fighting crime! (Doesn't need to be a pic): Same as above



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"Please. Don't mess with the Pettigrew."

Name: Bryan Pettigrew

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Skill set (You can have two major skills, no powers): Athletic, one of the fastest you can get. Bryan was born with a rare disorder, one were he cannot feel pain.

Personality: A fun-loving guy with a perky attitude and a huge amount of confidence. Although he doesn't try, people call him funny. He is always determined and once he tries something he doesn't stop, no matter how much begging you do.

Likes: Running, jumping, swimming, basically anything athletic. Cake and sleeping.

Dislikes: Standing still, sitting, broccoli, listening, waiting, etc...

Bio (opt): Bryan was born into a lower-class family. They always struggled. And, due to the raise of crime, most of his family died and robbed. It was all he had, really. Bryan took to the streets, teaching himself how to do parkour and other things.

Appearance, normal (Anime):

Appearance, out fighting crime! (Doesn't need to be a pic):


Extra (opt):
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((I'm not sure I actually want to play in this rp I just really wanted to make a character for it.))

Name: Sandra Freeman

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Skill set: She can handle with precision any and every firearm known to man, and is skilled in self defense/hand to hand combat, with fists or knives.

Personality: She is very Texan, never afraid to speak her mind, ready to protect her person, and her friends with violence. Always stands up for what she believes is right. Due to the fact that she does not believe in duplicity, she carries her guns openly.

Likes: Trucks; guns; freedom; independence; dark colors; fruit; the smell of coffee.

Dislikes: Bullies; oppression; pastels; the color pink; taking orders; asparagus; Tobacco smoke; coffee.

Bio (opt): Her father was a Marine, and taught her her skills, He is deployed overseas (his status is unknown, due to the classified nature of his work). Sandra's mother died when she was young, and the police attributed it to random gang violence.

Appearance, normal (Anime):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Sandra.jpg.aeca1fce93cc29db20d4485bf14f4c34.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12403" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Sandra.jpg.aeca1fce93cc29db20d4485bf14f4c34.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance, out fighting crime! (Doesn't need to be a pic):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8beab0c345_Sandrainbattle.jpg.04d772660864e87c7b621c6389112f45.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12404" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8beab0c345_Sandrainbattle.jpg.04d772660864e87c7b621c6389112f45.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>obviously her hair color and such does not actually change when she's fighting.

Extra (opt):Don't let the picture fool you, she neither drinks nor smokes.



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Name: Talia Kiritoka


Gender: Female

Skill set: Can use multiple types of martial arts and is very fast,can hack into any security system with her trusty portable laptop that she can carry everywhere, is very stealthy, into forensics, uses knives, guns and her fists

Personality: an energetic, free spirited girl, that is never afraid to speak her mind. Always carries her weapons around all the time. Gets very violent where her friends are hurt. She also has a talent for ticking off enemies.

Likes: drawing, singing, fighting, teasing enemies, cats, forensics

Dislikes: crime, staying still, feeling helpless

Bio (opt): Moved into the town 3 years ago. Loved it and everyone that lived in the town. Learned martial arts from her old town and added her own style to it to make it unique. Wants to turn the town back to normal and keep everyone safe.

Appearance, normal (Anime):


straight waist length white and golden eyes hair tied up with a red ribbon

Appearance, out fighting crime! (Doesn't need to be a pic):


The entire outfit is black and doesn't wear a scarf she wears a black cat mask that cover the top part of her face.Has straight waist length white and golden eyes hair tied up with a black ribbon
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