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Realistic or Modern Just Your Average Boarding School

Ninja Warrior

I'm God Damn Superhero
Welcome to Gillian Academy

Here at Gillian there is a large student body, full of young men and women in the teenage years. We range from grades 9-12, although we do have a program at several middle schools looking for perspective new students. Despite the face that Gillian Academy is a boarding school we try to make you feel as comfortable as possible, just like you're at home. Teachers and other staff are available 24/7 for anything you might need.

Given that this is a private institution, there is a rather long list of rules and requirements that each student must obey, these rules and requirements can be found in your student handbook.
Stepping out of the Lincoln town car, Stephanie could have sworn the building she was about to walk into was a museum, not an actual school. It had tall stone walls that were elegantly crafted into a castle-esque design. Sighing, Stephanie began to make her way up the front steps. Her duffle bag was slung across her back, in a very unladylike manner- not that she cared. At the door she was met by a preppy blonde lady who explained that she would show Stephanie to her room and get her settled in. As they began to climb the stairs to the fifth floor Stephanie noticed that there weren't any other students running around.

"Where is everyone?" Stephanie asked the woman.

"It's a studying hour, students are in their rooms working on homework or studying. We have a strict, no noise policy," the woman said all this with a big grin on her face like it was the best thing to ever happen.

Great choice, Pops, pick the one school where my chances of getting kicked out just skyrocketed. Stephanie thought as they continued walking. Soon, they made it to the fifth floor. They took a left turn and then another left turn and ended up in front of the room 507.

"Well, I'll leave you to unpack and get ready for supper. There's a pamphlet with everything on it, it should be in one of the night stands," the woman said, the walked away after giving Stephanie a room key.
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"Dad, Mom please understand. I would like to have a brand new experience. Getting away from home, train my mind to see things differently, make new friends and maybe...just maybe.. bring a girl home. One that won't be with me cause of the riches. Please mum and dad. Just this once. That's all i am asking from you." Robert pleaded to both his parents hoping to get a positive response.

"I still fail to understand why a boarding school. I mean, day schools are good, close to home, infinite freedom which you rarely use, i mean you can do almost anything you want. Why go to a confined environment?" Dr. Joseph said crossing his arms. "Make me understand."

"It might be good for him though. I was in a boarding school and it was hell but it made me a better woman and a good wife." His mom, Virginia, said. " Let's give him this one chance. If he wants a transfer, we will take him to a day school, no discussion. Besides dear, we can take that break we always wanted for a very very long time."

"Okay mum deal!!" He exclaimed before the discussion became any more weirder. I want to go to Gillian Academy. Its nice, secluded and i think you can call on your children at least three times a week."

"Start packing then. We will drop you off next week. Babe,arrange for a month cruise. I will take care of the administration and fees." Joseph said as he went to his office and his mom went to her office. He let out a sigh of relief as h went to the game room to play his games.


The following week, Robert woke up early and wore the school's uniform. He took his breakfast quickly and was greeted by his parents, who were wearing beach clothes. My dad in a green and red Hawaiian shirt with some white cargo pants and some sport shoes and my mom wore a white sundress with a matching white Fedora hat. "Keep your comments to yourself. Lets go we have a ship to catch." Robert just laughed and entered the car.

One hour later, he reached the gates of the Academy and they drove to the admissions. He bid farewell to his parents and proceeded to the allocated room. He reached the dorm and stood at the door for a minute, catching a breath. "Okay start of a new beginning." HE opened the door only to realize he was not the first in. He made his way to a bed by the corner and set his things there. He looked around and appreciated the decor of the room. 'Nice and cosy. I guess its each student with their own bed. Sweet.' He unpacked and placed his clothes at the closet and walked to the window to admire the view.

@Ninja Warrior
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Grant had been going to Gillian Academy for two years now. He hated the rules and many of the policies but he also didn't want to stay home so the academy had turned out to be something of a blessing. This would be his last year before he headed off to university. He walked up to his usual room, one of the teachers had told him his new roommate was here and he was excited to meet them.

Walking up the three flights of stairs to get to the third level he found room 326 and entered the room. On the far side of the room a boy stood looking through the window.

"Hey man," Grant called walking farther into the room. "I'm Grant I'm on of your roommates, this year."

Robert admired how the trees swayed back and forth against the gentle breeze. He was suddenly interrupted by someone walking into the room and shouting. He looked back and saw a really tall dude. Tall but athletic. HE moved from the window and stretched his hand. "Nice to meet you Grant. I am Robert. Just transferred here. I hope you don't mind, i already made myself at home."

"Not at all man, you're already neater than my last roommate, he was a total slob," Grant told Robert, shaking his hand. "I swear i walked in one time and he had dumped out my entire dresser because he was looking for his room key. I'm not a clean freak, or anything, I just prefer seeing the floor if you catch my drift."

Robert shook back and he couldn't help but laugh. 'I am not also a neat freak.Just like to arrange my stuff normally. Pleasure to officially meet you. Still trying to figure out is why he dumped your dresser looking for a key? And who keeps keys in dressers anyway? How do you even lock the room? Man i pity you with your last roommate. Must have been a mess living with him. Where did he go if i may ask?"

"Actually, I have no clue where he went. He disappeared last winter break," Grant said, he had never questioned when the administration told him that he would be getting a new roommate. He had just accepted it. "He probably dropped out because he missed home so much or something like that. Sadly, I was a bit mad at him at the time, he left me a HUGE mess to clean up."

Steph was throwing clothing from her duffle into the drawers in front of her. She wasn't too worried about having them unfolded, she figured they would become unfolded eventually anyway. She was in the process of throwing her jeans into the bottom drawer when there was a knock at the door. She walked over and opened the door outside the door stood a woman, taller than Steph by a few inches, but Steph noted that she was wearing heels that gave her that boost.

"Hello, can I help you?" She asked the woman.

"Yes, my name is Elise Winthrop. I am the headmistress of Gillian Academy, I've been making my way through to see all the new students," the woman said.

"Well, you've seen me. This angle good? I can spin around a few times," Steph said sarcastically, not really caring if she offended the headmistress.

"See, that is exactly why I'm here," Headmistress Winthrop said. "That charming attitude, you've been kicked out of your past three schools, all of which were very prestigious academies. You're grades are outstanding but you're behavior, less so."

"So, you're visiting the new students who have a record of being rule breakers? That's what you mean, right?" Steph asked the headmistress.

"What I mean is that, you should know that if any funny business happens at my school my first suspect is you," the headmistress said before walking away.

"Wonderful to meet you as well," Steph called down the hallway. "I really appreciate your sunshiney welcome, pretentious crazy lady." She whispered the last part, before walking back inside and closing the door.
"Hahaha iam so sorry about whatyour roomate did to you. I promise you will always see the floor. Besides i have knack for keeping to myself at all times so don't worry about privacy." HE took a stepbac and took the school bronchure. "Since i am new here, i will take the time to walk around the school and register for the lessons iwant to do. It was a pleasure to meet you. I wll catch you later."

"Sounds good man," Grant said. Walking over to his nightstand and grabbed a comic book from inside, then he flopped down on the bed and flipped to the first page. After a few minutes of reading about the adventures of Hawkeye and Jessica Jones he placed the comic on the table inside and walked out of the room. He was bored, he had finished his homework and he had some energy. He began to head down to the school gym.

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