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  1. \\Vita Nuova//

    When The Sun Stops Shinning

    Name - Marianne Morgernstern Age - 21 Appearance - Appearal - Personality - Marianne is, in every aspect, quite an average girl, nothing really out of the ordinary. She isn’t too kind or sociable, nor too harsh or a lone girl, she simply falls in between. Witty and sarcastic at...
  2. \\Vita Nuova//

    Tattered Pages [Inactive]

    Jocelyn threw a glance back from over her shoulder at Angelina's father. She knew very little about the family, but she knew there was no mother anymore. She found it very strange that he didn't have a second wife already. He was rich - which was important for most of the ladies out there -, had...
  3. \\Vita Nuova//

    'Don't force me to speak.'

    “Ah so you are the one who was in the way earlier..” Clarissa rolled her eyes. "It was you! You jerk!" She declared by sign language. Of course he wouldn't understand her, but she didn't have any paper with her at the moment. She didn't like this Mason. He was just like those people she had left...
  4. \\Vita Nuova//

    Tattered Pages [Inactive]

    While waiting for father and daughter to be done with their breakfast, Jocelyn sat on the chair by the window to admire the view before her. Ever since her first day in there, she had came to believe that the view of the window located on the drawing room was the most beautiful and certainly...
  5. \\Vita Nuova//

    'Don't force me to speak.'

    "Is something wrong, sweetheart?" Valentine asked while he glanced back at his daughter while him, his wife and Clarissa waited patiently for the front door to be opened. The redhead looked up at him before shaking her head. Of course there was something wrong! Her iPod's screen was broken. Must...
  6. \\Vita Nuova//

    They tell you they have WiFi at the hotel, but they forget to tell you they charge 40 euros...

    They tell you they have WiFi at the hotel, but they forget to tell you they charge 40 euros extra per hour ... Seriously? -.-
  7. \\Vita Nuova//

    Tattered Pages [Inactive]

    "As much as I'm feeling tempted to accept that offer, I would never dream to be the person who keeps father and daughter apart" Jocelyn declared, her greyish green eyes locked with the man's before her. He was an interesting man, a very, very interesting one indeed. She maintained his stare for...
  8. \\Vita Nuova//

    Tattered Pages [Inactive]

    "Most certainly" Jocelyn replied after the man gave her the usual bow every gentleman was supposed to perform whenever he met a lady. It wasn't like she judged him, though, because, as he had said, he was a business man, and business men surely had to deal with a lot of different people. Also...
  9. \\Vita Nuova//

    Tattered Pages [Inactive]

    Jocelyn had to stop a smile from creeping over her lips as she saw the father and daughter affectionate exchange. Needless to be said, her father had never been like that with any of his children. As she had said, he worried about his daughters and son, and tried to give them everything they...
  10. \\Vita Nuova//

    Tattered Pages [Inactive]

    Jocelyn would be lying if she didn't admit she was surprised by the man's behaviour. Judging by Laura's worry, she could've sworn he was one of those men who was extremely traditional and strict. But now, she discovered a man who teased and spoke to his servants by their first names. It was so...
  11. \\Vita Nuova//

    Tattered Pages [Inactive]

    Jocelyn, who had been taken aback, by the maid's attitude, followed her with her sight before her older figure disappeared inside the kitchen. She had expected for the staff to make a couple of preparations for Mr. Johnson's arrival, but didn't think it'd practically turn the house upside down...
  12. \\Vita Nuova//

    Tattered Pages [Inactive]

    Jocelyn woke up to the first ray of light that sneaked into her room and hurt her eyes mercilessly. She groaned, and, rolling to her side, she slowly sat up. Her blonde hair, with streaks of darker shades running trough it, fell right into her face like a bird's neat nest, but a nest...
  13. \\Vita Nuova//

    'Don't force me to speak.'

    Clarissa flashed her mother a grateful look before she turned around to put the first aid kit away. While she did so, the red haired girl looked back down to her hand. The bandaged stuck carefully to the palm of her hand, and the redness had been perfectly hidden beneath the white layers of...
  14. \\Vita Nuova//

    Serious RPers Needed (fandom and/or original!)

    I'm interested! c: I love Victorian Period, and would absolutely be up for an Rp set in that time ^^
  15. \\Vita Nuova//

    Rp idea over here! c:

    Cool! Shoot me a message please! c: Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  16. \\Vita Nuova//

    Rp idea over here! c:

    Hi everybody ^^ So this is something I posted a while back when I'd just seen a movie called "The Wedding Date" and I found the main plot as a rather interesting idea to an Rp ^^ Unfortunately, the Rp was dropped but I really would like to do this 'cause I quite liked it. Basically, I'm...
  17. \\Vita Nuova//

    'Don't force me to speak.'

    While using her hand to support her chin, the red haired girl swung her legs back and forth while seating on the dining room's chair. She was eyeing a magazine, quite absently so, and was only snapped out of it when her father spoke to her "What are you reading?" He asked her, and Clarissa...
  18. \\Vita Nuova//

    1 x 1 | Hetero | Real or anime images | Play both genders

    Hmm I find the Mute person x Childhood friend as well as the Best Friends quite interesting c: I'd love to Rp any of them with you :3
  19. \\Vita Nuova//

    *Sigh* So many books to read, so little time :c

    *Sigh* So many books to read, so little time :c
  20. \\Vita Nuova//

    Private with Vita Nuova [Inactive]

    It was pretty obvious that there were other people who were itching to go over and talk to the newcomer themselves. It could be guessed by the stares they dedicated him, the low chit-chat between one another as they pointed in his direction, and Jocelyn didn't know which was worse, for them to...