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  1. Lyndon

    My Comic Con tickets are officially shipped. :)

    My Comic Con tickets are officially shipped. :)
  2. Lyndon

    Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

    Pat grabbed his bags from his room and began to make his way towards the plane. He was slightly nervous, now, about the mission ahead of them. He hadn't ever gone undercover before.
  3. Lyndon

    Realistic or Modern Just Your Average Boarding School

    "Sounds good man," Grant said. Walking over to his nightstand and grabbed a comic book from inside, then he flopped down on the bed and flipped to the first page. After a few minutes of reading about the adventures of Hawkeye and Jessica Jones he placed the comic on the table inside and walked...
  4. Lyndon

    Realistic or Modern Just Your Average Boarding School

    "Actually, I have no clue where he went. He disappeared last winter break," Grant said, he had never questioned when the administration told him that he would be getting a new roommate. He had just accepted it. "He probably dropped out because he missed home so much or something like that...
  5. Lyndon

    Realistic or Modern Just Your Average Boarding School

    "Not at all man, you're already neater than my last roommate, he was a total slob," Grant told Robert, shaking his hand. "I swear i walked in one time and he had dumped out my entire dresser because he was looking for his room key. I'm not a clean freak, or anything, I just prefer seeing the...
  6. Lyndon

    Realistic or Modern Just Your Average Boarding School

    Grant had been going to Gillian Academy for two years now. He hated the rules and many of the policies but he also didn't want to stay home so the academy had turned out to be something of a blessing. This would be his last year before he headed off to university. He walked up to his usual room...
  7. Lyndon

    Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

    Pat made his way through the hallway, he had gone to his room after the lab to make sure he was fully packed and now he was making his way towards the briefing room where Royce had told them to meet. He walked to the room, inside the room was Steph, Kuro, and the director but no one else was in...
  8. Lyndon

    Realistic or Modern Just Your Average Boarding School

    Grant Nickson {slide= Basic} Full Name: Grant Ford Nickson Nickname: Nope Age (high school age): 18 Grade(9-12): 12 Gender:Male Sexuality:Heterosexual {/slide} {slide= Appearance} Hair: Brown Eyes:Brown Height: 6'01" Weight: 178 lbs. Race: Caucasian Build: Slim...
  9. Lyndon

    Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

    After Royce left, Pat looked over to Freya. He then looked at his watch they had twenty minutes before they needed to get to the briefing room. "Hey, if you need to finish packing or anything we can finish this up later. Based off my research about high school, we should have plenty of time...
  10. Lyndon

    Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

    "Yeah, I was thinking heart, two in the middle of each rib cage for breath sounds and then two on the lower back for sweat to judge adrenaline," Pat said looking at the screen.
  11. Lyndon

    Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

    Pat pulled a chair over, there was cat hair all over the chair, so he quickly found another chair. Then he sat and watched as Freya's fingers typed at a rate he could barely keep up with. Quickly the screen began to show a design that was far more detailed than what he had been able to plan...
  12. Lyndon

    Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

    "I'll follow your lead," Pat told the blonde agent.
  13. Lyndon

    Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

    Pat smiled at Freya's enthusiasm and offered her the folder he was holding. "I've indicated on a model where the tech could best pick up signs like pulse and breath sounds," Pat explained. "While I wanted to have the most accurate readings which would be just sticking things to their skin. I...
  14. Lyndon

    Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

    "Okay,"Pat said, his brain switching from the glove to the folder of papers. "I was think about this the other day. I want to get a way to monitor the team's vitals and such without them wearing bulky equipment and such. So, I was hoping we could talk about how we could do this. My best idea for...
  15. Lyndon

    Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

    Pat was intrigued by the gadget that Freya had just had turn to ash in her hand. He had so many questions to ask. How did she get it to turn to ash? Would she be able to just the sizes? How did it mirror the fingerprints to such a detailed quality? "I have so many questions, I don't know where...
  16. Lyndon

    Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

    "Woah, how did you do that?" Pat asked Freya as he watched her open the door to a room that wasn't her own. "How did you get the fingerprints?" The file in his hand completely forgotten Pat turned all his focus to thinking of ways she could have gotten into the room. @Enmyira
  17. Lyndon

    Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

    Once he had finished packing all the medical supplies and his personal belongings, Pat grabbed a folder off his desk and went to try and find Freya. Walking up to her bunk door he knocked his usually pattern and waited politely for a response. @Enmyira
  18. Lyndon

    Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

    Pat laid out the clothing that he was going to need. He carefully folded the clothes and then he placed them into a large suitcase. When he finished packing away those clothes he then pulled out a small suitcase, of a matching magenta color.He then proceeded to fill the suitcase with every form...
  19. Lyndon

    Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

    "Sounds perfect," Pat responded, smiling glad he would be able to get a second opinion on his idea. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I have to go get my bag ready and I also have to make some packages of the healing tape. Ladies, Gentlemen, Boss." Pat excused himself and left the briefing room headed...
  20. Lyndon

    Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

    Pat noticed that the meeting seemed to be winding down. Leaning over towards Freya he said, "I have an idea for an invention but I don't have the technical abilities needed to complete it. If you have time soon, can you possibly help me out with it?" @Enmyira