When The Sun Stops Shinning

Character sheet: (maximum of 3 characters)

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Mark Hudson/24

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Personality - He's veru strong and determined to stay alive and keep his sisters alive. He wouldn't let anyone hurt them, he's overprotective, but mostly nice.

Bio - it was just an ordinary family visit from the big city of New York. He had been in town for one day when everything happened. His parents hadn't survived, but he'll keep hkm and his sisters alive.

Family alive - Kallie and Eva Hudson his sisters.

Eva Hudson/22

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Personality - She's very smart and bubbly, but she has that will to survive. Her parents death had weakened her but her brother and sister are the only people keeping her alive.

Bio- her second year of college, the best year, had gonento shit because of this. She had only been visiting her fsmily for the Christmas holiday when everything happened.

Family alive - Mark and Kallie Hudson.

Kallie Hudson/15

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Personality - She's sad, just like every other child who have lost their parents are. She's barely spoken a word since they found their parents dead.

Bio - She was just a regular student. She was so excited for her siblings returning, but then the world froze over.

Family alive - Mark and Eva Hudson
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Name - Astrid Morgan

Age - 21

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.3bfaa0b3aa164e678d2312421c36eb1b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33868" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.3bfaa0b3aa164e678d2312421c36eb1b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.eebedb406a38a63cf62fe93965fa2f90.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33869" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.eebedb406a38a63cf62fe93965fa2f90.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality - Astrid is generally pretty quiet and passive. She rarely speaks and dislikes dealing with people. Astrid tends to be selfish and is bad at relating with others. She previously struggled with depression.

Bio - Astrid was raised in a small town on the Canadian side near the US-Canada border. She became a nomad after things got bad and began moving South in search of supplies.

Family alive - None

Other- None



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Name - Marianne Morgernstern

Age - 21

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Personality - Marianne is, in every aspect, quite an average girl, nothing really out of the ordinary. She isn’t too kind or sociable, nor too harsh or a lone girl, she simply falls in between. Witty and sarcastic at times, but only with those she feels she is close enough, she is someone who will try her best for something she truly wants, if not, she can easily not even finish things she has started. Half-hearted, some can describe her like that. However, for things she really likes she is extremely passionate, and for those she holds dear she can even sacrifice herself for their sake.

Bio - Having been born in London to a young english couple who quarrelled a lot, Marianne’s household wasn’t a hell but it wasn’t paradise either. Her parents tried to be good to her, to shower her with all the love they could muster, but their constant fights didn't precisely create the best of environments for a little girl. No matter, her parents remained together, in a loveless marriage, in which yet another girl was conceived, 8 years Marianne’s minor. Marianne tried her best in being a good older sister, but they were separated when her little sister turned 7 once their parents finally decided to get a divorce. Marianne stayed behind with her dad and her mother took her little sister to the States with her.

Due to some economical problems, Marianne wasn’t able to see her sister again due to the fact that she couldn’t afford any plane tickets. However, when she turned 21, her aunt bought two tickets for her and her cousin to travel to the USA. She had barely spent a day there when it happened.

Family alive - Her cousin, Thomas, and her little sister, Naomi.

Other - She smokes when she is really nervous or feels as if she needs to calm down. Also, she managed to keep her guitar despite the situation.

Name - Naomi Morgernstern

Age - 13

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Personality - Naomi is your typical young girl who is going through her rebellious stage due to the fact that she’s going through puberty. She can be obnoxious and rude, though with those she doesn’t know, she can be extremely shy too. Despite it all, she is a sweet but somewhat lonely girl that is simply going through a difficult time, even more so now that she lost her mom the day the sun didn’t raise and she’s really scared.

Bio - Naomi had a hard time when she had to part ways with her older sister and father, which she didn’t want. The years that followed her mother struggled to find a job, and once she got one she was barely at home, which wasn’t something Naomi liked. However, her mom was caring towards her, and Naomi grew extremely close to her even though she didn’t get to spend time together that much. She got used to the situation, but puberty did hit her, and she began to be moody and try to do everything her group of friends asked for, which kinda got her in a situation where she could easily be manipulated and used.

When she found out she was going to see her older sister again she was happy at first, but then felt resentment towards her because she had not seen her even once and they rarely spoken anymore.

Family alive - Older sister and cousin.

Other - She adores to read.

Name - Thomas Fairfax

Age - 21

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Personality - Thomas is a really nice guy, that won’t hesitate to help those who ask for help or seem to need it. However, get on his bad side, and you will wish to have never met him. Sometimes, he can be quite quiet and keep to himself, but get him to talk and he can easily engage in a conversation if he likes it or, at least, out of politeness.

Bio - Thomas is english too and he grew up in a normal, loving family. He and Marianne were extremely close while growing up due to the fact that they were the same age.

Family alive - His two cousins.

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